Diabetes/Prediabetes Chat & Support for April

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  • Carol Sue So sorry you aren't feeling well. Hopefully you just have a bug and it will pass soon. If you don't feel better in a few days maybe you should see your doc.

    Kris So sorry about the loss of your Mom. I know how that feels. It isn't easy. Lost my Mama in 1992 and I still miss her everyday. You will be in my prayers.
  • Kris, I am very sorry to hear that your lost your mother. Having her in hospice can be hard, but it still doesn't prepare you for when she is gone. She is at peace now. It's always hard to control your diet and eating when you are under so much stress, but I believe you will get that weight off again, as you have always been good at sticking to plan.

    Trish, I got a lot more sleep last night so maybe I'll do better today. It might have just been lack of sleep caused by feeling so congested. So far today I feel better. I should find my Claritin and start taking it again for a while. I just hate taking more pills. I am coughing up a lot of mucus, but it's clear, so no sign of infection, and I don't feel "sick" just tired.
  • How is everyone? Olivia has been on spring break so I have been busier than usual and Mark has been traveling. My temper has been a little short the last day....I think I'm tired! My eating is constantly on plan for several days then off plan several days but I would say it's mostly on overall. I am just under 180...yay! I was around 175 when we moved and gained up to 192 so I am getting close to being back to where I "left off" so I can continue my journey, lol! I have not been checking my BS daily but when I do check it is fine, even when I've been off plan, so I am encouraged by that. I have a dr appt here in about a week and labs will be drawn.

    I am so excited about something! Olivia got into the charter school here! She was originally wait listed but got a spot this week, just in time for kindergarten orientation next week. The elementary school we are assigned to here is actually fine but the middle and high schools are rough. The charter school is right by my house and goes K to 8th and each year they are adding a grade level so if it goes well she could potentially stay in the same school the whole time. They only have two classes per grade so this is our best option for small class sizes like private school but no tuition. They do require uniforms so that will be interesting. I am a little sad at not making cute stuff for her to wear to school but it also eliminates pressure on me, I can make what I want rather than making things to fit with the culture. I have been praying about this school since we moved so I am really excited! I haven't told Olivia yet, am waiting for Mark to get back so we can tell her together.

    In sadder news, my aunt who has been battling a very aggressive breast cancer since last fall died this week. Her service is Saturday.
  • Shannon, I am very sorry to hear that your aunt passed away. May she rest in peace.

    The school for Olivia sounds great. I think uniforms are a great idea for all school kids because clothes end up being a very competitive item as they get older. Uniforms takes one problem out of the mix. You could make play clothes and dress-up clothes for her, and also spend more time on your money-making sewing projects.
  • Carol Sue So glad you are feeling better.

    Shannon You have been busy. I'm sorry about your aunt's passing prayers coming your way. I'm glad to hear that Olivia will be able to attend the charter school. That will be very nice.

    I did another 20 hr fast. I didn't even plan on doing it today as I had planned to eat around noon, but time got away from me and I actually forgot to eat. That is a new one for me as I haven't done that in years. So amazing how this is working out for me. I'm not really dieting or at least I don't feel like I'm dieting. Awesome feeling. I even got my exercise done for this week. So I've got one week behind me and getting ready to go into week #2.

    Talk to my sister for a second this morning and found out that our last living uncle is in hospice and her DH was taking off work and they were going to drive my Daddy up to see him. I pray he got there before his brother passed away. They said his heart was only functioning 5%. He has had a pace maker for years and it sounds like he is barely hanging on. DH Mother had one and if I remember right it took her about 3 to 5 days to pass away. I'm not sure how long he has been in hospice care. My sister will call with the details tonight. I'm concerned about my Daddy because this isn't going to be easy for him. Won't be easy for his daughter either as she has taken care of him since her Mother passed away a few years ago.

    I hope everyone will have a good week end.
  • Another good night's sleep last night, so I'm convinced that the draggy feeling was from lack of sleep.

    I could just smack myself for buying those Hershey's Kisses, just because they were 50% off after Easter. I told DH to hide them from me, but I found them. And my blood sugar shows it. I can easily stay away from all other candy except those kisses.

