TBL Couples: Season 5 Discussion *SPOILERS*

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  • LOL Chelle I have an advantage you dont have...my dh's name is bob too! LOL!
  • okay what about the contestants repeating the phrase, 'pulls big numbers' they must have said that 30 times. there aer so many other ways to say that they lose a lot of weight, were they coached to say that or what?
  • "Ninja boy ate too many pieces of Extra gum, apparently."

    FUNNIEST thing i have read yet! LOL!
  • Vix--I think some terms just become like slang and everyone says it without thinking. Like when I go to eat lunch with my kindergartener at school I hear the same things over and over from all the kids...like they all say "hey" when they pass each other so I hear that word at least 10 times in one lunch period, every child that passes the table they say it back and forth. It just catches on, and I think "pulls big numbers" has just become the slang for losing a lot of weight. Almost any group thrown together will in time have little sayings that just click and hang around.
  • Quote: LOL Chelle I have an advantage you dont have...my dh's name is bob too! LOL!
    Daniel could be named Bob too if I close my eyes and pretend really good!
  • LMAO Chellez
  • Morning Ladies....
    I was able to watch the show last evening via the magic of DVR. I read all the posts yesterday so it was kind of fun to know what was coming and a little of what to look for.

    Here is what I saw - Both Jillian and Bob did not want to do the challenge. Imagine what it would be like if you were built up as this uber trainer and then you lost a challenge. What happens the next time you are in the gym cracking down on someone and they mentioned the escalator challenge. No doubt each of them didn't want to go through that....somebody had to lose.

    How about that soda challenge? I think the blue team should have taken a shot. You are alloted so many calories a day...spend a few on the chance to get an edge on the weigh-in...know what they were up against. I haven't had a non-diet soda in so long it probably would have knocked me on my but I think I would have taken a couple of shots.

    And how about Trent and the Yoga....all I can say is WOW!!!

    Finally....at the weigh in, Bob did look a little choked up when Brittany was speaking, and maybe the editing cut out something. I think the best thing Bob did for Bernie and Brittany was not choose them....look how motivated they are to stick it to him now.

    Just my take on it.
  • Vanetta, very good point. Brittany sure seemed angry and motivated. Bernie, too.
  • Every Tuesday I designate 2 hours in the evening to go to the gym from 8pm - 10pm and work out while watching the biggest loser. I also have to mention that i'm the most pathetic sobber out there when people get emotional. That's the hardest thing about working out while the show is on, I always end up crying and looking like a complete A$$ on the treadmill. "im just wiping away sweat" LMAO when it's actually tears. PATHETIC!!! I just couldn't help myself when Jillian was crying when Bob was picking his team.

    BTW, my DBF's name is Bob too. (seriously)

    But he is DEFINITELY NOT Blue Team Bob, he's a bit squishier. LMAO

    I would have totally done the soda challenge and it would have been worth it.....somebody would have grabbed the soda up front. I noticed that Bob was very emotional when Brittany was talking and yes, I agree, Brittany and Bernie are VERY motivated now!!!
  • I predict the next person going home will be.....either Jen's best friend (can't remember her name) or Brittney.....
  • IIRC, Brittney has only lost 22 pounds. Maggie has lost 28. Kelly is at 31 and Jackie is at 40. Brittney should be going home based on that. I like her to much for her to leave though. I think Kelly should just because she drives me nuts.
  • Repeats tonight during the Super Bowl
  • And Bob has a podcast that you can listen to now on nbc.com. I'm not sure it's downloadable, but you can def play it right from the site.
  • Quote: Repeats tonight during the Super Bowl
    I was so happy about that as I missed so much of last week's episode due to them giving primary results. I guess it was not to be for me to see this episode...they kept cutting away to the superbowl.

    Thank goodness for this thread...at least I know what happened!
  • Hey Now Fellow TBL Fans,

    So Super Tuesday....... whoop!

    I already know TBL will be pre-empted here tonight. Anyone know if there are plans to re-air it anywhere? OK, so I know the elections are important, but........... I'm so bummed. You would think with all the 24 hr news channels intensively covering them, that NBC could just use tickers or something on the bottom of the screen. But NOOOOOOOOOO.... Whataya gonna do? guess I'll be hanging out here getting the scoop from those who are able to watch it. Keep us informed girls . Sounds like it's going to be a good one too. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...