BLUE Team Week 5 Chat

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  • Hey Dixie! So glad to know you're okay! Well, sick, but alive at least! i was getting worried about you!

    Thanks for the congrats on winning week 3, but I don't deserve it! My starting weight for this whole thing was 136, then I hopped up during my period the 2nd week, and now it's finally gone back down. So I'm kind of just back to where I used to be.
  • Happening, don't kick a gift horse in the mouth. Take the Biggest Loser title for the week and wear it proudly.

    This week's challenge is great. I've done several of the dares and my stomach is starting to feel somewhat sore from the crunches that people keep daring me to do. I just did the last dare and had to put on 2 bras to do it so I wouldn't be slapped in the face by flying boobs. Check out the challenge thread if you haven't yet.
  • I think the challenge this week is great, I wish I had time to do it! I haven't had time for a work out since Friday. I'm hoping I can slip one in tonight. I would do the challenges at work, but people here might think I'm nuts, lol.
  • Quote: YAY!!!! WTG!!!!! Can you tell me how to measure that please???

    From Jillian's first book: you just take your waist measurement and hip measurement, then divide wasit by hip. For women, she says healthy is at 0.8

    Quote: I have to admit, I waited too long to eat and caved last night. I was out in town and I went to a char-grilled burger place. Not greasy fast food, but like real lean meat grilled. I ordered a cheeseburger and fries and a diet coke. I ate the whole 1/4 pound burger and about 8 fries, then tossed the rest. .
    You were under your calories and tossed most of the fries, so I think you did okay. Sometimes you just gotta eat! I think you really do more damage by forcing yourself to go hungry too long. Good job!

    Quote: Whoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can exercise again without pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I'm not too excited am I?
    Yaaaaaayyyyyyy! So happy for you!

    Quote: Hey chicks. I'm back from day two of torture hour (aka bootcamp). I am determined to make it through this. I am DEFINITELY outside my comfort zone. And it feels GREAT!
    How did you find your boot camp? If you already reported on that and I missed out, sorry to ask again! I woudl love to find one in my area.

    Quote: So, it seems that switching to a lower calorie intake is what I needed. I was eating between 1500-1700 cals a day, and I was losing, but then I had that freaky gain for no reason. But now I'm eating 1200-1400 and the pounds are falling off me!
    Congrats on figuring it out keeping on with it! That is what will get you to your goal, it always changes with progress.
  • @ Echo
    my personal BMR is 1800.
    I'm jealous

    @ Retiredone
    good question! and yes you're doing it right!
    Thank you

    good question! and yes you're doing it right!
    Thanks for your reply
  • Quote:
    Welcome Back! I'm glad you are feeling better now and can move, hehe! Jillian will kill ya. See I know y'all are fans but my thing is, I totally disagree with her methods. I just don't see how pushing ones self to the point of injury is going to help anything at all when you are going to have to rest and recuperate because SHE or you because she's pushing you too far too fast. JMO...but this is why I a not crazy about her.
    Thanks Diva! I can understand how you feel, but from my end, I just think I pushed myself too hard. I have been mainly swimming and using the stationary bike, so I think I just pushed MYSELF TOO HARD. Lesson learned though, I will ease into her exercises more slowly.

    Miss you here
  • Good morning Blue Team. I got up early this morning and was on the road a few minutes before 7:30 am. It was crisp and chilly walking this morning but I had on a scarf and mittens so I wasn't in any distress. The promised snow did not hit our area yesterday but we had rain and wind but this morning all was blue skies. I'm going shopping this afternoon and wanted to get in the walk early. I have dinner already prepared, sheets off the bed and washed and are now drying and I'm going try and hem a few pair of jeans before I leave.

    Have a good day everyone and stay on plan!
  • I did all of the challenge items last night as one big workout and it was so fun! You ladies could team up as personal trainers The hardest part for me was looking in the mirror and saying those 3 things. It was hard just to think of 1 thing, but I managed the first then the second was easier, but third was a mumble and run away because I couldnt think of another I tried, but it is pretty sad and reminds me why I have to do this this time. Okay, enough sad stuff for 8AM!