    I wanted to get weighed this morning but I forgot until after I was dressed and I won't get weighed with clothes on. Even though I know it's up because of the clothes, it bothers me. I had a friend who would only weigh in the evening, fully clothed. She felt that weighing in the morning was cheating.

    Sounds like you're on your way, Trish! Good for you! Trish's plan is working for you.

    Sorry to hear about your uncle. My MIL had a pacemaker. She went into the hospital on Friday and passed away on Monday. I don't recall what happened with her pacemaker.
  • I got weighed this morning and I am down the 1 lb I had gained, plus an additional .5 lb. So the physical damage from my chocolate binge is over but I am still feeling the emotional damage knowing that I caved and ate that chocolate. It makes me so mad at myself. But that doesn't do me any good, so I will shake it off and get back to my healthy eating. Today is another day, and seeing the lower weight on the scale gave me hope.

    I am considering starting to get weighed in the evening the way my friend did. That way, I will be getting the highest weight of the day with my fluid retention and any ups and down should be true weight, not fluid. I will have to give that some thought. The worst thing would be facing that initial gain of a couple pounds.
  • Carol Sue 1 lb down is still good. So don't feel like it isn't enough. I just printed out something online about 6 things women don't know about weight loss. It seems that women's weight loss is bumpy. Up and down. It says we need to learn to have compassion for ourselves. So slow is what happens.

    I thought I was starting my 2nd week on IF today, but then realized that this was day 7. I really wish I could get back on LCHF again. Just haven't been able to get my head around it. Some of the IF people do low carb. Not sure which one. Maybe I can finally ease back into it. May go back to using Carbohydrate Addict's with IF. I knew a woman who did that before I knew about IF. I just don't want to stop doing IF. I do think I'm going to have to make my IF hours earlier in the day so I can eat my last meal earlier in the evening. I may just need to do some tweaking of my plan.
  • I think IF is a very good choice, as you are not constantly eating and your digestive system is getting a rest. Even though a lot of people don't agree with me, I think it's good to sleep on a rather empty stomach so your body can repair instead of digesting food while you sleep. I don't feel good if I have a full stomach when I go to bed.

    I am back to low carb, but not any particular plan. I guess it's Carol's plan. I eat fat, but not high fat. And my low carb is mainly avoiding starchy foods and sweets, but not looking for every last carb hidden in some foods. I haven't been tracking lately so I don't know what my carb count is but I know it's way above 20, like with Atkins. I think it runs somewhere between 50-100, which is lower than 300, which is probably where it would be if I ate starchy foods. Mainly, I am trying to eat less and avoid grazing, which is a very hard habit for me to break. I feel better when I eat a lot of vegetables. Many people doing VLC avoid vegetables because of the carbs they contain. One woman only eats lettuce, cucumbers and radishes. I would miss my other vegetables. I think they are healthy and will not feel guilty for enjoying them in large quantities. Each person has to do what feels best for them. I don't have a lot of years left and I want to enjoy what I'm eating.
  • Today starts Week 2 on IF and was WI day. I lost 1.6 lbs this week which makes a 2 lb loss so far this month. I am grateful for the loss because I wasn't sure I was going to even lose anything yet. I check FBS 2x a day once when I get up and again just before I eat. It was 137 first time and 123 at noon before I had my lowcarb breakfast.

    Carol Sue I decided to look up and read DietDoctor.com again. He has a thread on there called New|DietDoctor.com and for newbies to lowcarbing since there are so many plans out there.

    He explains that Strict LCHF is <20 g a day, Moderate LCHF is 20 - 50 g a day, and Liberal LCHF is 50 to 100 g a day.

    He said you can start out doing one of them and write down what you eat to see which one works for you. He explains also what some people eat, like some eat protein and small amount of veggies, and some eat a certain grains which he also gives list of which fruits, dairy and grains are the best to eat depending on the amount carb plan you are on. If you remember this is the doctor in Sweden. Sweden has now been using the lowcarb way of eating since 2008. I found it interesting that he has a thing on there saying that the Pope has been told by his doctor to eat less pasta and he he is eating lowcarb. You may want to check it out again. I know since I want to eat a more moderate to liberal LCHF plan that I will be using his guidelines on Trish's plan.

