Indians on IP

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  • Quote: how does one measure cooked lentil i wonder!! there is water in it. maybe cook it till all water dries!! and den measure it? just wondering out loud.
    If you can make it not too soupy, you can probably measure 170g/ml in your measuring cup instead of 150. 150 would be for cooked whole/mashed beans/legumes without a lot of juices. That's how I would do it anyhow, but I don't like really soupy daal myself. You could also try capturing the juices after dumping in a fine sieve just to see what the difference would be.
  • Quote: If you can make it not too soupy, you can probably measure 170g/ml in your measuring cup instead of 150. 150 would be for cooked whole/mashed beans/legumes without a lot of juices. That's how I would do it anyhow, but I don't like really soupy daal myself. You could also try capturing the juices after dumping in a fine sieve just to see what the difference would be.
    home cooked daals it is then so dat i can measure properly In retrospect, that was a very silly question. I must be melting neurons with fat
    Thanks for answering without LOL Liana!! you are the best!!
  • Wondering if there are any indians still doing IP. Being indian I miss all my comfort food. Would love to hear any good indian recipes that has worked
  • I have used ghee for olive oil replacement. Just think about the spiced up cauliflower. Cooking onions and tomatoes down to a flavourful sauce for anything with the correct spices. The no-no's right now are the beans/legumes and the yogourt ingredients UNLESS you are on the Alternative P1 for diabetics. There's lots of yummy food out there yet. Even if it isn't a traditional dish, try using your favorite spice mixes with IP approved veggies. Zucchini will always work in almost anything as will cauliflower.
    Just no chapatti, naan, bhajias, samosas - you know all the deep fried stuff and breads.

    Get creative and add to the recipes on the Daily Chat recipe link. I'm looking forward to checking some of them out.

  • Quote: Wondering if there are any indians still doing IP. Being indian I miss all my comfort food. Would love to hear any good indian recipes that has worked
    I love East Indian food - my ex-husband was from the UK so he introduced me to it! I've made this recipe quite a few times, with cauliflower rice:

    Now...I think I need to make it again
  • Easy Crockpot Chicken Curry
    Welcome chipper. I use my Indian spices with just about any vegetable imaginable -- use a little olive or grape seed oil to heat up cumin and mustard seeds, then add veggies and other ground spices as desired.

    Also, a very easy crockpot chicken curry has become a weekly staple in our home. The first time I tried it, it was meant to be just for me, but the rest of my family wanted it too! Now I plan ahead and make enough for all of us I don't use any oil or tomatoes for it. Just toss all of the following in the crockpot at the same time and let cook: bite-sized chunks of chicken breast, small amount of chopped onion, diced red bell peppers, garlic, ginger, salt, and whatever other spices you want (curry powder, cumin, cayenne, garam masala, turmeric, etc.). Then splash some chicken broth over all that (I use about one cup for 1 lb. chicken, but obviously this can vary). Let cook (stir occasionally) and enjoy later topped with chopped cilantro and onions and with cauliflower "rice" or by itself! I consider this 100% OP, even though some onions are cooked in the curry (they don't caramelize, so I think that's OK).
  • Quote: Welcome chipper. I use my Indian spices with just about any vegetable imaginable -- use a little olive or grape seed oil to heat up cumin and mustard seeds, then add veggies and other ground spices as desired.

    Also, a very easy crockpot chicken curry has become a weekly staple in our home. The first time I tried it, it was meant to be just for me, but the rest of my family wanted it too! Now I plan ahead and make enough for all of us I don't use any oil or tomatoes for it. Just toss all of the following in the crockpot at the same time and let cook: bite-sized chunks of chicken breast, small amount of chopped onion, diced red bell peppers, garlic, ginger, salt, and whatever other spices you want (curry powder, cumin, cayenne, garam masala, turmeric, etc.). Then splash some chicken broth over all that (I use about one cup for 1 lb. chicken, but obviously this can vary). Let cook (stir occasionally) and enjoy later topped with chopped cilantro and onions and with cauliflower "rice" or by itself! I consider this 100% OP, even though some onions are cooked in the curry (they don't caramelize, so I think that's OK).
    That sounds SOOO good! I have a pork roast in the crockpot today, but I am DEFINITELY picking up some chicken to make this tomorrow! It would be really good with Thai zucchini noodles (when you are sauteeing your zuke noodles, add a Tbsp of walden farms peanut spread that's been mixed with some ginger and a splash or two of Braggs Aminos pad thai sauce!).
  • scorbett -- getting a "noodler" today or tomorrow -- can't to try your Thai idea!
  • Wow....thai zucchini noodles...can someone please post a recipe of that or a link? that sounds so yummy.

