Don't let the scale spook you! October daily weigh in thread, part 1!

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  • Sept 30- 214.5
    October 1-218.5
    October 2-219.0
    October 3-215
    October 4-212
    October 5-212.5
    October 6-211.0
    October 7-212.0
    October 8-209.5
    October 9-?
    October 10-210.0
    October 11-210.0
    October 12-210.5
    October 13-209.0
    October 14-208.5
    October 15-? wedding
    October 16-? wedding
    October 17- 214.0

    Gotta get back. I may skip my official WI, and start anew.
  • Hey Everyone!

    I've been out of town for 5 days, and haven't been on the computer until just this morning. I'm going to have to read everyone's trials and triumphs over the last few days, but I've only been able to go through the last few pages so far.

    aka8941: Are you in a wedding or were you just in one? That can be hard since you have all the pictures to be in and you compare yourself to all the other girls, and think they look so beautiful and you don't (or at least that was my experience). And they do make well meaning comments. I was lucky, my bride is a saint, and truly sees people for how they are and not the lens everyone else seems to, and was proud to have several "big girls" in her wedding party. I'm sure you looked beautiful--or will if the wedding hasn't happened yet--and will be even more fabulous when your journey is over.
    BTW, I love that saying: "even more fabulous" . Another friend of mine has been so encouraging of me as I start this new journey, and that was the remark she made. "You will be even more fabulous when I see you next." It made me feel good that some people see me as fabulous even though I am overweight.

    Ona, so love reading your words of wisdom being so far and so successful in your journey. I hope one day I can be in the place where I don't have to be a slave to the scale either. You know I'm proud of you, gurl!

    LGW: awesome job resisting those ribs! I know how easy it is when your weakness is right there, so easy to gain access to. Keep it up!

    So I don't have to tell you how worried I was about being on vacation and how that was going to effect my weight loss. Not only was I going to be visiting, but I was visiting when there was an honored guest in our church, so get togethers and functions were going to be the norm. And we all know that FOOD goes along with that. I was taken out to resturants 3 of the 5 days, offered desserts of all kinds, couple Girl's Night Outs with so many friends (of course there was lots of wine, margaritas, and comfort food), and the two home cooked meals I had were not on my plan. Lots of processed and refined delicious.

    So, I got on the scale this morning when my friend left for work to check the damage, and I gained a total of... ZERO POUNDS!
    So proud of how hard I tried to "be good" even though I wasn't on plan, and take it a victory that I broke even.

    Well, gotta run. My ride will be here to take me to the bus in a few minutes. Talk to you guys later, and here's to keeping on keeping on!
  • Just a quick note to say that we are almost at 500. woo hoo!!! We did good this month with the thread! LOL
  • Wondered where you were kya,glad you had a good time. did awesome with all that temptation you made good choices and came home a winner I'm so happy for you Now you know what you can do and your friend was right..I've seen your picture on VB, you're beautiful (fabulous) the best is yet to come Thanks you I'm not totally cured of my scale addiction but I'm much better than i was

    WI today @ 170.0.Scale was jumping between that and 169.8 so I'll go with 170.Down .6 from yesterday.Had fairly good rest last night so that helped for sure.
  • I stayed the same today - which was a bit weird since I had such a great day and great numbers yesterday. Oh well... My big NSV today was that the lunch I ordered was messed up on delivery, and when I opened it up I had FRIES -- I sampled a few and left them there...I did not eat more than 8 little ones. Yay!

    Calories 1390 Sodium 1,881 Carbs 85g Protein 125

    Diana -- Good job on making it out of that moment without the cookies! I've had similar experiences, especially in the grocery store, when you start having this talk in your head and rationalizing how and why you can eat the off limits thing -- and it's hard to get a grip and come to your senses. Way to go!

    LGW -- Way to go! That's an awesome loss you had yesterday!! Who needs stupid ribs??? Have them on your birthday and then forget about them Your gain today has to be sodium -- I'd attribute it to the soup and hotdog -- I'm sure it will be gone quickly.

