IP Daily Chat - Wed. 19 Jan. 2011

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  • Quote: .. Made it to weigh-in today despite the icy mess outside......

    Week #8...down 4lbs !! YAY !!! I have revised my 'goal' wt now that I have hit my 1st goal !!
    I got measured as well, and although I forget all the numbers, I have evenly lost inches everywhere !!

    Congrads on all the great losses and NSV's !!! HAVE A GREAT DAY !!!!
    That is awesome! Im new to IP, and was wondering do you eat the same food everyday, or do you switch it up? thanks for the help
  • Quote: Ha ha, I didn't want to sound terrified but I guess I did. Thanks, I was so hungry!! I got some turkey and mixed it with my salad.

    Tomorrow WI#3
    I always have my protein (usually chicken) at lunch time with my salad and veges. But I also work part-time in the evening 5 days a week. It's easier to eat the checken here rather than there. I try to keep a couple of extra packets in my bag so that I have something, just in case I forget to bring lunch or whatever. I guess it's a security blanket of sorts....
  • Hello everyone. Just want to congratulate all the losses and NSV that everyone is having!! Keep up the great work!!

    I am on day 20 and feelin' goooood!!!! Yesterday I was peeing every 10 mins, maybe I had a whoosh or something. WI#3 is on Friday. I refuse to get on the scale anymore then once a week.

    Have a great day!!
  • Quote: Hello. This sounds interesting. After you made this mock pesto, is this what you would as the "stuffing"? Did you pound the chicken breasts to be a little thinner before stuffing them?
    I pounded out the chicken breast thin - add a pinch of truffle sea salt and pepper to each - spread on the pesto mixture and added a bit more whole leaf spinach, fresh basil and mushrooms - I baked them for about 20 minutes (I pound them out thin and don't roll them tight) In the meantime I soaked some dried porcini mushrooms in warm water. As I was waiting for the chicken to finish I sauteed the rehydrated porcini mushrooms along with some additional mushrooms - when the chicken was finished and resting I deglazed the baking pan with the mushroom juice (from the now re-hydrated porcinis)and added it to sauteed mushrooms - to thicken the mushroom sauce I added pureed roast turnips. I spooned the mushroom sauce over the chicken breasts and sprinkled them with a few of the BBQ soy nuts that I pounded into crumbs (like a bread crumb crust only IP friendly - and I only used 20 nuts for 3 portions) It was delicious and most importantly it was satisfying - I find I want to snack less at night if I eat a satisfying dinner.

    I thought about posting some of these recipes in the recipe thread but I find that sometimes a bit overwhelming
  • WI#18, lost 2.2 for a total of 39.2.

    I now weigh what I did when I got pregnant for my 1st child who will be 13 next month.

    Edited to correct wrong WI#. 18 not 14.
  • Quote: WI#14, lost 2.2 for a total of 39.2.

    I now weigh what I did when I got pregnant for my 1st child who will be 13 next month.

  • Quote: WI#14, lost 2.2 for a total of 39.2.

    I now weigh what I did when I got pregnant for my 1st child who will be 13 next month.
    omg!!!!!!!! congrats
  • I was wondering, where do you get the motivation to do the diet?
    Is it a before picture, a future vacation, health issues, because you want to feel good about yourself?!

    I try to imagine myself thin and it works! But I think I need more than just that to keep me going...not that I want to quit or anything because I would ***hate*** myself for SURE.

    So what helps you keep on going everyday and choosing certain things over something else???
  • Quote: I was wondering, where do you get the motivation to do the diet?
    Is it a before picture, a future vacation, health issues, because you want to feel good about yourself?!

    I try to imagine myself thin and it works! But I think I need more than just that to keep me going...not that I want to quit or anything because I would ***hate*** myself for SURE.

    So what helps you keep on going everyday and choosing certain things over something else???
    hmmm different for everyone I think. for ME its knowing the health status of my father, diabetes, high BP etc.......... and seeing all those smaller sized dresses hanging in my closet... NOT wanting to burst into tears when the ONLY store I could shop in was the 'chubby girls store'....... and by passing Le Chateau !!!!!!! NOW i shop in Le Chateau!!!! VICTORY !!!!!!. NOW I wear 'jeggings' with knee high boots.......... i would never EVER before.... NOW I dont totally avoid mirrors........
  • Quote: I was just told from a friend who is taking 'IP coach training"....... NO snacking inbetween meals... after the first couple of weeks.
    I am at 5.5 mths into this..........and we have discussed a lot about hunger and cravings.... mine was the dreaded peanut butter... STOPPED that.

    so i asked the question here re: egg whites... the mix i use is 0/0/1. 30 calories.

