American Idol Season 8

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  • I can't believe they let Jamar Rogers go! Him and Danny were my favorites! His version of Hey There, Delilah on solo night was amazing and they all seemed to REALLY like it so I was soooooo shocked to hear them let him go! I'm sure we will see him in the future though, at least i really hope so!
  • The first 12 tonight.

    We get to vote.
  • Well the girls had some bad song choices.

    Some surprises.
  • hey ya'll.... canadian here who loves IDOL! my favourite right from the auditions is Danny Gokey! that boy can sing!! my favourite gal from tonight is Alexis Grace... shes my fav from the auditions also. tatiana is going.... i hope... shes way too much drama fro me. and i think she was doped up tonight lol. Go Danny and Alexis! my other pick would be Micheal.. hes a great singer, just didnt like his song choice tonight. IMO.

    stacy xx
  • Stacy
    You took the words & opinion right out of my mouth!
    Just gonna say DITTO!
  • I hate to say this but most of the girls were not that good. Alexis was the best but Tatiana was not that bad. Does that make sense?

    Love Danny.
  • Tatiana can sing but will we put up with her nonsense? Was the demure thing really her? Or was the annoying thing her?
  • Tatiana is very annoying. Simon was right when he said she was a drama queen. I'd say the annoying girl is the real one.

    No idea if she will make it to the next round.
  • just hope they dont have a "vote for the worst" thing howard stern started a few years ago... tatiana has got to go!! yes the gals got some pipes but seriously, can you imagine her as our newest american idol??!! omg! the interviews!! it would be a nightmare lol... i really love danny, his story made me cry. what a tough and talented man. he remiinds me of someone famous and i cant quite put my finger on it... downey jr maybe? driving me nuts lol... anyways i think he'll go far. i dont really like the voting method they got going on this season. only 3 from each night???? thats gonna really suck for the ones who can do better but messed up last night. its kinda not fair IMO. just beware gals, im very opinionated, and i say whats on my mind lol... if i dont like someone i say it, i try real hard not to offend anyone tho. lol... cant wait for tonight! be back after the show to cry or cheer lololol

    stacy xx
  • IDOL tonight! 8 o'clock eastern standard time lol... cant wait to see who's stayin!
  • Actually, I kind of like Tatiana. She's this year's Sanjaya...we look forward to what nonsense she'll come up with next. Last night she reminded me of a pinata...poke her with a stick and all the craziness will just come flying out of her!! She was trying very hard to not be annoying. Ya gotta give her credit for that, at least.

    My favorites were the girl with the pink hair and the last guy. The first girl with the black pants (trousers) was good, but the girl with the pink hair blew her out of the water. Sorry, I'm not into it enough yet to know their names.

    I was mad that in the final 36 picks that they let a girl named Jenn go. Anyone here with kids that ever watched a show called High Five will remember her. It was on Discover Kids. I couldn't believe they cut her. I thought she was cute. A little sterile, but cute.

    Weird format to picking people this year. Don't they usually narrow it down to 12 girls and 12 boys? Sorry, I should say Men or Women, but at 43, they're all kids to me.

    Okay...we'll see who goes and who stays.
  • I actually have a cousin who acts like Tatiana but she's 83. She sings well though. I wonder if they are related.
  • rotfl at ruth! i personally think the gal smoked a joint (is that what they are callin it these days) b4 last nights show. she was waaaay to calm,and now shes trying to make up excuses for the way she acted b4.... like we are gonna believe that all that was just nerves.... heck i got 6 kids, my nerves are completely shot and i dont act like that lol....
    techwife- the gal with the pink in her hair is alexis grace.. shes my fav too
    and the "last guy" you mentioned liking is danny gokey lol hes my fav male lol, so we got alot in common.
    pearfreak- your not being mean... just honest lol. it would be hysterical watchin her laugh for butt off the stage lololololol...
    2 more hours!! cant wait!!
  • Wow they are announcing the results quickly.