Fabulous at Fifty+ .... A home for those of us 50 and older on IP! VOLUME 4

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  • Quote: You're BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    I hear you on the thunder thigh issue. If the pant legs fit, then the waist is too big. If the waist is perfect I have a hard time getting the pants over my thunder thighs. Oy!

    You are a beautiful butterfly and it has been a joy watching you grow (smaller that is) and bloom.

    exactly!!! i have a gap of about 4 inches in the waist in the back!! i have a sway back like an old worn down horse or something!! too many years in gymnastics i suppose! haha Oy is right!!
    i have been riding my bike and walking and dancing and still these thighs are barely budging!! whats a girl to do to get skinny legs!!!

    Quote: Rainbow you are just rocking this! Congratulations on all your success, you you look fabulous! I know the feeling about mail order and not shopping or trying on things in the stores. Or if I found something that fit, I'd by two or three of the same thing (different colors) so I didn't have to shop for anything else.
    omg...you are so right...my dh had mentioned several times, how many tank tops do you even own!! i would order top but the sleeves would be too tight and the boob area like niagra on me and then be tight around the hips!! OY!!! so ribbed tank tops work perfect!! If i am cold, i layer with a denim button up shirt that i wear unbuttoned!!
    i live in tank tops most of the time. ribbed tank tops and elastic waist sweats or pants. it was nice buying a pretty top for a change!! now that is 2 new things, my dress, and this jeans outfit!! woohoo!!!

    Quote: Rainbow!!! Look at you, beautiful lady!!! You look fabulous dahling! hehehe
    I have the opposit problem...it's my tummy that is out of proportion (apple shape). To get pants to fit in the waist, the butt area is too baggy. Hopefully for all of us, things will even out the way it's supposed to and we will all look fabulous!

    My scales have been going up/down by 2 lbs for over a week, but can't seem to get below 145.4. (I've always been a daily weigher, and don't get freaked out by the up/down trends.) Think I've had trouble getting back into the swing of my routine (measuring, timing) since my trip & son's wedding. I've also been really hungry lately, and having serious cravings. Am re-committing right here & now to get back to basics and shed these last 10 lbs! Was hoping to do so by Thanksgiving, but looks like it will take a little longer.
    ok greeniris...we can make a pact....how about starting tomorrow morning, we do 5 days in the LIFEBOAT!! 5 perfect days, not one lick or taste of anything not on plan?? i will if you will!!!

    thank you for the compliment. the word beautiful and rainbow (susan) doesn't usually happen together. growing up my mom always, ALWAYS, said she had 2 daughters, the pretty one (my sister) and the intelligent one( me). as a result i have always felt ugly....but smart!!

    Quote: good morning 50s chicks, rainbow you look smoking hot, and isn't life just funny that way I mean about our shapes and all? I'm totally the opposite my pants always seem to be perfect in the butt and legs but that waist is a bit snug, o well the pants I'm finding in back of my closet have been slipping on so ill take it for now. My son is going to help me w my pictures so y'all can see me smile at you pretty soon. Today is WI so I'm going to get ready and keep fingers crossed that my loss is good, could be ifie, Tom is here, but last week was a tiny one so its time for a biggie, but I'll take whatever as long as its going down. Anyway I'll be back with the news shortly, tah tah for now chicks. Teena

    woohoo can't wait for you to get your photo up!! i so dislike my photo being taken!! i have always been the one whose face is all you see, hiding at the back of photos, pulling all the kids in front of me. so many of you lovely ladies have truly inspired me to be brave and take photos. what i can NOT see in the mirror, shows up in a photo!! DH took that photo after he came home from work yesterday and when i uploaded them, i was like, wow, that outfit looks pretty good, look at that top its pretty...and my dh said, no susan, its YOU who is pretty! he made me cry happy tears!! he is not one with overflowing compliments but he does have his moments.

    good luck on your weigh in!! woot woot!! you can do it!
  • so funny thing happened this morning...when i woke up and of course headed straight to the ladies room...there were the new jeans...folded on the table....and i got all giddy and said, oooooh i DIDN'T DREAM IT!! haha so i quickly slipped them on again, and they still fit!!! haha i was somehow thinking in my head they would be too small this morning! hahahhaa
  • "ok greeniris...we can make a pact....how about starting tomorrow morning, we do 5 days in the LIFEBOAT!! 5 perfect days, not one lick or taste of anything not on plan?? i will if you will!!!

    thank you for the compliment. the word beautiful and rainbow (susan) doesn't usually happen together. growing up my mom always, ALWAYS, said she had 2 daughters, the pretty one (my sister) and the intelligent one( me). as a result i have always felt ugly....but smart!!"

