11 Regainers regaining control and relosing!

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  • No weigh in

    I went to bed w the chills. I’m watching myself as I got some bites when I was mulching and weeding but am unsure if I had a tick bite. So we are watching me for rash or bullseye. Yeah - got to love creepy bugs that can wreak havoc - NOT!

    Today is grocery day - I was looking to get avocados. Hah - at $1.50 a fruit NO WAY. So I’ll try and load up on other fruit and veggies. And chicken. I’m out of chicken - who runs out of chicken? Me I guess.

    Sakai: to slay a sweet tooth is fantastic! I’d sure love it if mine took a trip but it’s not and it’s here. I’ve been told I should stick to a balanced diet due to my health stuff - but I try to keep a bit more proteins going or pair my carbs w a protein as often as I can. It helps. I’m glad you had fun celebrating your birthday week! The weight will come off if it’s up - it’s just crazy when you hope those numbers don’t go up and then you work your way back down.

    Diane: rain! The bottom of my state has been inundated w it and a ton of people flooded due to creeks flowing over. It’s a mess. In 24 hours I think they had 13.25”. That’s a lot to go somewhere. Next week we are to have rain straight through. I’m looking out the window now and it looks Smokey hazy. Maybe it’s from the West finally.

    How did pump go? Did you check that other calculator to see how/what your percentage is? Just curious.

    Hello all!

    Am: and today I will also make my last batch of salsa. I need to see if pears are on sale too and maybe put up some of those (always so nice and sweet in the winter). So the old grocery shop it will be. Except I’ll have my youngest w me. Always an experience.

    Weight wise - I haven’t been good - so toasted I think this week start w a loss and went up w a gain. However I did fast until 1245 yesterday but I’m sure are all that back and then some. Argh. Maybe I just need to drink something warm all day long and that will stop the need to eat? And my walking has been horrid. Good gawd - I need to get that crackalackin. One more week of kids home and then I will hopefully have time in the mornings.

    Well I wish you well I’m off to figure my grocery list and get on a the day. My best to you all.
  • HI All,

    Diane: You're right! It was the fire near Palisades, so we did drive right by where you live. What a beautiful area! Now, I will be able to imagine your hikes a lot better! As for body fat, even though 46% sounds high, I do remember that during my last weight loss journey, when I was working out a lot, I had my body fat measured at 33% and even though I weighed close to 200 at the time, they told me that for my age at the time I was within the normal range. And my son, who is working on weight loss, just got his lean body mass measured and they told him he had 175lbs of lean body mass, and he's only about 5'8" so technically, per BMI he should only weigh 154-- but they (the obesity medicine specialists) told him that his correct weight was probably close to 200. So, I'm thinking that with all you work out, you probably have a high lean body mass (muscle and bone) and you probably would be shooting for a percentage in the low 30s, so you're not as far off as you may think.

    Lemon: Tick bite. Oh no! My daughter got Lyme disease once, but luckily we saw the bullseye rash and she got treated right away so no problem. Glad that you're looking out for it. In her case, it was really obvious/impossible to miss. Regarding the grocery store-- it's just insane sometimes how the prices go up and down and something that you always buy is just crazy over-priced. Makes me NUTS. Are you a costco or sam's club shopper? I always feel like that helps, but not everyone has one nearby. With four kids I was constantly fighting against the grocery bill and it seems like it just gets worse all the time. Ugh.

    Sakai: It is so awesome that you have lost your taste for sweets!! I'm not sure that will ever happen to me. I just LOVE sweet things!!! What a terrific way to celebrate a birthday and enjoy it but not go overboard!

    Toasted: Enjoy your holiday and try to take advantage of it and not worry about the documentary (easier said than done, but you deserve a rest!) I'm sorry you are feeling like food is not in control. Feeling bigger is NEVER FUN!! But try to remember that you are still holding on to the original big weight loss where I'm having to relose my 2009-2012 weight all over again after hitting 297, or one pound higher than my highest ever weight, so in my book you, Toasted, are a rock star of weight loss and you will certainly shed the little bit of extra pudge to loosen up those clothes again!!!

