Ignorant people shouldn't come out of their houses....(aka, keep your mouth shut!)

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  • Haha! Good.

    Yeah, you can't control what other people say, you can only control how you feel about it.

    I would never think I had the right to tell anyone what to eat. If people ask what I'm doing, I tell them, but other than that, it's none of my biz.
  • Yesterday I ate about 4 plates of food at a chinese buffet and then I got iced sugar cookies at the grocery store. Obviously I did not lose all the weight I have lost so far doing that, so obviously it's not my norm, but I am sick and on steroids and felt like it yesterday. You know what? I feel no guilt and I might even have more cookies today. If anyone had said anything to be about going to the buffet or buying cookies it would have been on! Do I think it is ok for someone to eat that way all the time? No, but I also can't control what they do. Do I think it is anyone's right to assume that because they see someone get junk once that is how the person eats all the time and so they get to spout off at the mouth to the person about their choices? **** no! My mouth, my food, my choice. I am frequently disappointed that there are people in the world rude enough to act that way. I am several levels beyond disappointed that there are people on 3FC who would be so rude and ignorant. Congrats to those of you who are able to come back at these people with at least a little of what they deserve, and to those who can't - keep workin on it.
  • OP, that was a great response to that lady. I would have probably just been a deer in headlights or give a nervous chuckle. Way to go.
  • Quote: When people who are overweight have increased health problems, it becomes my business because it makes my health insurance premiums higher. I took care of my weight problem without candy and desserts by have fruit instead.
    Your theory fails on so many horrid levels. I'm morbidly obese yet in fantastic health. Don't let this fool you. The shock on my ankles from my fat butt from walking when not used to it leaves Tylenol to be desired. The extent of my illness is a slight sinus/chest cold thanks to my son (who got it from my mother, who got it from my brother, who got it from school; stupid stupid vicious circles). Prior to that, the flu (the real flu, not what everybody likes calling the flu) about 6 months ago. And prior to THAT, I hadn't been sick in APPROXIMATELY 5 years.

    But let me tell you about my aunt. She weighs just under her 'ideal' body weight. She's NEVER been overweight, even when pregnant! She works out 3-5x/wk and eats pretty darn healthy. But.. She has LOADS of health issues.

    So in all reality, two people, related. And the fat one is WAY healthier than the thin one.

    So put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  • I agree with the thought that that lady was out of line. I'm happy for her that she has so few worries and concerns in her life that she can concentrate to comment on the snack of an almost complete stranger.

    I'm in the US, not Canada, we have a huge sit-in protest movement a few miles from where I live. My income has dropped, expenses have grown, I have my career, bf's career, family members and all their issues, my own health and weight loss. There's been a rash of groping attacks in my and the neighboring areas.


    I thought this was a support forum. Why the bleep do we want to make people feel more anxious and upset and take away from their focus on staying healthy and losing weight? It's tough enough as it is.
  • Quote: ..... When I want input, I will ask for it...
    Actually it goes w/o saying when you post a thread here that "input"... like it or not...is gonna happen.

    Quote: l..... I'm morbidly obese yet in fantastic health. Don't let this fool you.....

    So put that in your pipe and smoke it.
    You are new here but as someone that has been here over 10 years as a support to some and a P.I.T.A. to others let me just say I have seen and heard that from others...only to see their health change drastically in the following years. Please don't let your health today fool you.

    Don't mind if I do!
  • Quote: Actually it goes w/o saying when you post a thread here that "input"... like it or not...is gonna happen.
    I totally like and respect you, Gary, but input, to my mind, is different from posting something that one knows is going to be upsetting (needlessly).

    with that said, I'm off to the gym
  • Wow, I'm rather shocked by some of these responses! LoriBell and QuilterinVA, shame on you! This is not meant to be a place to pass judgement on others. Your attitudes are not winning you high marks here. OP was venting about a situation that happened to her in which someone was very rude, not asking for your opinions on her dieting choices. I think both of you need to back off. I sure as **** hope that people were more supportive when you were in the process of losing all that weight. Passing judgements on other people's choices only makes people feel bad: that is not why people come here. We come here to get support, and to lend a sympathetic ear.

    I'm incredibly shocked at Quilter's post. For your information, I don't even have health insurance, but I haven't needed any in the last 6 years at least. I never get ill, aside from a rare sniffle, and I know plenty of skinny people that eat up loads of health insurance resources. What an awful thing for you to say. I wish you had learned some manners from your years of suffering with your weight.

    Jeez people, this is ridiculous. Let's all try to remember to be supportive, not condemning, because that's the reason that people come to this site. And let's ALL try to remember where we came from, especially the next time you feel the need to make an ignorant or rude remark.