    We got this beautiful lady! You're on. I made meatballs for VIP with regular grd chuck (15% fat?) the other day and ended up eating 5 or 6 over 2 days. And not measuring so probably getting too much meat & veggies, and too long between snack & dinner a couple of days(have my snack around 3:30-4:00).

    RE: Your mom calling you smart rather than beautiful...I taught a Communications & Parenting Skills class for about 3 years a long time ago. One of the things we talked about was "Self-Fulfilling Prophecies", and how as parents we have a tremendous impact on how our children see themselves. What you said is a case in point. I used to introduce my boys as "this is my shy one, and this is my rambunctious one." Once I learned about self-fulfilling prophesies, I immediately stopped...wanted the shy one to become more outgoing, and the rambunctious one to tone it down! But for you, you ARE beautiful my friend. Stop looking in the mirror with your mother's eyes.
  • Quote: [COLOR="Magenta"]We got this beautiful lady! You're on. I made meatballs for VIP with regular grd chuck (15% fat?) the other day and ended up eating 5 or 6 over 2 days. And not measuring so probably getting too much meat & veggies, and too long between snack & dinner a couple of days(have my snack around 3:30-4:00).

    RE: Your mom calling you smart rather than beautiful...I taught a Communications & Parenting Skills class for about 3 years a long time ago. One of the things we talked about was "Self-Fulfilling Prophecies", and how as parents we have a tremendous impact on how our children see themselves. What you said is a case in point. I used to introduce my boys as "this is my shy one, and this is my rambunctious one." Once I learned about self-fulfilling prophesies, I immediately stopped...wanted the shy one to become more outgoing, and the rambunctious one to tone it down! But for you, you ARE beautiful my friend. Stop looking in the mirror with your mother's eyes.
    thank you for this!!!
  • Quote:

    well you ladies talked me in to going back to the consignment store!! yipee....wednesdays are 25% off days!! of course the apple bottom jeans were gone, but i did find another pair of jeans, a 24W!!! they are a wee bit tight in the legs, but big in the waist!! the pitfalls of having thunder thighs!! they don't have as much spandex as those apple bottom ones did! haha I have gone from a size 36W tight pair of pants to a size 24W!! wow!

    i haven't worn jeans in a very long time. they kinda feel weird. but it kinda feels good too....to slip on a pair of jeans after many many years of sweatpants and elastic waist pants.

    i also got this new top...i love it!! its a size XL!! i have not worn a size XL top since high school....HIGH SCHOOL....and that was many moons ago!!! i am overwhelmed!! it is by Apt. 9 and is super cute!! I have now gone from a size 4X top to an XL!! i can't even imagine!!

    the real NSV....is that i ventured out again, in public...to a store...to try on clothes!! i have ordered my clothes online now for years!!!! i have panic attacks just thinking about the mall!! haha ack!! losing weight is giving me my life back. losing weight is giving me some confidence back. losing weight is liberating!! i feel like a butterfly coming out of metamorphosis!!

    THANK YOU all of you beautiful, intelligent, amazing ladies....and friends....who have encouraged me and inspired me and given me tough love to keep going!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

    i have a long way to go but i feel renewed in my spirit!!! i can't thank you enough, seriously....for believing in me!!!
    Wow raindow you
    look fabulous!!! I can't wait to go shopping and get something new in a
    new size. I'm nervous about shopping as well. Never been a big shopper because of size. I may try something on this while I'm visiting my family. Hubby thinks
    they will be so surprised with my change so far size. Tomorrow is WI so I hope that starts the weekend off great.
  • Hi Everybody!! Gosh, I've been away from here for so long it took me hrs to catch up! Love all of the new pictures, Rainbow, your jeans and blue top look adorable.

    Pear girls complaining about your big thighs! Me, I'm the apple, if my jeans fit in the waist, then they're too big in the butt and thighs. I wish I was a pear.....we always want the opposite of what we have.

    Still doing good on IP, almost halfway to my goal, but notice losses starting to slow down..EEEK!!

    My twin finally started on Tuesday. So happy to have her on this journey with me. She ordered her food on e-bay, no IP near her.

    Have a good day my friends. I'm off to work.
  • Rainbow - You are one HOT CHICK - smart and beautiful!!

    AliKay - Will be thinking of your brother... so sorry he has to go through this.

    Fishette - Been feeling a little low on blood sugar too, lately... had to have an extra shake a couple of days - not sure why this starts now at 100 days into the plan... I think I do a pretty good job of spreading my food and IP products out so I never go too long without eating.

    Looking forward to my annual physical next week - boy are they in for a surprise! Hoping I can get off the cholesterol meds, but not sure about blood pressure. I monitor at home and I don't think it's low enough yet that they will want to reduce that, even though I've lost almost 40 pounds.
  • OMG - Someone just brought me a 1/2 lb of CHOCOLATES!!!! I can smell it through the box...it's the good stuff from a local chocolatier (groan)...