    Isabella---Could I please borrow some of your early morning productivity? I got the kids to school on time and they had a healthy breakfast so I consider myself doing well for 8AM You are impressive
  • Hey, SkinnyJeans, don't under-rate yourself. Getting kids off to school with a good healthy breakfast is one of the most important things you can do. As a retired teacher I can tell you alert, well fed children in the morning are a pleasure to teach. I don't always get up as early. Retired One is my handle. And you did great to do all those challenges as one workout. My, some of those things I did yesterday just about did me in, hahahaha.

    Now, about looking in the mirror and coming up with 3 nice compliments about yourself. That should be easy. Look at your smile, your hair, your eyes, your complexion, your teeth, your personality, the fact that you're losing weight and taking charge of your life, great mother. There are all kinds of things to like and love. Being overweight is not who you are. You are who you are. The fat may be a cover, but covers can be removed.
  • Quote:
    Being overweight is not who you are. You are who you are. The fat may be a cover, but covers can be removed.
    I love that quote. You just put a smile smile on my face this morning
  • The scale is cooperating this morning I just hit 140 again, so maybe the elusive 139 is in sight again.
  • Quote: From Jillian's first book: you just take your waist measurement and hip measurement, then divide wasit by hip. For women, she says healthy is at 0.8

    Quote: Thanks Diva! I can understand how you feel, but from my end, I just think I pushed myself too hard. I have been mainly swimming and using the stationary bike, so I think I just pushed MYSELF TOO HARD. Lesson learned though, I will ease into her exercises more slowly.

    Miss you here
    Miss you too. I miss all of you. I seriously want life to get back to normal and just when I thought it was, BOOM, in the bathroom tossing my cookies! UGH! Matt is fine but Jess and I are falling apart this week. I'll have a good half day and then push myself and oopsy, I am feeling ill. *sigh*

    I want to join in on the challenge and be one of the stars here but...
    Maybe next week. On top of all that, I have TOM here now too. grrrrr So Tired, achy, fever, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting, headache and now TOM. Lovely week I am having....

    Sorry to be a downer....

    I am VERY proud of all of you and I can't wait to feel human again.

    Oh Glad to see the return on {{{{{{{Dixie}}}}}}

    Miss you all...seriously...I do.
  • Quote: The scale is cooperating this morning I just hit 140 again, so maybe the elusive 139 is in sight again.
  • Day 2 of my reboot. Skipped the make-up this morning. After my attempted run (did 4 miles, but sloooowwly) my face felt like it was on fire. Could I be allergic to my own sweat? How horrible would that be. I put on some aloe vera and a teeny bit of mascara and seem fine now. Somehow, I thought that once I left obesity behind, my body would start making more sense. I think my warranty has expired.

    Being sick for almost a month left me 7 pounds heavier at the end of last week. I've managed to lose 2.5 lbs already, but now TOM is here. Grr! I hope I can lose some more by Sunday. I don't mind posting a small gain, sometimes it's just life, but I don't want to type out a number that officially puts me back in the overweight catagory.

    There's now 11 weeks left in 2009. I'm going to use that time to revamp my workout. Strength training has completely fell off my schedule. HIIT too. I'd been all about the longer walks/runs just to get my miles in. I've got to find a way to incorporate it all, and fix my diet. Cooking? Yeah, haven't done that in weeks. Living on cereal, ice cream and takeout, when I ate at all. Does anyone remember what I ate before I go sick? Cause I sure don't.

    Sorry for the novel, I just needed to get some things out of my head and onto the screen. I'll try to come back in a bit.
  • [QUOTE=SkinnyJeansInWaiting;2970849]From Jillian's first book: you just take your waist measurement and hip measurement, then divide wasit by hip. For women, she says healthy is at 0.8

    Yaaaaaayyyyyyy! So happy for you!

    Thanks Great info also!