    As for me, nice payoff on the scale this morning: 207, or exactly 90 lbs from my high weight! I'm trying to get down to about 190, which I now realize is just not that far away! My youngest is back to school, and my daughter will be returning to college on the 4th. I've really got to get some work done now! I've been pretty much in vacation mode since June!
  • 255.2

    Sakai: Great to see you back! And, like Uber, I admire your ability to lose your sweet tooth. I have not! I could easily eat a pint of ice cream. Ha! So, I do have to really discipline myself on that part. The big thing right now for me are the fresh peaches. I had to force myself to stop putting heavy cream and sugar on them. So, that dessert went from about 700 calories to 60. ha!

    Lemon: It kind of drives me crazy how avocado prices fluctuate. I think they are just so inconsistent. You can't rely on being able to get them!! I didn't do the body fat percentage calculations. I don't have the measurements that they took, so I'll have to see if I can get them.

    Uber: Well, that's cool that you were through here. Sorry you got stuck because of the fire. Hopefully the wait wasn't too long. I've never much worried about body fat percentage, just always concentrating on the scale. I'll have to look at it a little closer next time I meet with them. I guess you can't focus on being almost 50% fat! It might be a good number even if it seems high. Congratulations on the 90 pounds!! That's awesome!!

    As for me, I was down a little on the scale this morning, so that was good. I think that I am still in the early stages of easier weight loss, but I'll take it. I did think that my weekend might have caused a higher number than what it should have been. I went to Body Pump today. I really needed to work out my soreness. It was pretty bad last night. I think it helped, and I'm not quite as stiff today. The weather is looking so nice right now, I am hoping to go on a hike tonight after work. If it doesn't rain, I would like to head back over there. In looking at the forecasts, I think this rain finally kicked out the super high heat. I hope, anyway.

    I'm doing well so far with food. It takes a lot of my concentration because I had developed a few bad habits. Nothing too extreme, but not exactly on point. So, the struggle continues!!
  • Lemon- $1.50 for avocados?! @.@ that's crazy talk. I don't know if it's because I live next door to California or what, but Avocados rarely get over 50 cents here. I remember one year they hit $1. There must have been a hicup in the harvest or something because they didn't say $1 for more than a month or two. and that was a few years ago. I can't imagine paing $1.50 everytime I wanted a Avocado. I have 4 of them a week. sometimes more. The price is pretty rock steady. 60 cents in the off season 25 cents around May and 50 cents the rest of the time.

    Slashnl- I read that soreness after a workout meant that your body was building/repairing muscle and that it holds in some water to do so, so up and down movments of the scale is normal if you are working out until sore. Did you go on your hike? I can't wait until the temps drop a bit more, I miss hiking.

    As for me. I got on the scale after my post yesterday and had a heart attack.
    Just to put it into perspective today I'm down 6 pounds of water weight. I knew it was because I had to get up 3 times last night to pee like a horse. I've only been on my diet for 12 hours and allready the water is rolling right off. Hopefully it won't take me longer than 2 weeks to get back to what I was before the celibrations. No wonder I felt bloated. Carbs mess me up. @.@ Last time I did this it took me a month to get back. I pray it won't take that long this time.
  • No weigh in

    I’m draining tomatoes right now - the last batch of salsa to be made! I’ve been up since 5 and just now my big canning pot has reached a boil. I’m on an electric stove so it’s kind of a pain to heat that large.

    Sakai: yes $1.50! For one stinky avocado! Guess what’s just sitting there in huge piles? I’ve seen that before when their quantities are down - maybe wildfires? I think last time it was drought or flooding - take your pick. So for me no avocados the last month as they had been at 89c and even that is pricey. And a pain! When you use them to get further into your day because they fill you.

    Diane: how was your exercise today? Hope getting back into things for you results in good things!

    Uber: any future travels? Is your newest book put to bed?

