Coworker just embarassed me...I don't have a freaking eating disorder...

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  • Quote: I would take her aside and tell her in no uncertain terms that if she ever does that to you in front of co-workers again, you will respond in a way that she will not like. People need to be called out on this s***, but at least you'll have given her a warning.

    I like when Jay tells it like it is.
    I agree 100%. Let her know that such behaviour will not be tolerated. She needs to mind her own business.
  • Had her concern been genuine, certainly she would have pulled you aside and been more discreet. I echo others above that wonder if there is a little jealousy there. Additionally, you know this person. Consider her prior attitudes and maturity level before this incident. Everyone is different and responds differently to others success. This doesn't make her a bad person, just an immature, inconsiderate one. Congrats to your efforts.
  • I the only person on this entire board who thinks: 'just forget about it, and move on?'.

    Yes, she spoke out of turn. Yes, she was insensitive and rude. Yes, she embarrassed you, and that's a shame since you didn't do anything to deserve it.

    But all the talking about involving HR or your boss, accusing her of assault and battery, or making a song and dance about the whole thing just seems a little OTT to me. Unless you live a very blessed existence life is full of small embarrassments, humiliations and frustrations (often, but not always, caused by other people), and the best way to handle them is surely with a sense of moderation and perspective, and a modicum of humour.

    Yes, it was upsetting, but the best thing surely is to smile and rise above it. Worse things have happened at sea...
  • My first thought is that this co-worker felt she was speaking her mind in a way that would cause others to snicker or laugh in agreement. My second thought is that she did it out of jealousy - whether she is thinner than you, younger than you, whatever - she is probably jealous of your success and determination. But really, all she did was make an @$$ out of herself. For her to shout that out shows her blatant ignorance and I agree, she should be the one that was/is embarrassed, not you. I really feel that there are some people who feel so threatened by others' success (be it in finances, relationships, weight loss, etc) that they feel the urge to contract O(pen)M(outh)I(insert)F(oot) Syndrome. They feel that the snide remarks they are making is in fact truly hilarious and embarrassing for the victim of the remark or they feel they're speaking on behalf of everyone around.

    I would say that you have several options in dealing with such an ignorant office bully - You can ignore her, smile & walk away. You can come back with a witty comment or two of your own. Or you could speak with your manager/leader/boss if it causes an issue with your day to day progress at work. Personally, I'm one to snap back with a colorful comment of my own, but that is just me.

    Just remember that you're doing this for you, that she has nothing to do with it and that her remarks are merely there to make herself feel better. Keep up the great work!!

  • Quote: So, yeah, maybe I get a embarrassed a little too easily…but really…

    Everyone I work with is aware of my weight loss efforts for the most part. And they have all been really supportive and make a point to compliment me and all that. And some have even joined me and that helps so much.

    But earlier this morning, I was walking past this one woman’s desk and she GRABS my arm and in front of everyone who sits in that area of the office says, “YOU need to EAT already. You look sick and your eyes look weird and you’re losing all your color. You can’t just starve yourself you know. I know you never eat….”

    Um, I eat all the time. And I was mortified. I actually felt tears in my eyes a little. Everyone got really quiet and was just looking at me. And now I feel like everyone thinks I have an eating disorder which is ridiculous. I could still stand to lose another 30 pounds, there is no cause for concern….

    It was just embarrassing....
    That was very rude of her. I would have been fired for what I would have done to her afterwards.