July 2010

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  • i take advil, i think i take 3 in the morning and 3 at night. because i have lots of pain in my right wrist from holding the baby's bottle constantly (thankfully that's over!) but from being on the computer and doing other things it hurts if i don't take the advil on a regular basis. (like nicole said, 2wks before you feel the complete effects) my dr thinks it's just fine, so i'm not too worried about switching aleve.

    and i like ice cream, but my lactose intolerance doesn't. it's one of the short list of animal/dairy products that i do have on occasion. that and cheese on pizza.

    and i love fitday and webmd, but am slowly realizing that i need to eat more. due to my lifestyle and exercise..it looks as if i'm not eating enough. so i need to up that and i'll be losing better in no time!

    anyway, i must go for now.
  • oh and joni--i was at my highest weight in july 2003, when i delivered my DD.
    and i'm happy to say that i'll NEVER be at that weight again.
  • So good to see everyone hanging out here. You continue to amaze and inspire me. Even with our setbacks, keep going, like the little train that could.

    I cannot keep red light foods in the house either. I must confess I am not even to the point where I can keep a package of WW or other light ice cream treats, if I buy one I just buy the single serving and enjoy it because to bring the whole package home, they will all be gone. I used to do it anyway and as i was inhaling the last of the 5 or 6 in the package be so angry at myself for not having and will power but now I just know, that is who I am, good or bad, I am only fooling myself if I think I can trust myself with a package. Maybe one day this will change but not any time in the near future.

    Have a great rest of the weekend everyone. We had an emergency earthquake simulation communication drill today and I am wiped out. We tested our ham radios to see if we could transmit drill practice 911 calls to the 911 centers with our ham radios. It was a state-wide drill and it went very well.

    Nighty night all
  • Nicole/Jillian - uh, thanks (I think) for the WebMD link. I now have to cut down to 1200 calories a day! (and Nicole, you thought 1300 was too low!). PLUS, I have to work out everyday if I want to get healthy. Really doesn't surprise me so this week I'll aim for 1200 healthy calories!

    Roberta - I'm right there with you. I can eat ALL the frozen novelties in a box of 'healthy' ice cream bars. My fav are she Skinny Cow truffle things...yum! Now, I'm craving ice cream. May have to run to Dairy Queen for a 50 calorie, Sugard free fudge bar..............
  • Joni and Roberta- It is a good idea not to keep any "offenders" in the fridge or pantry until you get into the control mindset. There is no shame in it...I did that in the beginning of my program too!Gradually, you'll see that your carb/sweet cravings will become lesser and lesser.
    It is possible to shrink our stomach by eating less or extend it by eating more, over time.Now, I can't more than 1 slice of bread/1/2 pita or more than 1/2 a jacket potato during a meal...I feel my tummy going to burst, honestly.

    Another trick to control carb intake is to eat your veggies first. I eat my plate of salads first before I reach for the pizza slice or hotdog. That way, my body automatically knows when to stop.
  • wow its been a long time since i've been on here! Glad to see some familiar faces.

    So since i've been gone i've had my 4th child, she's 5.5 months old and i'm trying to get with the program once again.

    I started the jillian michaels 30 day shred last week and i'm incorporating LAWL in my life but i'm not being super strict, i'm making it a lifestyle change and using what i've learned to make changes I can live with not use it as a diet for a short period so I can get to my goal. I'm hoping this works but i'm not in a rush like I was in previous attempts so i'm hoping that helps.

    So stats...: start weight 6/28/10 174.2, goal 140.

    Everyone seems to be doing awesome! Hope i'm able to be active around here but no promises, the little miss keeps me quite busy and the 3 boys are more active than ever.
  • So I was going to wait until the a.m. to post, but I had to just say congratulations Debbie!!!!!!! You got a girl...how lucky you are!!!! Welcome back....and I am LOVING your attitude I did not have another baby, but am still here working hard..ha ha ha. I have a much better attitude this time around, and it is really helping me. We are going to need to see some pictures of this new baby, and do tell us her name!!!!
  • hey debbie!!! yay for a girl! glad to see you hop back on here!

    my 3rd and last baby (girl) just turned 1yr old in April. and i'm happy to say that i'm back to my pre-preg weight just this past week! so it's totally doable to make it a lifestyle change. i love that you're in the right mindset. that really helps!

    congrats again and yes, fill us in on the name and a pic!
  • Quote: BTW, I tried Greek organic yogurt for the first time today (vanilla flavor) and I hated it...tasted like sour cream to me. $1.50 right down the drain. I'll stick to my tasty yoplait lights - thank you!
    I loove greek yogurt - only the Fage 2% though, the rest does taste too sour for me. I don't eat it straight, though - I add some SF torani syrup (carmel or chocolate flavor) or I add splenda if I bring it to work. I told DH that it was like eating frosting, so he tried it and told me I was insane. I have used it in recipes too, I mix a little with pesto to make a creamy dressing (don't do it ahead of time -it doesn't keep well)
  • It's good to hear from everyone, new and old - Congrats Debbie - a girl!!!!

    Jillian - you have already decided, I know, but I agree - you should put the whole journey on your ticker -that's some impressive stuff right there!

    I am a fan of 800mg advil. A big fan. Glucosamine/chondroitin is also a good supplement to take for achy joints - it has to get built up in your system, but both DH and I notice a difference when we take it.

    Down 2lbs over the weekend - unheard of for me! We leave for vaca next saturday, but I am usually more active and eat better there than when I am at work/home.
  • hello all..just wanted to pop in here for a second. i changed my avatar pic to a recent one. my hair is growing super super fast!

    i met my first mini goal of 175 as of this morning, so on to the next goal of 170!

    thanks kim, i thought that even though, i was pregnant at my highest weight, it still counts and i'm come SO FAR since then. so i figured i deserved to see my huge ticker accomplishment! makes me happy to see it.
  • aww you ladies are sweet, i'm so glad to be back and doing this again. I'm feeling soo good about it.

    The baby's name is Kaylin. I'm attaching a pic of all my babies, its a huge difference in the boys from my avatar. I think the youngest was about 9mo or so in that pic.
  • Nicole sounds like you're doing great, we can do this together!

    Jillian congrats on your baby girl and wtg you are doing awesome!! You look great hun!

    Kim woo hoo for being down 2! Nice start to the week.
  • your kids are adorable, debbie! cute name! will you remind me of the boy's names again and the ages? i'm forgetful.
    i posted a pic in my profile that was taken in may, right before my DH left.
    my oldest DD, Julia will be 7yrs old in a few weeks, Jagger will be 5yrs old in November and Xanthia turned 1yr old in April.
  • Jillian thank you, you have a beautiful family.

    Ryan is 6, Aryn is 4.5 and Dylan will be 3 next monday.

    Been quiet here today, where is everyone?

    Nicole wow was that 13lbs in 1 month?? Thats awesome! Hoping July is great for you also.