What do you wish your coach had told you???

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  • Can someone tell me what their coaches are telling them about exercise and total carbs for the day?
  • Awesome thread....unfortunately my coach is a cashier...she take my money and says over and over every one is different! iwish she would ha e told me to mix it up have pudding for breakfast, oatmeal for lunch...keep it fresh...the best advice though I have gotten here!
  • After reading many of these, I have a question: How much different would not eating restricted foods make? I have been having one a day since the start.
  • Quote: WOW!
    - you aren't allowed the occasional veggies til 70% lost (just my coach's rule)
    - you aren't allowed the restricted foods until you reach goal (just my coach's rule)
    - your birth control may be interfered with
    - you may lose your hair, A LOT of your hair
    - you will become constipated
    - your skin could become dry, cracked, and bleeding
    - you will get bored with the food, the veggies, the routine... stick with it
    - it will be hard to treat a cold if you get one because of sugar in medicine
    - some of your prescriptions will effect your average weight loss
    - you will not lose 3 - 5 pounds every week it may or may not even be your average if you are on the program more than 3 months.
    - your menstrual cycle will go through changes and may not be what you expect
    - you will feel horrible at times as your body adjusts and corrects, but you will get through if you stick it out
    - you may reach a point you gag on the salads you have to eat
    - you will crave things you have never liked and come to hate things you use to love
    - you will have strange dreams of eating off plan foods
    - eating out will become boring because it will feel like you can only eat the same things, ANYWHERE
    - you will want to walk up to strangers and tell them all about how Ideal Protein can change their life... think twice before you act on that impulse.
    - you will have times that you will lose many more inches than pounds and that is OK! Weight loss is not just about the number on the scale but how your body shape is changing and how your clothes fit.
    - You will want to give up. DON'T! Write down your reason and inspiration for doing this today and read it everyday until you get to your goal.

    That is just a few that came to my mind! I guess there was a lot I wish I was told!
    Lol. On day two of the diet I dreamed I ate something off IP diet and after three bites I realized I was supposed to be on a diet - it freaked me out.

    Since I'm just starting, what kinds of changes happen during menstration time? Lighter periods or more PMS? (yikes)
    Thanks for all these great tidbits - very helpful info.
  • Quote: Can someone tell me what their coaches are telling them about exercise and total carbs for the day?
    Regarding excercise, I was told not to do it. They say it can throw you out of ketosis. I sure am missing my spin class!
  • Quote: I was told the same thing! I asked her about the Phase I sheet where it says to not have them in weeks 1-3, and she said it was an old sheet and was fine now.

    I also wish my coach had told me about carb intake per day. And about exercise - she hasn't mentioned exercise at all.. if I should, if I shouldn't, when I can, what it will do to my weight loss.. still not sure on that stuff.

    And about the not everyone losing 3-5 lbs per week thing even if you don't cheat.. didn't know that.

    Is there a magic carb number? Thx
  • Quote: Lol. On day two of the diet I dreamed I ate something off IP diet and after three bites I realized I was supposed to be on a diet - it freaked me out.

    Since I'm just starting, what kinds of changes happen during menstration time? Lighter periods or more PMS? (yikes)
    Thanks for all these great tidbits - very helpful info.
    Since you quoted my original post, I will share why I wrote what I did!

    I have had more frequent menstrual cycles. About 2x a month. I also go for much longer than I did before. I find I have more pain than I did in the past. Not so much PMS though. I do have all my same old pre-menstrual cravings. I also became more irregular - 18 days, 20 days, 25 days, 19 days... nothing was consistent anymore. I would say I was somewhat heavier in the beginning and then became lighter after about month 4.

    That pretty much covers it. I hope it helps. I know others have had their own issues and changes. Maybe a few will chime in!
  • Quote: Is there a magic carb number? Thx
    Quote: Can someone tell me what their coaches are telling them about exercise and total carbs for the day?
    It was originally shared on this forum last year by MeghanO that her coach told her to stay between 20-25 net carbs (meaning after you take out the fiber from your total carb count). That has been confirmed by several other persons via their coaches.

    I have personal heard to stay around 40 carbs.

    Again, this seems to be a little bit discretionary on the part of the coach.
  • Gum Bleeding
    I'm new to the program. I'm just about to end my second week and noticed gum bleeding. What is that from?
  • Thanks for posting this. I've only been doing this for a few weeks and I've already felt several of those. The inspiration helps!
  • Quote: I think the exercise piece and the fertility issues would have been something I would have liked a little more information about, but I don't have a problem getting information when I ask questions. She does seem a little shy about some topics which I find cute cause I'm not very shy anymore.

    As for the restricted foods, she was pretty lenient from the start though I didn't have any the first week, I did have a few the second. I think I have had pretty good weight loss with them; however, I do notice that I am much larger than a great deal of the women here, so that may make a difference. For me, 185 pounds is probably about 20% body fat and I see that many of you are starting there. I was also active dancing 3 nights a week going into the program though I've been sidelined for an injury pretty much since I started. I have to wonder if the restricted foods make a bigger difference if you are smaller or have less muscle mass to begin with.
    I've been thinking the same thing as I read these. I'm starting out heavier than most and I'm still pretty new to the program, but I started because my parents are doing it and we were all able to eat restricted foods in the first few weeks, but make sure to follow the no more than one a day rule. Thanks for posting this Marionm! It makes me feel like I'm not cheating.
  • This is such a great forum - I started doing alt IP on my own on 9/13/10 - down 10# as of today. Reading everyone's advice/stories is so inspirational and motivational for me. Thanks, everyone, for sharing your info!
  • Quote: This is such a great forum - I started doing alt IP on my own on 9/13/10 - down 10# as of today. Reading everyone's advice/stories is so inspirational and motivational for me. Thanks, everyone, for sharing your info!

    Good for you!!!!
  • Quote: Regarding excercise, I was told not to do it. They say it can throw you out of ketosis. I sure am missing my spin class!
    My coach says exercise has no problem with exercising. I only eat 3 packets per day, but on exercise days I have been told to eat 4. I personally feel great and think the exercise has helped! I Spin 3 to 4 times per week!
  • Quote: I thought I could shake with hot water... it blew the top off the shaker, (after one shake) and went all over the kitchen at work.... made for a laugh though

    Guess I got lucky getting my Tips, Ideas and Suggestions sheet.
    Item #3 "NEVER NEVER NEVER shake a protein mix with hot water in a closed container. It may explode and make a mess and could burn you!"
    Item #4 "If you want to mix with hot water, use a small whisk instead of shaking."

    Item 3 scared me though, so I mix with cold.

    Glad you didn't get hurt and got a laugh out of it at least!