What's your next Mini Goal/Milestone?

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  • My is to be below 217 which would be a new all time low for me!
  • Quote: By valentine's day, I'll never be obese again!
    I LOVE this. This sounds fantastic. I want to never be obese again by the first day of summer, I think.
  • My first mini-goal is to lose the 30 pounds I gained between Thanksgiving and Christmas -- I'm half way there!

    My second mini-goal is to then lose another 20 to get down to the weight I was when I moved here 7 years ago.

    With as much weight as I want to lose, I'll be rewarding myself lots and lots as I meet these mini-goals.
  • right now, it's seeing a .2 drop on the scale to get into the 240s. Then 245 was a random goal I picked for Valentine's Day but I just crunched numbers and I really want it to be 244, which would be 5%. So hopefully by Valentine's Day but whenever, that will be a nice milestone to hit.
  • My next goal is to get to 181. When I first started gaining weight I got up to 212 before I really tried to do something about it. I managed to lose 31 pounds before I gained it all back and kept on gaining. So passing 181 will feel like overcoming a hurdle I didn't accomplish in 2005.
  • my mini-goal is to get to 179, which would put me in the "overweight" bmi, vs the obese.

    so 18 pounds, and I'm hoping to lose them by spring break
  • I'm 244.6 today. My first goal is to get out of the 240's. I hope to do it by the end of the first week in February. My second goal is to get back to 230, which is where I was before I gained back 20 pounds of the 40 I lost. I hope to do it by mid March. My third goal is to lose 35 pounds by the end of The Biggest Loser, which should be in late April. I've already lost 6.4.
  • My next actual goal is 261, which is a loss of 10% of my starting weight. I am also looking with anticipation towards getting under 40 inches in the waist. I was at 49 when I started... I'm now at 44.