300+ And Ready To Try Again.. #849

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  • Ammi -- I am so glad you are done with your "Fat" day-- they are a pain, aren't they. And like you, when I was stuffing my face, I think I just chose not to pay attention to the fat -- it was certainly all around me! I don't know how I missed it, yet I did.

    I am feeling ever so much better today -- went to the grocery store early and plan to get in some kind of workout today, plus making more homemade chicken soup!

    Christine -- Thanks for sharing your story. You are certainly dealing with issues above and beyond weight loss, and I really hope that you can find something that works. It must be very frustrating to be dealing with those kinds of issues!

    Valerie -- I am so glad to hear you speaking so positively of your abilities and what you CAN do. This journey is so long and so hard that I think we need to take every opportunity to remind ourselves how far we have come (even if it is a bit depressing to think what we did to ourselves).

    I am starting to think that maybe being mad at myself for letting myself weigh 300 pounds is a GOOD thing. Perhaps as long as I can be upset over what I did, it won't happen again, while if I let myself feel complacency, I could balloon all over again. Maybe the key is to USE the anger, but not let the anger use me. Something to think about I guess.
  • Stop! Please do not Post Here Again. Follow us to 300+ and ready to try again # 850!
  • Hi everyone

    I finally figured out how to make my spread sheet to track my weight loss. A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who offered to help :hugs:

    I had a busy Saturday doing some spring cleaning. DH and I have been busy all day steam cleaning the carpets and really getting everything extra cleaned, I had to run out in the afternoon to see a client but I was only gone 90 minutes, when I got back, he had more laundry done AND furniture moved back into the first two rooms.

    I made a quick soup for dinner, it was in the high 70's today and I've been trying to make all of my favorite soups before the weather gets way too hot.

    Someday I'll figure out how all you managed to respond to everyone who posted. But for now, I'll just say thanks to everyone for being here and sharing your lives with me :hugs: