Fat Smashers Weekly Weigh-in 10/23-10/29

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  • Ok, y'all...my first weigh in...I tiptoed towards the scale this morning, took a deep breath (then let it out quick lest it affect my numbers) and saw...183! 7 pounds gone! Whoopee!

    Whew! So today's my first day of phase 2, and I did really enjoy my grape nuts and raspberries for breakfast. Still, I've felt so good on phase 1 that I don't think I'm going to add too much back in yet. Now I need to really commit to the exercise. I'm walking and doing crunches, but I see what some of y'all are doing and I'm just in awe...

    Yay to smashing!
  • Rachel, WTG! Now I'm so anxious for my weighin on Nov. 1st.
  • GoldenLover~ Nov 1 isn't that far off. Hang in there! I actually didn't wait the 10 days. I cheated and weighed on day 5 and everyday after that! Kudos to you for waiting!

    Rachel~ CONGRATS!!! Great loss! I haven't added much back into my diet either. I have been smashing since 9/5 and I still pretty much eat phase one foods.

    happilyeverafter~ Good to have you with us!

    Have a great night!

  • This week I lost 3 more pounds on Phase II !

    I am so happy, I was nervous because I am eating my meat, cereal and cheese but am so happy about 3 pounds! I broke my plateu (from other diets I cant break 155)


    Congrats to everyone!
  • Thanks so much, GoldenLover and Sherry! I did a dance of joy in the bathroom after I got off the scale!

    I have to say, this forum has been so helpful - not only the encouragement from everyone, but also the positive, upbeat posts - and the ones where people talk about going off plan! They all really help keep me on track. So that when DH tells me that he's going to have a scoop of ice cream, I can just smile at him serenely and go grab my juicy farmer's market peach off the counter - and not feel deprived in the least, because y'all are doing the same thing.

    Ok, I'm done being mushy, but heartfelt thanks to everyone.
  • Today is day 5, and I'm still at it. Boy, I'm so anxious to weigh in. I have to hold out to the end though. I need a good surprise for once. I'm wishing us all a great weekend.
  • Congratulations to all who have lost. Today was my official weigh in as I have finished detox and on day 1 of Phase II. I lost 4 lbs. and didn't imagine I'd be able to lose that much since I'm not just starting the battle (already had lost 13 lbs. on different plans).
  • weigh in
    Hi smashers! I lost 0.8 this week. (Not quite a pound) It was my smallest so far but I'm ok with that. For me the exercise has been less... scheduling and weather have messed with it. I have done 4 days but only 30 minutes.. but I have started adding in a little running/jogging!!! Anyway, I'm at a solid 26 pound loss so far.

    congrats everyone!!!!!
  • congrats
    Good afternoon Happy face, Girfriend 26lbs is nothign to sneeze at!! you rock girl!! 0.8 hey is better than sts or gaining!! At least you are smashing it!! lol
    have a great day.
  • Thanks Bouncy! LOL I guess it was more of a "tap" than a "smash" this week. maybe a nudge...
  • started detox to day, weight in at 174.5. will let all know monday!!
  • Hi Bonny Jean, Congrats on the 2lbs gone and the size down!! It is such
    a good feeling when you get smaller!! I remeber how i felt when i broke the
    200 lb mark!! felt so good. Keep it up! For you sure can do it. Have agood
    Hugs LInda
  • Day 1
    It feels good to feel in control again...The last time I did phase 1 I did very good, but this time, I plan on taking it all the way and finsih and phase 4...So far today, I've had 1 banana, 1 yogurt, 1 cup of WW rice with onions, and raw carrots, 1 apple, I plan to have another yogurt in a few, and for dinner I make a homemade veg soup, I will have that and a salad, and grapes later..I've had 8 glasses of water, and have done 1 hour of IE.

    Ladean thanks again Linda
  • hello all! I have been sticking to it! Still not getting back on track with the exercise but, I will get back in the swing of it today, since I have more time on the weekends. I am so cold today the wind is like 50 mph gusts, so I should get on the treadmill to warm up!!

    Chipmonster- Way to go! Getting over those plateau's are so cool. Congrats!

    Selkie-7lbs!! Good for you!!
  • Chipmaster, you go girl!! I know you much be so proud!! Phase 2 and adding
    those foods back!! Girl you are so encouraging for all of us. Keep it up, it
    is so worth it, and you sure can do it. Have a great evenign.