Labor Day! stronger and leaner than ever

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  • Taking charge: I have been counting calories and I have gone up 2.5 lbs since monday. I have no idea what is going on. The only thing I changed was eating a little more and counting calories. It must be water weight because I haven't consumed enough calories to go up that much in such a short period of time. I am going to wait until Sunday/Monday and re-evaluate. Hopefully this comes off quickly.
  • I would love to do this challenge. I will go by how many workouts I do. I will count the weeks and add it all up later today. I would love to do 3x a week strength, 3x a week cardio, and 1 day yoga. That sounds like 7 days, but I'll yoga on a cardio day so I get Sundays off. I really need to do this so I get back to exercising regularly. I used to do that routine, but then needed a break. This is just what I need!

    EDIT: Okay, I've figured out I want to do 77 workouts by then. I'll probably only end up with 73, but I'm hoping for 77. It's the one thing I actually can control about my weight loss!!
  • angels_dust thanks for joining us. it helps so much to have someone to answer to and to get ecouragement from.
  • I did running and a strength training video yesterday. I'm very sore today! I'm hoping to do yoga and some running today. I have to take it easy with the running because I'm starting again after a few weeks off.

    That's exactly what I need. The encouragement helps me stay on track.
  • thanks everybody. Please don't give up or disappear. If I can do this challenge, anyone can! I am going to have a hip replacement the day the challenge is over... so don't leave me by the wayside, please..
    I have done some two-a-days.. with cardio and weight training on the same days... that is a good day when I do that because I feel like I did what I wanted to do, and then some.
    I am doing the intervals on a recumbent stepper, and can do a 45 minute session without much pain... I am trying to increase the resistance a bit and make it harder without making it painful.. so far so good..
  • wanting to - you're on a roll! Keep up the great work!

    I'm still here! Keep forgetting to adjust my ticker but I'll do it now to be caught up. I had a really nice run outside this morning and felt great after, so I'm planning to keep that up and work on my time/distance. I've been slacking on the weight training because cardio is just more fun, but I know I need to keep it up...maybe tomorrow!
  • I've done 5 workouts so far. I've been doing weight training and running/walking combined. But I got very sore and had two days of soreness. I did yoga yesterday to help. Today I did weight training/cardio again. I hope I'm not as sore this time. It feels like such a waste to go a day without exercise. But I'm sure I won't feel that way later when I need a break!
  • 20 workouts this month, and I have GAINED 8 pounds...this month! <sigh>.. I think/hope that I am building muscle and the fat will burn off over time.. it is just a little disconcerting to watch the scale go up, up and up..
  • you guys still there?
    what are you going to do for workouts this weekend? My gym is going to be closed on Saturday and Sunday... so my Tues/Thurs/Sat workout schedule won't work... I don't know if I should do a Thurs/Fri, or just skip the 3rd workout for the week...
    any ideas?
  • Sorry I have been MIA for a while. I went to visit my sister in the keys. I went to the gym a couple times while there, but I seem to have fallen off the gym wagon. Now it is time to hop back on. I am going back down to the keys and may not be able to actually go to the gym but there will be plenty of walking around all day in the hot sun. I am going to try to focus on getting back on my healthy diet and exercise lifestyle.
  • I took today off from the gym and may take tomorrow off too, but I'm moving into a new apartment so I figure all the heavy lifting will make up for it! That's the hope, at least! I'm trying to be really good about food so hopefully that'll make up for the gym laziness! If your gym is closed, maybe you can walk/run outside or do some work out videos at home to get in some activity.

    Happy 4th (aka 3 day weekend!)
  • We are about 1/2 way through the challenge. Started in early? June and ends with Labor Day. Is anybody still working out?
    I am getting to the gym three times a week to do the stepper, but since my hip is so bad, I can't walk in between, so am actually gaining weight :-(
    I am doing the stepper 45 minutes at at time (recumbent stepper) and weights for 1/2 an hour, so I think I might be staying even, or maybe adding a tiny bit of muscle. A little less than 8 weeks for a new hip. I can't wait! I am so sick of being in pain and not being able to walk..
  • This is kind of exciting. I am almost at the 1/2 way point on my exercise ticker. Never did that before.
  • I'm keeping at it! Still trying for 6x/week, though last week wasn't the best. But I'm back to my regular routine of running, spinning and weight training, and might try to add in yoga to change things up. Gotta step it up if I wanna make it to 80!

    Wantingto - Sorry your hip is giving you so much trouble. I'm sure you'll feel like a new person after the surgery! Way to keep going and not give up!
  • I hope you guys are doing well! I was on a trip and I didn't get any exercise, but I'm planning to start up again.