    OP-no worries. Continue to do what you feel is the best for yourself-no one can tell you what's better for your life.
  • [QUOTE=EZMONEY;4080960]Actually it goes w/o saying when you post a thread here that "input"... like it or not...is gonna happen.

    Perhaps you should read the "Support Policy - Agree to Disagree" sticky thread: "If you wish to support another member, please answer questions in a factual, friendly manner to the best of your ability, but do not argue or critique other’s choices or plans unless specifically requested to do so. Please do not undermine or debate what other members have chosen to do. This is a support forum, not a forum for debate." You and several other people in this thread have blatantly disregarded that policy.

    It's nice that you've been here for 10 years or whatever, but that doesn't change the fact that I did not ask you, or anyone else on this board, for advice or criticism regarding what I choose to eat. No one here knows me outside of what I post here, so your unwarranted criticisms are not wanted, nor are they needed. I am doing perfectly fine with my weight loss journey, thank you very much.

    You are new here but as someone that has been here over 10 years as a support to some and a P.I.T.A. to others let me just say I have seen and heard that from others...only to see their health change drastically in the following years. Please don't let your health today fool you.

    Again, you know nothing of my health, either today or in the past, and you don't *need* to know, because it's none of your business. I highly resent the implication that, what, I'm too stupid to know that present choices affect future health? WHY DO YOU THINK I DECIDED TO LOSE WEIGHT? I don't enjoy being condescended to, so please don't do it.

    I did not write this post so that people could make judgments of me, but apparently some people are feeling free to do so. Luckily the opinions of perfect strangers don't mean anything to me, but the level of rudeness being displayed in this thread so astounds me that I cannot stop myself from commenting on it.
  • I'm sorry about the woman in the store and sorry to see some of these replies.

    Maybe it's because I'm in Canada too, but I knew immediately what those mini eggs you spoke of were, and they ain't gonna break the calorie bank.
  • SNOOFIE in your reply you said you did not ask for input from a fellow poster... in my response to that all I said was that when you post here you will get "input"...whether you like it or not....that's what WE do here...we input...

    and the other part of the post put up, about health, had absolutely nothing what so ever to do with your post.

    Maybe you should go back and check before jumping all over me

    DRAGONWOMAN My dear friend my reply was not in any way directed to your post either...and I never think it is right to intentionally hurt someone although it does happen here...sometimes the 'truth" to certain posts does hurt...and not everyone here is diplomatic about it...and sometimes...PROOF here on this post....

    mistakes of actual who/what/where and whys are made
  • Why is it that so many people here will use or to smooth over the fact that what they're saying is actually quite rude? Is that supposed to make it ok for you to say whatever you want, regardless of it's level of politeness?

    Here, let me try it and see if it works: "Fat people are all disgusting and shouldn't be allowed to eat anything except fruits and vegetables because they are too fat to have any sort of joy in their lives."......NOPE, still offensive.

    I do agree that when you post on the forums, you're basically inviting input from everyone, and that you have to be ready to accept what comes out of it, but it's still not an excuse to be overtly mean or rude, or to condone overt rudeness or meanness. We're all humans with feelings here, let's act like it.
  • Quote: SNOOFIE in your reply you said you did not ask for input from a fellow poster... in my response to that all I said was that when you post here you will get "input"...whether you like it or not....that's what WE do here...we input...

    and the other part of the post put up, about health, had absolutely nothing what so ever to do with your post.

    Maybe you should go back and check before jumping all over me
    My reply to you was not "jumping all over you." Believe me, if I wanted to jump all over you, I could have been much less polite.

    The fact remains that I *asked* for no one's input here. I didn't. And regardless of whether you believe that by the very action of posting a thread on this forum, I should accept any and all "input" I receive, the fact remains that more than one person in this thread has blatantly disregarded the rules of this forum.

    As for the bit about health not being about me, I realize that now, and I apologize for taking it to be directed at me. That, however, does not change the fact that the other poster you quoted didn't ask for your input in that instance either, so my point still stands.

    Bottom line here? You are out of line. I didn't ASK for your input. And without my asking for it, you have no right to act all offended when I tell you exactly what I think of said input.

    I highly suggest that you re-read the "Agree to Disagree" thread. You've obviously forgotten what it contains, no matter how long you've been here.

    I shall be blocking you now, as I have no further desire to interact with you. Have a nice day.
  • Quote: ..... Have a nice day.
    Why thank you and you do the same
  • I'm very sorry that this thread has gone so far south The OP was upset about an inappropriate opinion blurted to her in a store and she ended up getting the same here. Most of the opinions were very good but as in the real world, it doesn't take much to turn the whole convo sour.

    I'm going to close this thread and hope that everyone will remember that we are here to offer positive support and hope that the uplifting community spirit which we are accustomed to will continue in other threads.