    Toasted: how did your gre go? Will you be traveling somewhere for your studies?

    Hello all!

    Am: so my last salsa making has commenced and then I bought 24 pears to can up but they are sitting on my floor ripening. The bad thing w pears is they can change so quickly. But they are good when they are canned! So the time waiting and pronto cleaning and prepping is just what it is.

    I’ve got the compost heap underway and already thinking about my garden next year. I hope it works! I’m going to have to fence certain areas I think having lost all of my dill and parsley to some crazy thing. My sib thought maybe a deer because there was NOTHING left. Down to the dirt. Is it wrong to plan your garden before this years is gone? I’m already contemplating what type of tomatoes. I’m think determinate is the way to go. Mine sprawled all over thus time but they stayed green all season long and kept their leaves until now!

    Diet wise - I’ve been not super great but I’ve made good meals and have been eating watermelon right and left it’s my need to snack that’s tripping me up. Today I’m sure it will be salsa snacking. Good thing I don’t have chips!

    Hope y’all have a wonderful Friday and start to your weekend!
  • Hey Guys,

    How goes. I haven't weighed in a couple of days but I've been doing okay with diet so far- the mornings have just been somewhat early. Not much to report. I'm hungry but that's because I've let myself get accustomed to eating so much in a bingey 3000-calorie-a-day way that of course, when I half that to weight loss calories, it feels like I'm starving. I'm trying to incorporate more water, but it is what it is, till I train my body to eating somewhat normal amounts of food. I'm never one to advocate for anyone to starve themselves but I think I've definitely been doing THE MOST feeding my emotions, which I don't think there's anything wrong with, but everything in moderation nothing to excess etc. The real challenge is going to be this weekend. I have a lot to of editing to do with my research fellowship documentary and not even the nice progress-making editing because I'm not skilled enough for that- the boring narrative weaving, video marking kind so that my artist/editor colleague knows what I want my vision to say and he can bring it to life. My research partner finally showed up today. Le sigh. And he wants some stuff from the videos as well even if he didn't show up when we were recording. I will not rant. By next week Thursday, this will be a distant dream.

    Lemon: Here religious public holidays i.e. both Muslim and Christian holidays (the big ones not the random ones) are a national holiday. So we get Easter (and Good Friday AND Easter Monday), we get two 2-day Eid's as well as Prophet Mohammed's birthday which is an Eid of sorts as well, we get Christmas Day and Boxing Day (and if Christmas Day or Boxing Day falls on a weekend, we get the next working day off as well- so if Christmas and Boxing Day were Saturday-Sunday, we'd get Monday-Tuesday off). If it's a national holiday, office worker bees don't go to work (people in retail or service industries or utilities or emergency services are of course out of luck). If you have work to do, you can of course choose to take it home, like you do over the weekend, but it's your time off. It's kind of like Thanksgiving and how some people who have deadlines may work from home over Thanksgiving but it's not like you HAVE TO-HAVE TO! I know I found it strange in college in America where it was like well if it's your religious holiday, you can take the day off "if you like," and it's like "who's going to 'like'??? who wants to be 'that' person?). But the thing is that here, let's say you decided you were jewish or orthodox Christian by some random chance, you wouldn't get to tell anyone- it's my faith's special day- you'd have to take time off your allocated time off for the year so I guess it's somewhat unfair to people who aren't Christian or Muslim. Wow that's a long explanation, sorry! Thanks for the weight loss encouragement. I loathe bugs so I hope your chills aren't bug-bite related. The warm drinks idea sounds like a plan. All the schmancy-fancy healthy lifestyle influencers I follow on instagram swear by bone broth but who wants do drink warm broth in the heat. So one of them said, "oh you can drink it cold" and I'm just like... "yaaaahhh not for me." I like my cold bevvies sweet or sour but certainly not meaty. GREs went meh... I got my official result last weekend- I rocked out the verbal REALLY well in an almost perfect score sort of way, was bang average on the quantitative (which I'm sooooo mad at myself for because I know I could have done better but I didn't follow my strategy), and I also sucked (was slightly above average) in the writing which I expected because again pacing and I didn't finish one of my essays... Le Sigh y'all. So anyway what I've ended up with is an extremely unbalanced result that makes it look like I know words, but don't particularly string them together well and I'm not a mathematician. Sigghhhhhh! I'm not doing it again tho... idc idc idc. It is what it is.