    DH has a doctor's appt today to set up when to do his colonoscopy and endoscopy. Besides wanting to keep my 8 hr window close earlier, I also know that we probably won't be eating until around 4:30 or 5 so I ate breakfast at noon. I'm in the mood for LCarb today so I started with a LCHF breakfast hoping I can eat either a LCHF dinner. If not it will turn out to be a CAD day for me. They now make a CO spray. I love that because I like using a spray to cook my eggs in because it doesn't splatter all over my stove top.

    Have a good day.
  • Trish, I clicked on the link and it doesn't look like something I've read before. As long as the scale is going down it doesn't matter how much. Some people who seem to be very true to their WOE get stalls that last a long time, and then get a drop. It's discouraging for me to read that because when I was in my 20s, the weight would just fall off once I stuck to plan. It also fell off after surgery, without me really trying. I don't know what the difference is. Here's something. I noticed that I could lose weight very easily when I was taking birth control pills. Once I quit taking them, weight loss got harder and harder. I wonder if that's a coincidence. I know hormones play a big part.

    I know that VLC would work best for me, but I still want to taste those starches once in a while. I guess I want that more than I want to lose weight and lower blood sugar.

    I hope the tests turn out well for DH.
  • Carol Sue I understand completely. I know VLC gets better results, but I too like being able to have my starchy foods when I want them too. That is probably why I should be doing Carbohydrate Addicts Diet. It has worked well for me in the past. It could easily be done with IF and some tweaking. I guess I am just not really willing at this time to devote so much time to it because I've done nothing but think about what I'm eating on a diet for so many years. That is why IF is so much easier although it will have slower and I can pretty much eat what I want within reason with the eating window that I choose.

    DH doctor's appt was very good. We set up a an endoscopy only, because he may need to have stretching of duodenam (not sure of spelling). However, DH has to go off Coumadan for at least 3 days and usually has to take Lovenox (sp), but DH says he is not going to do that because he is it is so expensive. So not sure if he will even have it done. At this time, it isn't really necessary it is being done more for DH comfort. Men are so stubborn.

    But with the way I've eaten the past few years is making me equally as stubborn as he is.

    I had a 12 hr eating window yesterday because it was an unusual day and I ate what I wanted. Too much sodium. Back to my 8/16 today. I do love IF.

    Have a good day.
  • I really need to start tracking again because it's really when I keep my calories around 1200 that I lose. I don't think it's the carbs that are working against me, because even when I do eat them, I don't eat large portions. But I just eat too much. I just have that bad habit of grazing, and also, when something tastes good I keep eating beyond satisfaction, then I'm sorry later. I know my bad habits and just have trouble breaking them. Quitting smoking was easier than this.
  • Just stopping by to say hi! I've been eating like crazy for over a week now. My cycle coincided with my aunt's funeral and I just got off track and never got back on since. I have been feeling very overwhelmed. Mark has been traveling alot more this year (2015) than he did last year and life just seems so chaotic. It's spring so I have been doing gobs of yard work (by myself), using muscles I don't use much so I have been very tired and sore basically everyday for weeks. I just can't seem to stay on top of everything...laundry, groceries, cooking, cleaning, yard work, bible study, playing with Olivia, etc. i just feel like I am always behind and that feeling causes me to feel depressed and that feeling causes me to turn to food to "feel better"...it's really a vicious cycle.

    Tomorrow is a new day....

    Hope you are all well :-)
  • Shannon, all I can say is "Join the club." LOL It seems that everyone here is having issues, which is evident in the lack of posts. When things go wrong, we quit posting. One good thing about all the yard work is you are using muscles you haven't used since last summer, when you were doing yard work. That is one time when soreness is a good sign, as long as it isn't an injury. Unfortunately, I think this is going to be your life until Olivia goes to school full time and you'll have more time during the day to get things done, at least during the school year. I often wonder how my MIL did it raising 5 boys!

    Try to hang on. Things can only get better! Hopefully by the time you stop in again there will be more activity here.