Beck Diet For Life/Solution – October 2015 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • Felled

    I went to the drop in clinic yesterday to see if my 5 day old sore throat was actually TB. My sister had received an email that there had been on outbreak of TB in the care facility my mother is in, and where we were when we held our "whole floor" birthday party for my mom. Many hugs and a few kisses went back and forth between me and the residents there. So, feeling under the weather and then that note and the health of those around me these days plus how many people I do see in a day well I was safe rather than sorry. Turns out I have *drumroll* a cold. Yay for that. The Dr. said TB was all but eradicated here but other countries without our access to care/drugs have not been so lucky. Travel and immigration has brought the bug back. But, I just have a cold. So I am home today happy to stop for a bit. Although, being home, this is the day to see if I can tackle my short story for the contest my local writing group has going. Use "phoenix" in a 2500 word max story and hand it in by October 25th. I started a story in April or May but it threatened to be too big so I just stopped. I am filled with doubt. My (small, personal) writing group meets this week. That is my incentive to get it done.

    So if I am feeling not too sick to write, I am not too sick to eat off plan or cook crappy comfort food so I must be aware of this today. The walking though is out. BTW heard from my sister who is now in another fitbit group even more intense. 27 yr old men who are in the army and training for Iron Man. She is trying to lose 30lbs and is 59. That's my sister though. She's knows it's nuts but is doing it anyway. While I do admire this somewhat, the drive, the competitive spirit, I think she risks burnout and injury. I just can't get into it like that.
    Oh well.

    Vive la difference!
  • My third light day in a row! I even skipped a snack due to an awkwardly-timed meeting, just as I planned. It was a good thing that I planned to eat nothing at that meeting, because snack food was passed around and around. If I'd planned to have a snack, I would have been constantly obsessed by where the food was, when it was going to come back to me, whether or not I was going to take more. Since I was determined not to eat, I was able to just pass the snacks quickly along and pay attention to what was going on in the meeting. So, CREDIT for a light day, a 100% day, and a CREDIT for each time I passed up a snack in a 90-minute meeting.

    WI: -0.25 kg, Exercise: +40 205/880 minutes for October, Food: 100% op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
  • Good morning coaches,

    Food on plan yesterday, yahoo. Sometimes when I have trouble getting back on track I worry that I'll just gain and not be able to get things under control. I know you all know what I mean. Today's plans include an unexpected visit to the dentist because either a tooth or part of a filling broke. Not sure, but I think it's the tooth and it is a lower molar. Luckily it doesn't hurt and I am able to get into the dentist I like at 10:00. My friend doesn't arrive until 3:00. It's cloudy and off and on raining here today, so I decided not to worry about a hike. I need to make final preparations for my guest and am planning to make an Indian dish for dinner that takes awhile.

    Joy Glad to hear you're doing well and yes it does help when the scale agrees.

    Onebyone Sorry about the cold, but I'm glad that's all it is. I'm sure the extra stress you're under doesn't help the immune system much.

    Bill Oh how I love Japanese food. You have so many good spots close by it seems.

    SuzLen Sometimes I have those days where I am just starving in the morning. I've had my lunch as early at 10:00 and then luckily it works and I'm okay until dinner.

    Nationalparker I love oatmeal that way too. It's great when I'm backpacking cause I can really use the calories. It's almost time to switch over from summer breakfast to winter breakfast (oatmeal). It doesn't appeal to me as much when it's hot out. My Dad loved oatmeal too, only he also liked a pat of butter on it. I remember as a kid, he would holler out in the morning, "How many want mush?" We all loved it.

    Maryann You are in my thoughts. What a tough time and of course you're not feeling upbeat. I think faking it probably prolongs getting through things anyway. Take care.

    Lexxis Glad you had a good trip. I just can't believe all that you do. It sounds like you do the work of 3 people. Did your husband tear a rotator cuff? Will he or has he had surgery? I hope whatever the cause it is something that will heal soon.

    Dh has his appointment with the orthopedic doc today. He seems kind of excited for the Machu Picchu trip, so hopefully the doc says it will be fine. I think he will.

    Have a good day
  • A relaxing evening with DH up to a point, when his ex and oldest (who thrive on drama), started texting with half-stories and things we're just not able to confirm. We just don't know what to believe, if it's truly as dire as they say, or is it all lies as in the past or dramatic craziness or the desire for attention or what. We ended up discussing late into the night. I asked if he wanted to talk to someone and he said he thought he was talking to me. I said, well, I know, but I mean someone skilled at guiding you through this mess. We met for lunch as a treat and talked about it a bit more, but just know the info that flows his way is intended to incite.