    Diane: Don't weep too much about body fat. My fancy pants fitbit scale tells me I have 43.1% body fat so.... I'm approaching being half made up of fat as well. Bad habits are sooooo easy to pick up and yet a nightmare to drop aren't they. I've never needed 17 whole days to form a bad habit and yet the books say you need at least 17 days to form a good one and even that mightn't be enough. Sigh. We'll make it.

    Sakai: I hope you had a great birthday!!!

    Uber: Yay 90 lbs down!!!! That's amazing! Well done! Thank you for the encouragement. I'm just back on the grind. It is what it is, and the great thing about weight, is that it can always be re-lost even though, I'm sure we ALL would just rather NOT!

    Oky guys, I've got to go. Hugs to all!
  • 255.0

    Sakai: Congrats on the weight loss! And for getting back to workouts. Good for you! I hope the weight comes back off quickly for you. It sounds like you are really focused and back on track, so I'm sure it will. Oh, and no, I didn't go for a hike. The temperatures didn't read that high, but it still felt hot. I think it is more a matter of not being out doing that for so long, and getting used to the air conditioned gym. But, I let myself bail out on it. I want to go tomorrow and/or Sunday, just to see how it goes. Then hopefully next week, I can go during the week sometime too.

    Lemon: Heck no, it isn't a bad thing to start thinking about next year's garden. I haven't made any big plans, but I've thought of some things I want to change for next year. Always a good time to think about it!! Good job on making the salsa and canning pears. I'll be canning some tomatoes this weekend. Pears are so hard, I think, just with the peeling. That's a lot of work!!!

    Toasted: You are so right about good and bad habits. It's been a struggle this week for me, too. I know I don't need more food, but man, I feel so neglected!! I'm not too worried about the body fat percentage thing. It is what it is, and for the challenge I have to pay attention to it. But I doubt I'll follow it too much after the challenge is over. At least the GRE is done. Now what do you do?

    As for me, just a .2 drop on the scale. Hopefully by next Monday there will be a good drop. This is the first weekend since I started the challenge, so I need to make it a good one. We aren't going anywhere, so at least there won't be that temptation. Time to make it an on track weekend. I'm pretty much over the challenge, but I'll stick with it. I have to take this notebook with me to the classes, and there is a Facebook page that I am following for it. I get so many notifications from that, it drives me crazy. But, it is only 5 more weeks, and I need to make those count. There are weekly drawings for prizes as well as the $500 prize at the end. I didn't get in this just for the prizes, but I wouldn't mind getting one or winning overall!!!

    Workouts are good. I went to spin this morning. I don't think I'll go to any classes over the weekend, but hopefully can get some hiking in. I miss it!! We're looking at high 80's and low 90's, so should be ok to go. I'll probably keep my same schedule next week, going to Body Pump twice, spin 3 times. You know, it does feel good to be focusing back on these goals again. I'm feeling pretty tired this week, but I also feel good about the workouts. It normally gets better the second week, so I think I'll be a little more energetic next week. I hope!! Ha!
  • Hey guys, how goes everything. My weekend was half and half, plan-wise. Saturday was fine but Sunday was a bingey-mess. I only got 2 hours of sleep last night and didn't make the most on-plan decisions this morning. The foods themselves were fine, but I didn't eat taking into consideration my calories for my meals for the rest of the day. Sigh. I'll try to make it work. I also didn't get to work out as I planned, and today was supposed to be the day I got back on track with exercise. It's fine though. I'm going to try to see if I can leave work on time enough to get home early and exercise. Other than that, I'm determined not to feel the Mondays and to be on track this week so let's see how that goes. I didn't weigh in today because I could literally feel the weight of the bloat and of the lack of sleep on me. I'll weigh in tomorrow and report in for accountability.

