Maintainers Spring Fling Challenge

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  • Saef, that was perfect. Thank you!
  • Had myself a good cry this evening. Super stressed. Nothing nec. bad. Just so. very. much. All. the.time. Hot bath. Deep breathing.

    weight's been in the 125-127 range. and my life is still hard and stressful. maybe if I get to 120, that will change JK

  • Sorry thngs are so stressful now. Be kind to yourself.
  • Oh, Kitty, hang in there. You are doing the right things to try to take care of yourself. I know it feels like it will always be bad, but it won't be.

    As for me, I was horrified yesterday morning and this morning by my new high weight, due in part to a salty Mediterranean beef stew for dinner last night and my period going on & on & on. My hormones have been rioting.

    Nevertheless, a few weeks ago, even that combination would not have gotten me to this new high.

    This calls for a new ticker and concentrated action on my part.

    I feel sad and rebellious, thinking of how hard I've worked in the gym and with my food choices. It's portion control, of course. And snacking, even when I do it healthily.
  • Better now. Onward, forward Feeling particularly slim, seeing cheekbones- haven't seen those in a while Did not get to scale this am d/t household am madness...

    Saef, for me it's the second servings (and 3rd, possibly 4th) and hand to mouth, that I must watch...

    Bargoo, thanks for your words of encouragement and kindness- thx, to you too Saef

    Yes, at this point we have a friendship. [I'm referring to an exiting chick's post] We do know what to do and we keep ourselves here for balance and validation (well, of course, I'm speaking for myself )
  • Quote: and we keep ourselves here for balance and validation ( )
    And I agree 100 %.
    I am up 2 pounds, not happy about that but I know why Ritz crackers and peanut butter. Back to the tight rope.
  • We're approaching the 500 mark. I suppose we'll need to start a new thread later today.

    I'm down another half pound this morning. 13.5 down, 10.5 to go. But I have a horrible headache and a dinnertime dilemma. Went to bed with a horrible headache last night, took Advil PM to kick it and give me a good night's sleep and got neither. Woke up at midnight, took more Advil and still woke up at 5 with a headache. I'm contemplating coming home after dropping DS off at school and going back to bed for a couple more hours. Tonight, DH and I have been invited to dinner with our CPAs at a nice Italian place. The menu isn't diet friendly. I will start with salad and will try not to get the one that I really like with all the calorie laden extras (cranberries, nuts, cheese) and then I have to decide on the gnocchi al gorgonzola (yum) or the butternut ravioli (you only get four--probably the better choice).

    Glad you're feeling better kitty cat. Chin up.

    To those who are up rather than down, weight-wise, keep in there. We'll get through this.
  • Shannon, I noticed we are getting close to the 500 mark. Are you up to starting new thread ? I love this thread, it just seems to be right for those of us with various challenges, and don'rt we all have them ?
    I hope your headache is gone and will not return.
  • I made us a new thread!
  • I'm up too - we had zero food in the house (poor planning) and had to go out. Even DH couldn't figure out how to create dinner out of what was there, and he can work miracles. Eh. The best choice I made was to get the dressing on the side of the salad. I won't go into what I ate - it was total food porn. I can get back on track with the food easily, but I have had real issues (2 weeks) of letting the treadmill slide. Must fix.

    allison, I hope the headache passes long before dinner! Mine are always of the stress-type and respond well to an ice pack on the back of my neck. Anything that won't give in to that gets a half of a Vicodin.

    kitty, Sending good wishes and positive thoughts your way, for you to catch a break from the harangue.

    saef, I get the sad and rebellious, totally! Welcome, such as it is, to ticker-world.

    bargoo, the devil created Ritz crackers. They should have their own chapter in the End of Overeating. Salty, crispy, buttery ... arrrrrrrgh.

    We will get through this!
  • Thanks for starting a new thread, Jessica! I'll post over there.
  • Getting close to the 500 marks see new thread
    Maintainers Staying Slim for the Summer