    I have continued this absurd method of dealing with it by eating a chocolate chip cookie without chips that someone baked and brought in, as well as three pieces of "goodbye" cake for a departing coworker. Credits for throwing the rest out, for skipping Donut Tuesday as someone brought in a dozen donuts from a bakery, and for starting with another hearty breakfast. I almost am to the point of, why even bother today. But I'm going to work to rescue the day, partly activity and food-wise and partly mental relaxation tonight. My dog also ate my brand new leather work computer case. DH feels horrible about it - it was my birthday gift this year, so less than four weeks out - it's a disaster. DH said I couldn't use it today because it looks like s*** ... I said anyone can SEE my dog ate it. But he's right.

    Karen - I know exactly what you mean with the fear of not getting back on track. I worry every time I have a heavy food day. Good luck at the dentist - never fun. Or cheap. Enjoy your plans with your friend!

    OneByOne - Even if "just" a cold, take care of yourself! Smart of you to get in and get it checked. Hopefully some TLC will help. Good luck with the Phoenix writing assignment - so many different ways to approach it! It got me thinking...

    Joy - Love your description of the attention to the snacks being passed around. We've all been there and how true that rings. Credits abound for just NO.

    Bill - Another good excerpt. Instead of me worrying about the damage I've done in two days here, I need to just move on [again] and acknowledge that my commitment will ebb and flow. DH enjoys stargazing and tells me what he learns about it. I come with no knowledge - never even could find the dippers. My main involvement is to make a wish on the first star I see at night. Keeps me eyeing the sky.

    SuzLen - Are you allowed to have nuts as snacks at school or is that forbidden now with all the allergies around? I just bought some 120 calorie packages of pistachios (unshelled so it'll take a while to eat them) - a box of 24 at Sam's. Or the 100-cal packs of almonds... was thinking those might work since they are small, protein/fat and easy to keep in a desk. I used to do cup-o-soup until I realized the sodium hit was astronomical.

    Any of our Australian friends around now that the winter is wrapping up down there? I imagine you're anticipating your spring equally as CurlyJax and I dread winter Hope you're having a good start to the week, as well, CurlyJax!
  • Hello Coaches,
    I feel so good when I read all of your posts - your ups and downs and doings remind me that I am normal!! Haha, as much as any of us are "normal." But I'm not alone in the struggle because what so many of you say, I have or do experience. Yay for that.

    Today was a BUST - from 4pm on anyway. My afternoon plans got shifted. I decided to "try" the recipe I plan on making for my DS groom dinner. This was after I thought I was done for the day and snacked on a bit of dark chocolate that I was saving for the "end" of my eating day. Sigh.....I am a bit tight in the waist. Will need to get on the treadmill then do some strength training to ease my guilty conscious.

    I will never feel comfortable in the reception dress if I keep this up! And it is only Tuesday......

    I could have nuts, but lately (my age??) I feel so bloated when I eat them I am miserable. Which saddens me to no end because I love nuts.

    I have moments of panic when I think I won't get back on track. It is scary, and real, and nerve-racking for me!

    gardenerjoy: THREE days - whoopee. You must feel great...and in control. Congratulations.

    onebyone: your sister cracks me up. She reminds me a bit of mine. When she decides to do something, she just does it. She now has a 30 acre farm, homeschools, spins her own wools, has 6 milk cows, and makes her own gourmet cheeses. And that is just the tip of it. She gets something in her head and she is off reading a book about it and just does it! She has started processing her own chickens and raises her own pork and beef as well. (And she has 7 kids!!) You can imagine she doesn't have any of my weight problems, haha!

    Good luck with your writing piece!!

    : nothing like pondering the immense universe to realize how amazing our life is.

    Okay - off to exercise. Those carbs at dinner (I am making caesar chicken pasta for the groom dinner main dish) really hit me hard. I haven't eaten that many carbs in a long, long time.

    Have a great evening!
  • Boy, it sure feels good tonight to log in to say how messed up I allowed my evening to get and to read that I'm not alone. While I certainly don't wish a crazy food day on anyone else, reading SuzLen's note that it got out of hand and that she, too, frets about getting back on track. This is as off track as I've allowed myself to get. Typically I think my issue is portion control, not eating one thing after another. Went through the whole situation with stepdaughter to my brother and apparently worked myself up again.

    I have to mentally start myself over tomorrow - for some reason I "need" that Day One note to get myself back on track. So, with 86 days until 2016, I've got to use the self-calming actions of hot tea, which would have been good. I did end up just getting up and taking an early hot bath to stop my pantry raid. Sounds like a panty raid. haha.