    Diane, what does your challenge entail? Is it like a DietBet sort of thing? I hope your weekend went well and you were able to get in a good hike.

    Alright guys, wishing everyone a wonderful day and a fruitful week ahead.
  • No weigh in

    Kids go back to school next week so I can go back to being good or better or just keep Lamenting about my weight and do nothing about it. So I’ll try to keep it moving once they go back.

    Toasted: I hear you knowing how the body feels some mornings and why feel poorly when you know a number won’t pique your interest. Or excitement. Sorry your gre wasn’t meeting your total expectation. I hate testing like that - never been a fan. More of a free spirit in my way of thinking - and I loathe math. Besides who determines what’s normal? Maybe the same people that decided that BMI is correct too? will this allow you to enter your program?

    Diane: yeah for your body moving. Summers almost over but now we’ll have to fight the holidays and sweet filled part of the year. Hah good luck to you as you move your body off!

    Sakai: how’d the leaving of sugar go for you? Did you make it through the weekend?

    Uber: have you hit your goal?

    Hello all!

    Am: ugh - coasting over the weekend. What’s new for me? I’ll be thinking through how to feed myself once the kids go back to school. I seem to do better when I’m on my own and keep my morning moving without eating with them or snacking when they snack. Today I waffle and feel kind of like a diet failure as I post here and my weight in two years is pretty much where I started last year. I hate micromanaging my days and my food but I know KNOW that’s how I’ll get the weight off. If I could tell my younger self - just eat and not overeat or overdue the sweets. However hindsight is wonderful on every front.

    It’s to be super muggy again today - oh summer in the Midwest is always exciting. You become a hermit and hide out in your house (I have air) or you make it a point to go shopping/library/pool/movies if you don’t. Of course our outdoor pools around the area closed early because guards had to get back to college so that’s off the list. Lots of rain this week too. Well - I’ll just deal with it all

    Have a good start to your week. I’m off to figure out my days.
  • Lemon Ah, the muggy midwest! Pools closed sucks! I hate that time of year when it's still technically summer but it's only comfortable inside with the AC on. But happy that kids are back to school for you next week. Mine started LAST Wednesday, which pissed me off in its own way. I wish school didn't start until after Labor Day, but it seems like the summer gets shorter every year. I'm sure you'll find it much easier to focus on food and your own needs when the kids are back in school.

    Toasted Not sleeping is the absolute worst!!!! I used to work a job that required me to stay up all night and I never could cope with it. When I don't sleep I pretty much give up on the day! As for GREs, LOL. Not surprising that those of us who keep up long term friendship through writing long tomes end up good at verbal stuff! I can relate because my SATs and GREs were exactly like yours. 99% in verbal 50% in math. And nothing I did ever made it any better. But you know what? I ended up getting an master's in a health care field, no sweat, although, I have to say that my worst course was statistics! I'm excited for you that you are thinking grad school. It's always good to pursue as much education as you can when you still have the brain cells to do it.

    Diane: I love thinking about your hikes now that I can imagine your beautiful area and 80s low 90s sounds doable. I need a dose of your inspiration because I have yet to go back to the gym since I got home, although I have done a bunch of walks. So awesome that you are participating in a challenge. That $500 must be a terrific motivator!

    Sakai: Your salsa and canned pears sound scrumptious! And you are giving me garden-envy. I love that you are already planning for next year while composting this year. Gardening is such a healthy thing to do-- not only do you get fresh food, but you also get exercise. You can see I'm a little jealous-- I haven't kept a garden in the last four years because I end up going away all summer. Maybe you will inspire me to get back to it.

