Beat The Bulge Chat~Game 7!!

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  • Hey Sherrie!
    I have an 8 and almost 6 year old too. (As well as a 3 and almost 2 year old) I just noticed that we are close to the same weight and we must be close to the same age too- I just turned 20 reunion will be next year. Anyway- anytime you want to chat, just hollar! I am online a lot during the day too. My older kids still have another month before school starts again...will I survive?! LOL
    Do you have boys or girls?
  • Hey ladies!! This is my first BTB Game and what an active group you have going here! I can't wait to get to know you all better. Just as a heads up I'm here and playing but am in the process of a move so won't be around regularly untill next weekend for sure! Take care!!
  • I hope everyone had a good day today. I did okay. My blood sugar level went WAY down around 8:30. I was shaking and stuff. Luckily, I saw my mama in on one of the floors while I was delivering a patient's tray and she gave me some money to get something and after I got off, I went to the canteen and brought packets of those snack crackers for the rest of the week. I forgot that I have to eat every three hours. I haven't been and I think that is why my weight loss has been non existant. That and the horrible eating. LOL
  • Hi everyone!! Thanks to a friend for leading me to this website. I am very new to this site and this game. I have a personal question to ask to anyone. If you happened to gain 2 lbs of the normal water weight due to TOM would you make it as a gain on your weight tracker? I gained 2 lbs water since yesterday and would hate to use that weight for the start of this game. What would you do?

    I look foward to getting to know everyone. Good luck everyone !
  • Welcome! It's your personal choice. Alot of us don't record water gain cause you'll just lose it as soon as TOM is over.
  • Happy Tuesday!!!

    If I could just repeat what I did yesterday all the time, I'd be doing great. Everything seemed to click yesterday. Dont ya just love days like that?

    Went 4 miles this morning and it was beautiful . Such a nice temperature out, and I had lots of energy after a good nights sleep. I'm going to try to get in another workout later today as well.

    It sounds like all of us are off to a great start for this game! Hope we can all keep up the momentum. I've got some more errands to finish today as well as an eye appointment. It should be a fairly relaxed day which is always helpful.

    Craig and I went for a bike ride last night and went down a road we've never been on before. That doesnt sound all that weird until you figure that we both grew up in this tiny town, and this road is only about 3 miles from where we currently live. Its a seasonal road and only open 4 months of the year. Anyways, fields on both sides, but lots of birds to watch. It was a nice ride.

    Have a great one.
  • Hey Emily
    Good morning-- I have two girls, and one boy. The boy is the oldest. I turned 38 this year. Hard to believe sometimes. When I got the info in the mail about the reunion, I had a few bad days. It's like it was now on paper that I was getting That, and I loved school. It was such a social event for me, and now I sometimes feel trapped at the house longing for the outside Not all the time mind you. I love being able to stay at home with my kids, and thank God that I can. Anyway, didnt mean to take off in that direction this morning. It's almost time for Maggie's nap, so Im gonna get on the treadmill soon.

    Happy Drinking Ya'll,

  • OH yea I dont put any water gain on my tracker!!!!

    Hey every one!!!! (waves)

    I love all the new ladies here it took me some time to read all the talk!!!lol

    Shari watch that sugar!!! you take care of you....your health is most important.

    Pink I hope that move goes good for you! I hate to move....pack and unpack!!! ugg!!!

    Sherrie and Emily sounds like you ladies have a great goal to set looking hot for that class reunion.....Sherrie I am close to the same age as you..I am only a few years older....I cant help it.....please forgive me.....its a small world after all!!! OMG now I have that song in my head!!! I am sorry ladies...

    Well its time for me to work. Check in later!
  • Rosario-Good job on the exercise yesterday!!!! Isn't it great to get rejuvinated with so many new players in the game?!

    I've got 6 exercise points again for today!!! It feels so good to be this enthusiastic again. Thanks ladies!
  • Brandy-it really wasn't conventinal excercise. Bowling and shooting hoops at Jillian's. but i did feel like I got a workout from both!!!

    hey everyone!!!

    I am so exhausted today. we stayed out late last night and I just want to go home and crawl back under the covers. I don't know if I'll get any excercise tonight. I really should start walking on my lunch again, but it's just so hot and humid outside, it's suffocating. I really don't want to pass out outside.

    Food is another story.

    But everyone seems to be doing really well and that has got me pumped up a bit (I want points too!!!). Keep up the hard work everyone!!!

    See ya around!
  • OMG where have I been! We are 3 pages into game 7 and I am just showing up now? Maybe this game I can start getting exercise points in... I think chasing a puppy around the house should count for a point or two, haha
  • WELCOME all the new players! It's lots of fun and sure helped keep me on track... well except the last game I started slipping BAD COURTNIE!
  • Just about to jump on the stationary bike for awhile, then I have a tonne of things to do yet today! Glad to see everyone so motivated!
  • Quote: Just about to jump on the stationary bike for awhile, then I have a tonne of things to do yet today! Glad to see everyone so motivated!
    Congrats for getting on that bike! Mine has started to collect dust....
  • Thanks for the advice for the water gain. I am looking to lose weight for myself but also for my 20 yr reunion next June and being the Maid of Honor in my friends wedding.

    keep up the great work everyone!