Thursday it's almost Friday chat

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  • Wildlifebio: It looks like you are eating pretty good... It could well be that you need bigger portion size.--especially with exercising like you are. Barb may be able to spot something else

    Wezzie: You are gonna be a GOHJIS GAWDESS!!!!

    SCHATZI IS DOIN THE SNOOPY HAPPPPEEEE DANCE!!! Come'on DO the Chicken Dance fer me!!!!!!

    ... My DH (Ken) just got the written offer for the job at the Company he has wanted to work for for the last 5 years! And he got all that he asked for in terms of money, Bonuses vacation and stock options. This is just one more little dream come true. We both wanted to leave NJ and come to NC and here we are! He wanted to work for this company, and now he is! I wanted to take a year off and I did! Next is to find or build our "dream home"... My "dream" is to get fit and healthy and a mediterrean cruise ..... Stay tuned
  • Schatzi, a big CONGRATS to your husband!!!

    This is me doing the happy dance!
  • Oh Stephie

    I feel so bad for you, especially with your small kids.Hope things work out for you,and of course you have to stay, after all you want to know if my crazy turn-around menu really works.

    Hugs BB
  • Stephie: You are welcome on this beach anytime darlin'! You do what you have to do, and we will be here to support you in whatever is going on in your life

    Thankyou Crk05...yes we are on cloud nine...but poor DH can't enjoy it right now.. He is STILL working! He finally got to bed at 8am, and his boss called at 10:30 that he is sorry, knows Ken's been up all night, but the guys in belgium have now been able to get the router up and can he go configure it Poor darlin' .. I bet he will be happy to tender his resignation tomorrow ...
  • Schnatzo, congratulations! I too will do the Snoopy Happy Dance! It counts as cardio, right? That's totally awesome for you and Man Chicken. My Terry went and re-tested for a bunch of positions that he's qualified for, but we'll see if the state government will overlook him again. I can't count how many times he's applied and tested for these jobs. He has a biology degree but can't seem to get hired on anywhere for it, so he's stuck working maintenance and waiting tables. One day we will get a break too! I'm so happy for you two! You will be a goddess as well!!!!

    As for me turning into a goddess, here's tryin. I'm hitting Key West in June so I'd like to look pretty good when we go down there. I'm always afraid of being on video or having my picture taken when I'm in my swim suit. Maybe this trip I won't mind so much!
  • wildlifebio - I would try adding some dairy and some beans. They are good healthy carbs. I don't know if your shake contains dairy since they usually are not allowed on South Beach but if not then you might add some yogurt or some milk. I add SF chocolate syrup or vanilla syrup to my milk to give it added flavor. Or I add cinnamon and Splenda to my plain yogurt. Beans are a healthy carb so you might try some chili or black beans. Make sure you are getting 4 1/2 cups of veggies a day. It is possible that your portions might not be enough too.
  • wildlifebio - maybe i'm just missing something there, but it looks like other than Wednesday, you are eating very few veggies. You should eat 4-5 cups a day, especially in phase 1 when those are just about your only carbs. Remember - good carb, not low carb! Also, be sure you check your veggie "meats" for grains and your low-carb shake for sugars. Even low-carb stuff can have the wrong carbs in them.

    Also, are you drinking enough water? You should be drinking at least 64 fl ozs every day of just water - not counting coffee, tea, etc. It helps flush all that bad stuff out of your system.
  • Hello Beach Chicks,

    I know I haven't posted in a few days, it's been run with the wind busy round here and while I have checked in I haven't had time to do much more than that. I am still sticking to the phase one until this Saturday because my scale is stubborn. I am going to go off Phase 1 on Saturday and have my first glass of wine (and maybe a second) to celebrate my birthday - which is today by the way. Can't wait to shock my friends with the new hair cut or shall I say lack of hair - lol. I am very proud of my exercise in the last week and today the scale gifted me with 1 pound gone after six days. YIPPY...that's the best birthday present besides my son telling me that I'm his favoritist Mommy ever!!!

    Sorry that I have not personnally responded to everyone but I do want to say...STEPHIE - don't leave, I've been there before and in fact waited until my raise to come to start this diet knowing that healthy means more expense. Stick around and hang out - I always enjoy your posts. Everyone else...keep up the good work. I'm glad your all here even when I'm not.

    Went with my sister to a weight watchers meeting last night. She tried SBD once and didn't like it. I am going to go with her so that we can support each other but I am going to combine the concepts of staying on SB and also counting points.
  • I have been so busy, I work on the official website for the band, Red Hot Chili peppers and we changed formats with a new BBS and there is so much to do with memberships in the fanclub etc.. I am exausted. I have not gone off my phase two so that is well. I do think I need to eat more though. I have skipped meals because I am swamped with work.
  • Evening chicklets-

    Hope everyone had an OP day!

    Stephie- Don't even think of leaving! I am sorry to hear of your struggles. It really stinks, doesn't it?? We are having a very tough time right now ourselves- this is when we all need support!!

    I, too, was happy to see the red team win on the Biggest Loser. My goal is to always weigh less than my DH, so I wonder if she was bummed that he lost so much more than her and weighed so much less than her. Even pregnant, I stayed below my husband's weight. Of course, with our first daughter he was a gem and gained weight so I couldn't catch him. I didn't gain as much with our second DD, so he would have had to lose weight.

    Off to play a game as DH is actually home, so we can have family time!!