    Scale: Weighed in at 206.1 this morning, so that was nice! It's hard to believe that I'm so close to getting under 200 again! I've got my goal set for 190 because that's where I bottomed out last time I lost weight-- no amount of calorie restricting or exercise would force me lower-- so I'm getting pretty close, and I'm def feeling comfortable in my own skin already.
  • 257.2

    Toasted: Sounds like you had a tough weekend. Glad to have that in the past, and you can move forward. As for my challenge, we took measurements and photos to start, and we'll finish with that. Part of the deal is that you take 2 classes per week, which is not a problem since I do that anyway. I did it more to give me that push to get back to being more diligent. There are a lot of people in it, so it will be tough to win!

    Lemon: I'm with you about hating to micromanage food. I really wish I didn't have to do it. It drives me crazy sometimes, but if I don't, I'm going to gain for sure. UGH!!

    Uber: WOW! Look at your new weight. That's so awesome! You are getting so close to being out of the 200's, it is so great. What a great accomplishment.

    As for me, well..... the scale went back up. It was incredibly disappointing to see that this morning, but I'm going to try to stay positive. I had a fairly good weekend of being on track with food. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't as bad as it has been before. The only thing I'm wondering about is a hike that I did yesterday. I haven't been hiking for a month and a half, and it was a new trail that I tried, that was awfully steep. I was feeling stiff yesterday and my ring is a little tight today, so maybe it is water. I don't know. So irritating. But, what's the alternative? I just have to keep going. I had a pretty lofty goal for this challenge, and at this rate, I definitely won't make it. At least there is the body fat percentage and the measurements.

    ANYWAY... moving on. I went to spin this morning. I will go back to Body Pump tomorrow. For now, I just need to keep in my routine for workouts and then really watch my food intake. So much fun.
  • No weigh in

    I get in trouble this way! But I didn’t feel like disrobing and then getting back in my pjs- I got up at about 5 and feel like lounging these last few days of summer. I’m watching the news - the area was deluged w rain last night so a lot of flooding in my state. We are to get lots more rain today as well. My town is ok- but I feel for those families dealing w this and the following cleanup.

    My canning - I think I’m going to buy more pears tomorrow. I got 10 pints done and we enjoy them so. The peeling of 24 pears wasn’t bad. When I bought them they were mighty green and I let them ripen a bit and got them done. A great thing for winter eating and pretend we still have some summer.

    Diane: maybe it’s just this muscles holding some water and getting stronger. Exercise is always a conundrum what the body will do with it. The only time I saw a lot of good change was when I lap swam. When I walk or bike, the scale moves but not by leaps and bounds. Keep up the good work though! Your scale will get going.

    Uber: yeah for low numbers. Your just breezing through the decades. Good for you! Have you been shopping or just waiting to get under 200? Have you been able to fit into any surprising new sizes? How’s your book? Our state decreed no school starts until after Labor Day to make sure the full tourist season is captured. A few districts start early, but they have to get approval from the state. We aren’t one of them! But I will be glad once the kiddos go this summer has been long in some respects.

    Toasted: I forgot to say thanks for the explanation of your locale. How is your dieting going today? I’m not doing the best with mine. And how did your writing end up? Did you get that all accomplished?

    Hello all!

    Well I am bobbing along. I’ll be sewing today and so I will be measuring myself. I hope things go easily and look nice. Fitting oneself can be a bit much but I’d rather things fit me nicely then being too snug in all the wrong places or too loose to fit one area -usually my bum. Of course the shirt fabric has not arrived yet so those will be one of the last things to do.

    Ok - we’ll im working on the IF again today. Some days I do fine and other days not so well. Thus far I’m ok.

    Well you all have a nice day and hopefully kind scales!
  • 202.7

    Le sigh at the 1.4-lb weight increase guys. I'm not excited, but I'm also not having a meltdown about it. My mantra to myself is that I haven't failed, if I'm chubbier and heavier, I'm not less loveable or less good or less worthy or lacking in some way or a failure. It's just a number on the scale. I don't have to be light weight immediately today- if I consistently make decisions that support my goals, then I will meet them, and if I make decisions that don't support my goals, then it means I'm not ready in that moment and I don't have to be. By God's Grace, there's no health-related urgency, and the only real urgency is to look after this body I've been given and make decisions that contribute to it's health whatever size I am and THAT has nothing to do with looking skinny or wearing a certain size. Well, that's at least more or less what I'm journaling to myself. It's working some minutes and not working in other minutes, but I'm still saying it to myself because it's true and needs to be said.

