Thanksgiving Challenge ( Are you up for it??)

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  • Can I join?

    I'm Val. I'm 25 and I have 2 beautiful kiddos (4 and 8 months) and I'm going home to visit my family for Thanksgiving! EEEK that's motivation for ya. I'm way heavier than I want to be.

    My goal is 20 lbs by then!
  • Thanks Christian! Wow, I think there's nothing more motivating than being told that i CAN do it. I'm ready, and I'm gonna sneak a before picture so I can watch this 'santa' belly disappear!
  • Hey Christian

    I'm just a calorie counter. I think that everybody is going to do *so* awesome. I have a little extra motivation. I get fitted for a dress in my sister's wedding at the end of October/Early November. And I want to have lost at LEAST ten pounds and some inches ;D I'm going to try to work out four days a week and I'm sure that I can do it!
  • Just a quick check in. Its 10pm and I am sooo tired.

    I ate about 1200 calories today. I feel really good about that.
    I also did 4o minutes on my elliptical!!!

    I feel good about today.

    Wow its soo great to have more people joining the challenge.
    WELCOME Jen Grinny and Val! All of your goals sound awsome and I jsut know all of are are going to do great.
    I'll be back to checkin tomorrow night.
  • Hi Everyone! I just want you to know I'm still committed to this challenge. My computer caught a nasty virus and we are still trying to get her fixed. I just wanted to hop on ( at my brother's) and let you know I am on plan, got my eating under control and have been exercising. I really hope we get our 'puter fixed soon I think I'm going through withdrawal. Hopefully, it will get worked out and I can become a more active member in this challenge. Best of luck to all of you!
  • I've started to commit to at least 15 mins of heart rate elevating exercise per day. I've cut out soda and chips are next. I drank 110oz of water today. I could have floated away. high point of my day: a coworker told me that b/c of my 9lb so far weight loss, my boobs were loking perkier! yeah! I'll check back in tomorrow. Thanks for the support ladies!
  • Hi everyone. Today was also good for me!
    I ate about 1200 calories and did 30 minutes on the elliptical (:
    I cant wait to see my hard work showing on the scale.

    jene: I hope your computer is fixed soon. I'd go nutty without mine.

    grinnyface- It sounds like you are motivated and doing great. When I first got my elliptical I could only syat on it for 5 minutes, lol.
    YAY for perkier boobies!!!
  • Good morning ladies

    Val! Glad to have you here as well, I know what you mean about family and Thanksgiving, I am sure you can do it, but it may be a little hard to hit the full 20 by then, but that being said..I am sure you will prove it can be done

    grinny- WOW girl, you Are motivated!!! You go! Your making me want to kick it up a notch myself!

    Shy- You have been doing just wonderful! I wish I could say the same, I went to a Cardinals game yesterday and totally blew off my diet, I am going to restart it though and redo phase one so I should be ok I hope.

    lene- Glad to have you back! I wondered where you went I am sure you will get your computer back up and running soon, I know it is hard to be without it
  • As of this morning I am down to 140!
    Its only 2lbs since I started but that weekend at the beach really pushed me back. Only 10 more lbs to lose before thanksgiving!

    Christian: We all have to have a free day every now and then. They probably dont even serve anything healthy at a Cardinals game. You are back on track and still motivated, thats what counts!

    I'll be back later to post what I did and ate for the day.
  • HELLO LADIES!!!! Is ok to join still? I have been walking 30min everyday... i am still trying to figure out the diet.....but i would like to start this challenge..i want to lose 10lbs by thanks giving, I am 285.00, 275 would be a great start!
  • Come on in Monique we are glad to have you here!!
  • I need this challenge. I'm fairly new to 3FC. My name is Barbara and I'm 34 years old. I've been overweight most of my life. I'm a single mom to a 3 year old girl. I lost 30 pounds in 2007, but the 10 pounds found it way back and now I'm ready to lose this weight. I'm counting carbs.
    By Thanksgiving I want to be down 15 pounds. That will bring me to 199. I will be soooooo happy to be under 200. I can't remember when I was 199 or less.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • WELCOME BARB! 199 IS GOOD! i cant wait to be 199.....i have started to get the daily walking down to a routine but it is hard for me to get my eating under control. However i am trying and i guess thats what counts, GOOD LUCK!
  • Count me in on this challenge. I've only just started my weight lose journey last Sunday, so I have a week under my belt, so to speak. I didn't weight myself today, will do tomorrow. My goal as of now is 20lbs by Thanksgiving.
  • As of Sunday I'm down three pounds from my original 208, weighing in at an even 205 this morning. Not too shabby. Twelve more pounds to go!