    I eat at like 0630 - 7am in the morning (IP product) so by 10 or 1030 I am hungry! so have started to take the egg whites. NOW i am told that its wrong!
    Different coaches give different information.

    What does your coach -- not your friend in training -- say about this?

    My take (for what it's worth )
    It's not as if you're loading up at the nearest bakery for the flour-sugar-fat 'splosion/treat. If 30 calories of lean protein at 10:30 am help you follow the program the rest of the day, I say
    "DO IT!"

    IMO it's ideal to comply with the principles and the specifics of the program. If you have to choose between strong hunger and compliance with the whole program, your hunger will win out. You will eat, it's the design of the human body. Better to have something that's "coloring outside the lines a little" than going "off the page!"

    Another perspective:
    Egg whites or another package MAY slow down your weight loss **A LITTLE**.
    Getting hungry and carb-ing it up DEFINITELY WILL slow your weight loss.
    Getting hungry and not eating in response to it is a virtual GUARANTEE to affect your metabolism negatively.
  • Quote: I am happy to report that I made it thru day 1 of my IP journey. Did have a headache last night so I did the salt water thing and went to bed. This morning I feel pretty good so far and am still on track!! It is such a motivation boost to read this forum every morning!! Thank you everyone!!
    Wooo Hooo! Hope day two goes well for you also

    Quote: I can scan in the sheet and upload it tonight when i get home. i have done a little writting on it.. i pust asrisks next to the "allowable" vegetables and the carb range for the day on the top so it's a bit messy.
    I had 2 of the jello packets in my "starter kit" and BOTH TIMES they didn't set up. I mentioned it to my coach and she said too much water....maybe not long enough in the fridge too. i think it's like 2 hrs or something. so make it before dinner then it should be done by the time you are to be having your snack...that is, with the right amount of water i am guessing.
    Thank you Amber! Also I was thinking about this.....is that 20-25 carbs a day including the packets or is that just the vegetables? I read another IP Forum and one of the ladies on there mentioned that her coach also said 20-25 a day.

    I will for sure have to put my Jello in much much earlier.
  • Quote: Oh no!! I was doing so well!!! I just realized I forgot my IP Lunch Packet in the kitchen this morning!! What do you guys think I should do for lunch? Should I eat some other protein( Chicken, Fish, Meat), or should I stick with just the big salad and veggies?
    I am so hungry and I don't want to go buy some other food that will make me loose focus.
    I would add a meat protein for sure. i keep a can of tuna and serveral extra pp packs in my desk drawer for emergencies. have one in the glove box of car too!
  • Quote: WI#14, lost 2.2 for a total of 39.2.

    I now weigh what I did when I got pregnant for my 1st child who will be 13 next month.
    Congrats!!!! That's a great feeling!!!
  • Quote: Hello everyone. Just want to congratulate all the losses and NSV that everyone is having!! Keep up the great work!!

    I am on day 20 and feelin' goooood!!!! Yesterday I was peeing every 10 mins, maybe I had a whoosh or something. WI#3 is on Friday. I refuse to get on the scale anymore then once a week.

    Have a great day!!
    Hi Jupiter,
    Before you know it, you'll be at your goal!! Good for you!!
    Congratulations on staying focused!!
  • Quote: I pounded out the chicken breast thin - add a pinch of truffle sea salt and pepper to each - spread on the pesto mixture and added a bit more whole leaf spinach, fresh basil and mushrooms - I baked them for about 20 minutes (I pound them out thin and don't roll them tight) In the meantime I soaked some dried porcini mushrooms in warm water. As I was waiting for the chicken to finish I sauteed the rehydrated porcini mushrooms along with some additional mushrooms - when the chicken was finished and resting I deglazed the baking pan with the mushroom juice (from the now re-hydrated porcinis)and added it to sauteed mushrooms - to thicken the mushroom sauce I added pureed roast turnips. I spooned the mushroom sauce over the chicken breasts and sprinkled them with a few of the BBQ soy nuts that I pounded into crumbs (like a bread crumb crust only IP friendly - and I only used 20 nuts for 3 portions) It was delicious and most importantly it was satisfying - I find I want to snack less at night if I eat a satisfying dinner.

    I thought about posting some of these recipes in the recipe thread but I find that sometimes a bit overwhelming
    Mushrooms and I don't get along, but the rest of it sounds yummy. I'll have to experiment and see what I can do. Thank you!!!!! If you have any other recipes, you can always send me a private msg. I'm always looking for other things that I can cook on the weekends. My BF isn't on this diet, (or any diet) so it can be a bit challenging. He's pretty good with trying new things that I can have, I must say.

    I don't remember seeing an answer to a question I had. Are the Southwest Cheese Curl snacks from IP not available at all anymore? Has anyone found out?