    Lemon: I should be okay to get into the programs I'm looking at, GRE-wise. I'm disappointed because I typically don't suck at math or writing but I'm kind of over it. If I was straight out of college, I might have redone them, but I'm too old (11 years out of undergrad, 9 years out of grad school) and too busy- if I don't get in because of GRE scores and not being on top of my trigonometry, then it is what it is. I can't even imagine the difficulty of trying to stay on an IF plan when you're having to make endless snacks and meals for your little ones! Sorry to hear about the flooding in your state. I'm glad to hear that your family is okay. What are you sewing? What's it going to look like? I'm in awe of the fact that you can just make yourself things, just like that! That's total #GOALS

    Uber: My GRE percentiles are identical to yours so I'm glad you get the jarring imbalance. It's crazy. The progress you've made is amazing!!!! You're within 20lbs of goal and still motivated and pushing and that's awesome in every way. The biggest win is feeling comfortable in your skin and that at any weight is MAJOR!

    Diane: I have photos and measurements, and I can commit to wrking out AT LEAST twice a week (aiming for 5 times a week but still) so I'll try to keep up virtually. When does the challenge end? I need a kick in the pants and all the challenge I can get. I feel you on the scale disappointment because I'm in a similar situation with my weigh in today where 5 days out of 7 last week were on plan and yet the scale is screaming at me. I've only restarted exercising in the past week after 3 weeks off and I've been really sore, so I'm also hoping that I'm holding on to water. But you're right, what's the alternative?

    Okay guys, I've got to get back to work. Here's wishing everyone a fabulous on-plan day. Hugs to all!
  • 256.4

    Lemon: I do love canned pears! I just don't want to do the work! I was able to can tomatoes over the weekend. I only do it every other year, so I canned 21 quarts. Took awhile, but I just love the way they look!

    Toasted: Good attitude! It is so easy to get down on ourselves about this weight thing, but I just feel like it doesn't do any good. We just pick up the pieces and move on. I'm sure you'll be moving down the scale again, and back under that 200 mark. The challenge ends at the end of September, with weigh in, measurements and photos on October 1st.

    As for me, the scale dropped some. Enough to make me feel better about it. (I'll let it live now.) Food hasn't been on track as it should be, but working on it. I'm going on a hike after work tonight with my daughter. That will be fun. Spin tomorrow. As a part of the challenge, there are a group of people meeting to go on a hike Saturday morning. It is a pretty challenging hike that I've never gone on, but I'm thinking about going. I worry about being too slow, but I don't feel like I'm a beginning hiker either. My husband thinks I should go, and I would like to go, so I probably will try. Scary to go with people I don't know well, and without knowing the area. Maybe that's the challenge I need, too.
  • Soo sorry for being silent. Things have gotten crazy over here.
    On the weekend I was gifted 4 full grown Peking duck hens. Mr. Man just wanted to slaughter them but I talked him into keeping them until our chicks are old enough to go outside. I tempted him with the fact that they are laying and he loves duck eggs. So we built the 10 foot by 10 foot by 6-foot kennel for them. Got them a pool and food. And I did some research. I discovered that ducks and chickens can be raised together and they eat the same feed, which is helpful. So now Mr. Man wants to keep them LOL While we were getting their pool at Tractor supply I looked at the chicks and discovered some Easter Eggers....these are the chicks I wanted ...so I bought 4 LOL so we set up the brooder and have them in the garage.
    Meanwhile, the 7 eggs in the incubator have gone into lock down and should be hatching in the next 3 days. @.@
    Just wanted to check in and say I'm alive and may be in and out if/when eggs hatch and such.