Friday's Chick Chat

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  • Hi Laura, jump on in, the water's fine!
  • I guess my biggest question is - with eating good carbs, do you still fight physically the cravings every day?
  • Quote: I guess my biggest question is - with eating good carbs, do you still fight physically the cravings every day?

    I don't. but when i do start treating too much and being 'the girl who can't say no" I tend to pull back to a tight phase 2 or even once i did a full phase 1 to get back in control.

    if you do phase 1 properly the cravings (which we mean HUNGER) dissipates. the problem you refer to are EMOTIONAL cravings and NO plan can fix those.
  • Good Morning all! I'm feeling better after a good nights sleep. I just had too much going on yesterday to chit chat. I'm starting day 13 of phase 1 and feeling pretty good. I pulled out the SBD Book and drooled over all the selections available in the west...riccotta cheese, asparagus, lowfat spreads fresh fish to name a few. I don't have those options here so I just do without. A chef friend of mine made me some mayonaise with egg, olive oil, splenda, salt and pepper yesterday. It is so YUM! A teaspoon of that on my salad put me in heaven!

    Hi Laura, WELCOME! The first 2-3 days are the hardest. My cravings have never been physical I don't think. Mostly mental/emotional patterns.
    I don't have cravings right now. I start phase 2 in a few days and I know I will have to introduce foods carefully to avoid my trigger foods.
    As Little Chick says, take time to read the whole book to get a sense of how South Beach Diet works. We are here for support and questions you may have.

    Well I have a nice quiet morning, I'm going to try and make mock riccotta cheese by cracking and straining some skim milk I have. Then making a dessert from it. Hope it turns out.
    Have a good evening for most of you on the other side of the globe!
  • Working great for me
    Hi Laura, Welcome to the beach forums!! I have been on the beach off and on for about 2 years. Good news is when I follow the plan the weight comes off, and stays off. Bad news; like any other successful weight loss program it HAS to be a life change. The greatest news is the chemical changes. In one month my blood pressure went from being high enough to be medicated to being in the normal range. I was able to go from 275 to 232 the first time around without any strenuous excercise added in. Then I strayed and I gained much of my weight back. Now I am back on the beach and this time I am recording everything I eat on which is very helpful. Anyway, hope this helps. The beach really is a way of life and does a body GOOD!!