    Goals for tomorrow - vary breakfast from the oatmeal ... bring salad with various toppings for lunch - filling and healthy ... DH will be gone when I get home from work, so plan on leftover chicken dinner. I wanted some of it tonight, on top of what I already had eaten, but realized I have no "full" sense tonight and still wouldn't after that. Save it. Epic fail tonight.
  • Long day and it is still not over. Still OP. Every hour I am practicing hunger is not an emergency. Read BBE's excerpt from Beck and advantage cards. "Now is the moment for change ." I want a different result so I am willing to feel hungry and uncomfortable.
    Then blessed bed.
  • Diet Coaches/Buddies – Waving to all. Taking a bye to nurse a cold. I'm alive, but am a lousy patient.
  • hi coaches-
    Everyone but me has colds here as well (knock wood!). hope you all feel better soon, there is definitely something going around.

    I got really off track for a few days-I ate two pieces of cake at work (so I definitely relate to you nationalparker !), have been eating too much sugar for a few days. And then felt really sad and sick afterwards (although some of that was related to job hunting online and not seeing much)

    My new big stress is that my supervisor has suddenly been fired. She had been at the agency a long time and is one of the executives, so it is a big shock to everyone. I think she brought up some truths about how things were going that the CEO didn't want to hear. Anyhow, she has been very helpful and supportive to me for a few years and I feel ill at the loss and of course very bad for her! I told her we can relate to sudden crazy job loss! I am just going to keep my head down and keep plodding along, telling myself I am providing health insurance for my family and that is the important thing right now.

    Sending hugs to everyone dealing with family issues!!
  • Yesterday never got planned. I made two really good decisions to keep the day lighter (CREDIT x 2) and one less helpful decision.

    We're going out for Vietnamese food at lunch, meeting the nephew and his wife who are just weeks away from becoming parents. I had penciled in a stir-fry for supper, but I'm going to change it. My disordered thinking says that Asian food twice in one day means that the scale will go up and, therefore, there's no point in making good lighter choices today. I could fight with the disordered thinking, but it's easier to swap the stir-fry for something less salty.

    WI: +0.1 kg, Exercise: +40 245/880 minutes for October, Food: NA op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

    BillBlueEyes and onebyone: do cold viruses pass through 3FC boards? Hope you're both feeling better soon!

    curlyjax: what a distressing work situation. Be good to yourself at this time.

    karenrn: hope the dentist visit goes well and the visit with your friend is fun!

    nationalparker: sending healing energies your way while you're dealing with family drama.

    SuzLen: this is what I love about this thread, too: " your ups and downs and doings remind me that I am normal!" Knowing that I'm not alone and that I have a space to share without sounding crazy is so helpful.
  • Hello Coaches!

    I had a 1/2 hour at dinner today where I ate fast and crazy. But I was done by 4:30 and am through for the night so CREDIT, and I was totally OP during the day CREDIT and I plan on walking after my spanish class tonight CREDIT

    I do miss BillBB's message today, though, hope you are well soon, Bill. Why are men such horrible patients??

    , I agree about oriental food twice in one day. The scale always goes up after I eat it even once.

    curlyjax, sorry for your stress at work. I would have a pit in my stomach, your plan to keep your head down sounds like a good one.

    nationalparker, tomorrow is, indeed, a new day. Hopefully it will be OP for you.

    Am looking at the calendar and see I have only 6 weeks to make the dress for the wedding comfy. I will try it on again this weekend as a guide to see how progress is going.

    Shout out to all!
  • Hello, all! Thankfully my workweek is on the downhill part. I'm ready for the weekend, as always. DH has to work Friday night into Saturday, but I'm honestly looking forward to the time alone in the evenings here for a couple of days. Got my sewing project out and got a good bit done on it tonight - no sewing yet, but I'm ready to try tomorrow night I SURE wish I'd learned more from my mom before she passed away. I only knew how to sew when she'd get me started on a straight-away.

    Food while at work was on plan. Tonight I did better than last night (credit) but could have cut 200 calories from what I did eat. Did not get in my 10K steps today...didn't walk much at work and didn't go out at lunch in the nice weather. Things I could have adjusted, had I thought about it.

    Planned to make an apple bar recipe to bring in to work tomorrow but it calls for a 9x9 pan and I only have 8x8 pans. I don't want to stay up late tonight so think I'm going to get up early and get it baked and will bring the frosting with me and frost as soon as I get to work and cut/plate there. Why? ONLY because I told someone that I was planning to bring them in tomorrow and he was looking forward to it. I don't want to go back on my word, and it's just apple bars. Sheesh. I measured out all of the dry ingredients so it'll be a quick bake. Think I need to replace my baking spices this fall... I'll honestly say that I don't feel guilty bringing in desserts since there's no pressure for anyone to try it and it's often gone within an hour or so. And, unfortunately, I'm the one trying to drop weight the most. Not dropping weight the most, but just wanting to...

    Got all squared away with DH after last night's squabble. He says I make him feel that I dismiss his opinion. I do not feel that I do that, but I do not agree with him on everything and we have to agree to disagree sometimes.

