in your whole life, what's the heaviest you remember being?

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  • Quote: I can remember to the tenth of a pound, that's how burned into my head the number is. 267.8.

    I giggle at the comments from y'all who were scared when they hit the 190's. I am STRIVING to get to the 190's right now! I wish I had gotten my stuff together when I got there the first time, though.
    Perspective is a funny thing, isnt it? I was just thinking I'd give my eye teeth for my highest-ever weight to be ANYWHERE in the 200s. I was about 225 all thru high school and I havent been under 300 lbs in my entire adult life.

    My highest weight that I've ever been was 463. I have almost 300 lbs to lose to get to where I'm no longer considered overweight.
  • My highest weight (that I know of) was 225...which is why I am here. I don't ever want to see that number on my scale again! The highest I got at 9 months preggo was 180...I gained weight after I had the kids, didn't lose it!
  • My highest weight was 240 back in 2006; at the time I felt heavy but I was shocked to see my weight that high. Now that I'm less than 30lbs from goal, I can hardly believe I ever let myself get up to 100lbs over my ideal weight. 200 was a red line for me too, after losing down to 180 that year. I stayed in denial about re-gaining back up to 197, telling myself it was okay as long as I stayed under 200. How stupid I know, being obese is okay?!?! But I let myself float there for a good year or so while doing/eating as I pleased and not weighing, until I stepped on last January and saw 208. That kicked my butt into gear again and I never ever want to see the 180s (much less the 200s!) again. Once I hit goal, my new red line is going to be 150.
  • Mine was Christmas Eve about 2 years ago. I stepped on a friends scale and saw 294. After that, I lost down to 236, then back up to 268. My goal is the 100's again!
  • 230 when I was 12 years old.
  • 315.4 not pregnant, 315.6 at 9 months pregnant.
  • 303..the day i gave birth. someplace i never want to be again-especially pregnant!
  • I hit 230 during the late 1990s after having my children. I had lost down to about 170ish after that and had gone up and down after that. THIS time (the LAST time!) I was at 191 and realized how badly I did not want to see 200+ again.
  • 198 in May2010....and that the highest weight I will ever be again!
  • 245 was my pregnancy weight. I was bed-ridden for nearly 5 months and gained about a 100 pounds. Recently I almost got there again and I didnt have a complicated pregnancy to blaim it on!

    My daughter is now a healthy, happy and active little girl. I owe it to her and to me to start taking care of myself again. No excuses I just need to do it.
  • Mine was 290
  • 204 at the scale in the dietitian's office.

    200 (maybe even 201?) in my own scale (now defunct!).

    200 was limit, I couldn't get past it. It's what propelled to me start getting help and finding ways to make this weight loss work.
  • 250 was the highest I ever saw. I stayed there for a long time hiding from the world. The 170s feel so much better.
  • My largest, non pregnant weight was 310...and I wont ever go back there again.
  • 181 my sophomore year of college, but I remember talking to a girl in my dorm about our bathroom scale, and I thought (hoped ) it was off by ~10 lbs, which apparently it was, but 10 too low, not too high. So I may actually have been in the 190s but unwilling to admit it.