    I am a 36 year old mom of two, from Andhra Pradesh ( though me and my husband love and cook all types of indian cuisines). Started IP from 25th December 2014. Going good, but do miss the raitas and pickles and upmas/dosas etc. Got some more masalas to usually crockpot the veggies with them or stir fry.
    Am a vegetarian, so cannot try any meat options but am using eggs or tofu for my evening protein.

    Very happy to see this thread, looking forward for some desi recipes that can go on the diet. On the note of common genetics in desi women , would appreciate any tips or advice to lose weight and not put it back on after the diet is done.
  • Quote: It would be really good with Thai zucchini noodles (when you are sauteeing your zuke noodles, add a Tbsp of walden farms peanut spread that's been mixed with some ginger and a splash or two of Braggs Aminos pad thai sauce!).
    That sounds DELISH!!! Already have some WF PS......just did a search for Pad Thai sauce and saw I can get some at the Vitamin Shoppe!!!
    Hoping to get out today so I can enjoy this recipe over the weekend!!!

  • Quote: Wow....thai zucchini noodles...can someone please post a recipe of that or a link? that sounds so yummy.

    I am a 36 year old mom of two, from Andhra Pradesh ( though me and my husband love and cook all types of indian cuisines). Started IP from 25th December 2014. Going good, but do miss the raitas and pickles and upmas/dosas etc. Got some more masalas to usually crockpot the veggies with them or stir fry.
    Am a vegetarian, so cannot try any meat options but am using eggs or tofu for my evening protein.
    BlueFish -- Have you tried playing around with grated cauliflower? Do some searches on here for recipes on how to make something like a cauliflower fried "rice" -- you can use that as a base and make it taste like upma. Also, the cauliflower "tortillas" or pancakes that you can make can taste like sort of like dosas or uttapams with the right ingredients.

    This must be difficult to do as a vegetarian. My veg mother really wants to try IP, but she doesn't even eat eggs, so I don't think it's a great option for her, unfortunately. Good luck to you!

    disgal and scorbett -- Got my "noodler" and now just need to get my hands on the WF peanut spread!
  • Hi BlueFish,

    I made saag tofu and saag chicken this week and they came out pretty good. I blended some (like 2 oz appprox) tofu while blending the spinach for adding some depth to sub for the malai/cream and then used up 4 oz of chicken to make up the rest of the protein requirement. Just make sure to add copius amounts of ginger, garlic , cilantro and tomato and you get a pretty decent IP compliant saag chicken/tofu. I also added some oyster mushrooms to the gravy as I needed to get my veg portion in and dint want to eat another salad- frankly it dint add much to the curry. Next time I would just make saag tofu and eat with cauliflower rice. Yum!
    Good luck on your journey. All that lovely dosas/rice/naan will be waiting for us on the other side when we are done with the program. We can do it!!!!!!!!!

    I love this forum and the tips and tricks that folks post are what gets me motivated to get through this. Best of luck
  • Quote: I'm vegetarian and my doc said I'm not getting enough protein and recommended Indian food, especially lentils. I am curious as to how to do this on IP . Background -- I successfully lost 80 lbs with IP using the alternate methods and then gained back 20. I'd like to lose that again but really need to be more careful about protein. I am also trying to be as "whole" foods as possible and rely less on the packaged stuff although it is very helpful for snacks or quick hits. I'm looking for Phase 1 and 2 compatible Indian recipes. Many thanks!
    If you are vegetarian and NOT vegan... you can use eggs, seitan as in your name, Quorn, and tofu OR you can do Alternative (diabetic style) P1 & 2 which includes low fat dairy, and beans or lentils. Try to read back a bit in this thread for some ideas and here's a couple of helpful sites for more recipe possibilities although they may need to be IP tweaked.

    I also like to use organic and gluten free "Explore Asian" black bean or soybean pastas. For a decent size serving you get 15g protein and only 5 carbs, and they are quite yummy. Here's their website with more info:

  • Bumping to the top of the pages for the Vegetarians among us!! Welcome to IP!
  • BTW, edamame is measured for Nutrition Facts in 1/2 c portions weighed as 74 grams. So 150g on your IP sheet would be a cup by weight. Other beans are heavier so probably less in your measuring cup.