    So, my new day one went okay - not 100% on plan but at least better than the past couple of days. Felt I needed a little comfort food tonight, so instead I pulled out a DVD of the old Flintstones cartoon and put that on. Childhood. Happy.

    Take care of yourself, Bill and OneByOne ... wrapping up and will personalize manana.
  • Thursday -The Great Fire of Chicago started (1871)
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Emerging from the dead. Zero exercise as I didn't leave the house. I spent the day mostly in bed. I do feel better this morning.

    Food was under plan, CREDIT moi even though I had little desire to eat. I wish I could have this lack of desire for food when I'm feeling well.

    onebyone – Hope you're feeling better. Certainly glad it's not TB - or 'Consumption' as it was called when La Boehme was written (Paris, 1840's).

    Joy (gardenerjoy) – I do hate when snack foods continues to circulate at a meeting.

    maryann - Thanks for "Now is the moment for change ."

    nationalparker – Kudos for keeping perspective when family dramas erupt. And Kudos for "I'm going to work to rescue the day" when the brain want to just chunk it.

    Karen (karenrn) - Yep, I know the difficulty of getting back on track. Neat that Machu Picchu continues to be on the agenda.

    curlyjax - That's a crazy situation at work - Kudos for keeping your own perspective.

    SuzLen - Ouch for the diversion to practice your DS's groom dinner. Yay for a dress to serve as a physical goal.

    Readers -
    Chapter 2 Foundation Strategies to Escape Your Traps

    These ten foundation strategies, first described in The Beck Diet Solution, vastly increase the probability that you will lose weight and keep it off. And here is the secret of success: though you'll probably be tempted, don't try to change what you eat right away. Instead, wait to change what you eat until you can consistently and successfully use the first eight skills. Master each skill (not just the ones you feel like learning) one by one, in the order they are presented, and you will learn how to diet, not just what to eat.

    These ten strategies are used throughout the book because they are essential for avoiding or escaping from traps. Truthfully, if you do nothing more than use these ten universal tools consistently, you will lose some weight. But we also know from experience that each trap requires additional skills, specific changes in mind-set, and relevant problem solving.

    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 24
  • Today's rise on the scale is not unexpected given the Vietnamese lunch. I've got the stir-fry scheduled for tonight. I'm reminding myself that I do sometimes see a drop on the scale after our home-made stir-fry -- helped because we use the lowest sodium soy sauce I can find. It also helps if I keep my serving size small and if I eat lightly the rest of the day and if I drink lots of water.

    I don't, at this moment, have a plan of any kind for today and I very much need one as we're in our anxious phase about the upcoming trip. There's lots of information to sort through for a trip to Cuba! I want to get it organized in a way that I can find it when I need it. So, *planning* ... Okay. Done. A plan designed to considerably reduce our anxiety by the end of the day.

    WI: +0.75 kg, Exercise: +40 285/880 minutes for October, Food: 100% op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

    BillBlueEyes: glad you're feeling a bit better!
  • I decided to try something out today ... after volunteering, I stopped at a [gasp] fast food place. I have wanted french fries, but I so rarely order them - ever. I make them now and then, starting from scratch, soaking in cold water, tossing in olive oil and baking and they're really good. But different. I wanted just plain ole seasoned fries. I thought, why do I basically put so much off limits? It's certainly not healthy, but it's also something that I'd eat so infrequently, that if I stopped the inner mental battle and just had some every few months, I doubt it'd set me back a great deal. So on Day Two, I decided to stop and get it. It's far from a routine, and I savored them. Dinner is salad and a small slice of my homemade turkey/veg lasagna. I'm going to see if this indulgence leads me to want MORE of the items that I deem not include-able in my food plan ... or does it quell the desire and I enjoyed it and back on track. Already, I think... well, did I just give in because it was easy? Or ...How weak is that on Day Two? Or can I try to actually trust myself to eat some higher-fat items without completely calling myself a failure?

    I'm wanting to believe that my life has to be so much more than what I choose to eat and what I allow myself to eat and what I long to eat. No, I'm probably not ever going to reach the point where food = fuel. I'm more the food = love type. I realize now that when I lost weight before, my eating was not as "clean" as it typically is now. I allowed myself different foods, I did end up eating fast food now and then when traveling with teams - it was sometimes a kid's meal, sometimes a salad... I chose, ate, moved on, made progress and didn't work it over and over in my mind. So while I've done that here, I think I've made a realization that the older I'm getting the more anxious I'm getting to lose weight and I'm beating myself up more. So I'm giving a credit for a decision that won't really help my weight loss, but won't knock me completely off the rails, either. And a credit for recognizing that. Thanks for letting me work through this.

    Need to return this evening to report on track tonight and enjoy writing personals.