Daily Check In (2): How many calories today?

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  • Oh....my...I don't know....I purchased some khlas mlaki dates and ate about 20 of them. Late tonight. (yum dilly yum dilly yum yum) I don't really know how many calories that would, be so I estimated 1050 (I know!). So a whopping total of 1650 today.

    But I also bought more grapes and apples so I can have carbs during the day and avoid this craze to graze at night.

    (boy! my tummy is rumbling!) Dreading tomorrow's weigh-in.
  • Obviously you didn't have enough during the day so you were hungry for those dates SeeMyFeet. When I have a big eat, my cals come in at 2000+ so don't worry about it lol

    Today 924, but I'm going to say 1000 to be safe. I don't have the actual count on pumpkin bread I ate so I tried to overestimate.
  • It seems like I've been eating all day, but calories came up to only 830. I left those dates alone, but they're staring at me. And whistling.

    Oh Skinnygirl, good job in closing down the kitchen in the early evening! That's my downfall.

    Ugh. It's late and I need to drink some water. Feeling dehydrated. Need to drink more during the day. (water, that is)
  • SeeMyFeet I love it when I eat all day and have a low calorie day. Can you have a couple dates and leave it at that or is it a trigger food and you'll just keep eating them? At night I try to drink teas and water. I too need more water during the day. It never seems enough.
  • Dates: Not so much a trigger food. More like they want to be eaten. And I'm their Wish-Granting Fairy.

    (Actually, I rarely purchase them.) I had three tonight. 210 calories. Not worth it! yes it is! No it's not! Ye....

    I'm giving up green tea at night. I think it's contributing to dehydration or something and giving me headaches. Lime water w/ a coupla scrunched-up blueberries.

    1022 calories today. Ended up having a glass of choc milk last night. Hope I can stay away tonight!
  • 1398 tonight. Not quite what i wanted but I ate dinner before the gym and then ate again after the gym. Better tomorrow.
  • Well....AmethysJean.....you need your strength!!

    Opposite problem for me. I had time for only 700 calories. I got home from work late, and I should have a few more calories. I really have to think and plan first so I don't overdo now and regret later.
  • Joining back in after walling off the wagon from Thanksgiving

  • I'm going to say 1200 today.
  • 1132 for me today. Grumpy and should have had a cheat day. Instead, I hope to sleep.

    Oh and Dottington! We stopped the horses for you. Hop back on!
  • SeeMyFeet-Thanks! Nice to "see" you again

    Yesterday was my birthday. I didn't have any cake but did go out for lunch. Calories were around maintenance with exercise factored in. 1958.

    Will post today's total after dinner. Aiming for 1400ish.
  • 1435 today
  • 1205 today. I need a drastic change, but cannot figure out a different meal plan that will make me feel like I'm cheating, but not accumulate calories. Hmmm....tasty and 0 calories per gallon.....hmmm.....
  • 1205 is good SeeMyFeet!
  • 1360 today.