What is the worst thing you have ever put into your body?

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  • when i was 12, i won a statue made entirely out of sugar. it was about the size of a barbie. i ate the whole thing in one sitting. i think its where my battle with food really started.....
  • I can't remember the worst, but the Good Times chain in Colorado is my favourite fast food place of all time and the burger I always get is the Big Daddy Bacon Cheeseburger:

    Sooo delicious but sooo bad for me! At least it's local produce o_O. They have the best fries and amazing milkshakes too, so good!

    But I think one of my worse moments was when I was 17 and I dipped a Mars bar into a mug of hot chocolate. That was pretty disgusting.
  • Deep fried Oreos and deep fried Twinkies from Mermaids Casino in downtown Las Vegas. Absolutely the MOST disgusting thing I've ever eaten. DH and I had never had it and our friends traveling with us insisted they were amazing. GROSS!!!!!! DH & I split both and didn't take more than one bite of each.
  • hmmm...pancakes made with lots of oil in the frying pan...makes a really greasy pancake..i dont know why i thought that was good when i was a kid..
  • Does a fifth and half of vodka count? Then stupidly taking my ambien like normal? I'm lucky I didn't drown in the vomit I woke up to find. *Shiver*

    Food wise - Anything fried that either of my parents made. It was always greasy/slimy/rubbery and I was always forced to finish my plate. Yuck!
  • Wheat, corn, all the bags of chips I ate from ages 15 to 48, all the pints of ice cream I scarfed down, sugar, hydrogenated fats, processed foods, fast food, ground flax (hurts me internally for some reason), anything with gluten.
  • another thing i forgot to mention, black pudding. it's made from pig fat, barley, spices, and the main ingredient is pigs blood. this is shaped into rounds, sliced then fried, usually eaten in a 'fry up', another lovely thing we have here!
  • I wish I knew the name of what ever made me so sick. At my old job we got free lunches, they weren't so bad most of the time they would bring something and have an alternative like a salad. But one day they brought indian food from a restaurant they've never ordered from before. Don't get me wrong, some indian food is delishh, but that time... I don't even know, it might of been rotten or old or anything but I puked my brains out I had to go home and when everything came out of me I was still throwing up stomach acid. SO gross.
  • Two ex-husbands!
  • I've been seeing this thread title and thinking "my ex" every time. I'm glad it's not just me!
  • too funny about the ex husband remark,that was awesome! lol
    Mine would be a 3 Kings shot...that was horrific
    its a combo of Johnny,Jack and Jim = ugly lol
  • A Baconator from Wendy's. Heart attack on a bun!
  • Scotch eggs - hard-boiled egg coated in sausage and deep-fried. Tastes great but it is just a diet disaster.
  • Um the grosest was today.. a saltwater flush..

    2 litres of warm water with 2tbsp pure un-iodized salt and a squeeze of lime juice..
    I have never tasted something so disgusting before in my life until today..it made me want to wretch..nothing like sour and salty together in a drink...ewwww
  • hotdogs!!