Binge-free challenge ~ Feb. 15 - 21

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  • D -- I definitely know what you mean about the calm after a binge storm (so to speak). Day 1 for me usually difficult, but days 2-4 aren't so hard. It's around day 5 or so that the urges creep back in.

    It's Day 2 today! I was down a pound this week even though I had my mini-binge on Tuesday. I know it would have been more had that not happened, but I'm not going to dwell on it!

    Have a good day everyone!
  • This is day 10 for me.

    Foxxy, thank you for your encouragement and support.

    Good luck to all of us today.
  • Day 54 here... trying not to count anymore but it is hard... getting nervous as i have not made it past 60 days in a really really long time!!!

    love that Will Power Dust
  • Hello all, I am new to this.. stumbled upon this forum and got motivated.This will be day one for me... it is early (6:52 am here in California) and my problem is at night. I will make this day one! My problem is, I do awesome workouts at the gym and then around 9pm every night, I binge. I feel like I can't stop myself but tonight I will resist.
  • I am back at day one. My mini-binge yesterday only put me 2-300 calories above what I needed, but it still counts as a significant part of my calories were gummi-bears and a candy bar. (They are STILL in the house!) Luckily, I got my pain pills yesterday, so I am about to eat something small but healthy for breakfast, and hit the park for a nice long walk. I know my dinner tonight is brown-rice sushi, so I just have the rest of the day to worry about!
  • ok, it's day 1 for me again. But I will use that will power dust to spur me on today. I ate a healthy breakfast and snack and worked out for an hour. It's going to be a good day, I can feel it!
  • day 1 is done. I was on plan today, 200 calories below maintenance. I feel pretty bad though. Just looking at food reminded me of my binge.
  • Well, I guess it will be Day 1 for me tomorrow AGAIN. Today the culprit was more chocolate, still thanks to my bf's horde. However, I got lots of exercise, so I don't think I gained any today. I know most people wouldn't consider a candy-bar a binge, but it is DEF a problem if you eat one every day, and I can't seem to stay away from them!
  • Day 4.

    I've been craving sweets since my mini B, so it's tough.
    Need to get back to that point where it's all out of my system and I don't crave it as bad!!!!!
  • Day 2! So I made it through last night without binging which is huge for me! I went to the gym and usually after I workout I am starving.. but instead of binging on chips or crackers or cookies, I drank a lot of water and waited for dinner. My weight isn't that great still but I guess it will show up on the scale later? I'm just glad i made the whole day without binging.
  • Day 2, i know it's early but it's gonna be a great day

    congrats on the good day Miss Chickie. Any day without a binge is a good day.
  • happytobeamommyof2, you are such an inspiration!! wow!!! 54 days!

    I'm on day 19 today. I'm SO excited! I haven't been on day 19 in a long time!

    Good job everyone, keep it up!
  • It's day 11 for me. I'm so haaaappppy! And it's not always easy to resist. It seems like I've had a billion temptations thrown at me these last few days.

    Happytobeamomof2, I know you'll do well, so don't worry. You've done an excellent job so far. We're all proud of you! Plus I'm right behind you. LOL Enjoy what you have and will accomplish. I'm rooting for you!

    ravensglen, congrats to you, too. Keep up the great work. I'm rooting for you, too! It's all of you longtimers that encourage me.

    Good luck to all of us, especially on the weekend.
  • thank you!!! some days fly by like it is nothing, like i've never had a 'problem' and other days are like day 1... i am soooo excited to get PAST 60 days... that will be a huge milestone for me!!!

    thanks for the support and keep it up - try to catch me
  • Day 2 is almost over. I had more calories than I wanted, but I'm still within maintenance I think. I am not hungry, but I feel like eating.