    NO, I won't have ANY!!!!!
  • QUICK - give it away to someone nice!!!
  • Quote: OMG - Someone just brought me a 1/2 lb of CHOCOLATES!!!! I can smell it through the box...it's the good stuff from a local chocolatier (groan)...

    NO, I won't have ANY!!!!!
    better get rid of them before tomorrow morning!!! its 5 days in a LIFEBOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I WILL BE WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Quote: Wow raindow you
    look fabulous!!! I can't wait to go shopping and get something new in a
    new size. I'm nervous about shopping as well. Never been a big shopper because of size. I may try something on this while I'm visiting my family. Hubby thinks
    they will be so surprised with my change so far size. Tomorrow is WI so I hope that starts the weekend off great.
    i know exactly what you mean about not being much of a shopper! i went the day before yesterday and picked out 9 items...and went to try them on and they were ALL too big. my head just doesn't comprehend it yet. so when i went back yesterday, i had to force myself to pick out smaller things and it was fun finding a few things that actually fit!!

    i am sure they will be surprised and you are really working hard!! keep at it...and try on new things....finding just 1 new outfit has really made me feel special and excited!! this morning i was afraid they shrunk overnight and would not fit but guess what, THEY STILL FIT!! HAHAHA
  • Quote: Hi Everybody!! Gosh, I've been away from here for so long it took me hrs to catch up! Love all of the new pictures, Rainbow, your jeans and blue top look adorable.

    Pear girls complaining about your big thighs! Me, I'm the apple, if my jeans fit in the waist, then they're too big in the butt and thighs. I wish I was a pear.....we always want the opposite of what we have.

    Still doing good on IP, almost halfway to my goal, but notice losses starting to slow down..EEEK!!

    My twin finally started on Tuesday. So happy to have her on this journey with me. She ordered her food on e-bay, no IP near her.

    Have a good day my friends. I'm off to work.
    us PEAR girls!! hahahaha TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS....YOU DO NOT WANT THICK THUNDER THIGHS!!! yes, a round backside is nice in jeans but the fat thighs...no way!!

    wouldn't it be fun if we could MOLD ourselves like playdough!! i'd have sexy skinny dancer legs!!!

    now hang tough....and GET IN THE LIFEBOAT for 5 days starting tomorrow morning and lets see if we can make that scale move for you!!!!
  • Quote: Rainbow - You are one HOT CHICK - smart and beautiful!!
    Looking forward to my annual physical next week - boy are they in for a surprise! Hoping I can get off the cholesterol meds, but not sure about blood pressure. I monitor at home and I don't think it's low enough yet that they will want to reduce that, even though I've lost almost 40 pounds.
    aww thank you lizzy!!! your dr will be shocked at how amazing you've done with your ip journey!!! can't wait for you to come back and share with us the results!!! my cholesterol was 124!!!!!! the dr said that is one of the lowest he ever has seen and even had me check it twice!! woot woot!!

  • [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Magenta"]ok greeniris...we can make a pact....how about starting tomorrow morning, we do 5 days in the LIFEBOAT!! 5 perfect days, not one lick or taste of anything not on plan?? i will if you will!!!

    First off Rainbow....WOW!!! You look terrific, love love love the outfit!
    is there room in the life boat for another? I have been stuck at 162 for about 6 weeks, i know it is because I am not measuring etc. I need to get back to basics.

    [QUOTE=greeniris;4508794]"ok greeniris...we can make a pact....how about starting tomorrow morning, we do 5 days in the LIFEBOAT!! 5 perfect days, not one lick or taste of anything not on plan?? i will if you will!!!

    thank you for the compliment. the word beautiful and rainbow (susan) doesn't usually happen together. growing up my mom always, ALWAYS, said she had 2 daughters, the pretty one (my sister) and the intelligent one( me). as a result i have always felt ugly....but smart!!"

    Your mom, she would awful if she realized how much that hurt you. I think we all say and do things that have such a horrible effect on those we love. I am sorry you bore those words for so long...I believe what they say that words can hurt more than fists...ugh. Good thing you are a strong and beautiful person!

    [COLOR="DarkGreen"]We got this beautiful lady! You're on. I made meatballs for VIP with regular grd chuck (15% fat?) the other day and ended up eating 5 or 6 over 2 days. And not measuring so probably getting too much meat & veggies, and too long between snack & dinner a couple of days(have my snack around 3:30-4:00).

    Green Iris...mind i I jump in with you two? PLEASE
  • Quote: [SIZE="4"]

    First off Rainbow....WOW!!! You look terrific, love love love the outfit!

    is there room in the life boat for another? I have been stuck at 162 for about 6 weeks, i know it is because I am not measuring etc. I need to get back to basics.
    thank you and YES....YOU CAN JUMP IN THE LIFEBOAT TOO!!