    Ona -- I totally understand about wanting more positive change in your life; I have been feeling the same way for the past year...I changed my relationship, changed my job, changed my body, it's so great to be able to embrace and feel excited about change. I feel the same way as you, I couldn't have hung in there all this time or accomplished as much without this thread and the great friends I've made here.

    Amanda -- Ouch, that's a tough gain! Did you eat a lot of sodium yesterday, or is TOM approaching? Or worse...both?? lol OH wait, the wedding -- I'm guessing alcohol might have been involved in that gain?? So by your comments I think I won't count on seeing pics of you in the dress? I'm sure you looked lovely and definitely 21 and not 16!

    LIli -- Good luck this week! Veggies, fruit and chicken sounds like a good solid plan.

    Kyalpn -- Good job gaining nothing on vacation! That is a great NSV!

    Rennie -- Where are you babe!!?? It's just not the same without you.
  • Lol angie. Yes there was plenty of alcohol. I wasnt in a great frame of mind when I wrote that obvi. Im having trouble adjusting when my weight loss routine is disrupted. Its hard to be flexible
  • weight 9/30: 214.4
    10/1: 215.0
    10/10: 216.0
    10/11: 215.0
    10/12: 213.0
    10/13: 211.8
    10/14: 210.8
    10/15: 212.0
    10/16: 216.4
    10/17: 212.4
    10/18: 209.8

    Met my original goal weight. Now on to ONEDERLAND!
  • Good Morning Everyone
    WI @ 231.8 this morning- down 1.6 from the weekend- TOM is fading and I'm back OP after a crazy busy weekend, and it feels great! Sweated my butt off in step class last night and ate chicken with asparagus for dinner, so I'm sure that helped. Didn't make it up for the gym this morning, went to bed to late- we were just go, go, go last night thats OK though- going to get a quick 2 miles or so in tonight after work before heading to the dreaded grocery Hope everyone is doing great!
  • I don't know where I'm supposed to be now. I posted in the second thread yesterday, but I see there are still people over here too. Meeps!

    Well, yesterday I gained and today I am the same, sitting at 155.8. Mexican food Sunday and movie popcorn yesterday(went to see Footloose). I gotta do somethin about this.
  • Stayed the same today at 189.2. TOM showed up this morning. I am drinking massive amounts of water! I managed a 20 min strength session with Bob last night! It was amah-zing!

    I'm going to a second-hand store today and getting some new pants! I'm having THE yummiest lunch right now out of a box! Its a healthy choice steamers meal. chicken linguini with red pepper alfredo sauce.

    have a great day everyone!!!!!

    Rox: Hope Footloose was good! We want to see it!
    lil: Great job getting back on plan.
    crainjo: Great weigh in! Onederland is waiting for you!!!
    Angie: No worries, that scale will settle! you are doing great!
  • Hey peeps, it's past the 15th of the month, and we've already got Part 2 of the thread, so move on over! It's getting kinda wonky seeing half of us in one, and the other half in the other
  • Hello Everyone

    I'm fine just a LOT bloated not sure why but my daughter and my husband both said something about it yesterday. I weighed in today at 178.8, didn't yesterday, and can't recall Sunday, but I may have recorded it. I have been doing some serious fall cleaning and changing bedrooms around, creating new spaces. Haven't been eating properly due to just being busy. I have been going to bed after 3:30am and getting up when my husband turns the light on because I didn't here my clock (6:45am) I haven't had time to nap so I am running on much of nothing. My legs hurt like crazy I have no idea why, since I would think it would be my back from moving stuff. I should hopefully be down by next week. Take care, Have a great day/week. Hope everyone is doing well. I've got a ton of reading to do. to ALL
  • Down 0.4 to 212.4 from 212.6 --- maybe 209 was a "scale-tease" or it's TOM?