A present for 2015 - ONDERLAND by 12/31

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  • Lost another lb last week. So down to 227.8! That also means I busted through my plateau point from pre-Christmas. So yay!

    Slash - you're doing awesome We still have another full week of January to go, so you're probably down even more than 4lbs!

    Neko - You'll get there! 6lbs in two weeks is still an amazing loss, don't sell yourself short just because you're not under 200 yet.

    Vickie - Gains can suck, but hopefully it drops off soon. Keep at it.
  • Good Luck, Everyone! The scale is finally going in the right direction!

    SW: 221.6
    CW: 221.2 (-.4)
    GW: 199

  • Not moving as quickly as I would like but at least I am finally going in the right direction! Just in time for the monthly demon to come screwing with the number on the scales! Keep on keeping on!!!

    As of this morning 27.3 pounds to ONEderland!!
  • Looks like there have been some losses for everyone! I don't weigh in until Monday, but wanted to give out some kudos!! Well done!
  • Slash, hoping you see a loss that blows you away!!!

    Down a bit more this morning but doing Japanese for dinner tonight (family members B-day dinner of choice) so I know that won't be the case tomorrow!!!

    TOM hasn't arrived so waiting for the jump (usually on day 3 for me) as well. Just keep chuggin' along!!!
    226.6......getting closer and closer to halfway!!!
  • I'm back in the two-teen's! Only 20 more LBS to go to ONDERLAND! Good Luck, Everyone!

    SW: 221.6
    CW: 219.6 (-2)
    GW: 199

  • Way to go VickieLou! I get excited knowing I am less than 45 lbs. to Onederland, I weighed in today at 242.4 which is an all time lowest adult weight for me, trying to make 239 by V-day (in exactly 2 weeks!) and Onederland by the end of this year. For me that comes to around 4 lbs. a month from now until this time in December, heck yeah I will do it! lol Some months will be better or worse than others, but I got this, I am too close to walk away.

    I am a fan of switching things when you're not getting positive results anymore, so I want to try 1650 in calories per day for a little while (I'm not active so this should be ok) I've also been WW points counting, but I've fallen off the past couple of days. I also want to fill my diet with more fiber rich fruits, allow for occasional indulgences, like V-day going out to dinner, but most days work to treat food as I should, as fuel.

    I wish us all the absolute best on this journey, though I don't post often, this is one of my favorite threads.
  • Way to go ladies!!!

    I was at 225.0 this morning...... just 25.1 pounds to go!!!
  • Up a little from last week, .6 pounds. I think it might be a TOM thing. We'll see by next week!
  • After my plateau for over a month, the scales shifted up a couple pounds. This week they've come back down and then some. 54 pounds to ONEderland!
  • Grats on the losses everyone! Weighed in at 227.0 today. 27lbs to go!
  • New low this morning!! 224.2!

    24.3 lbs to go until I'm in ONEderland!!
  • Good to see some impressive losses!

    I'm doing a little tweaking with my food plan to see how that goes. My workouts are great, but I am not seeing the losses I want to see. So, changing things up to see how that goes!
  • Hi everyone! I would like to join this thread as well. I just joined 3FC, and I would love to be in onederland by the end of the year!

    My current weight is 264 - so 64 lbs to go.

    I know it's a lot of weight - over a lb a week - but I need a big goal to keep me motivated.
  • So a couple of days ago, I hit my lowest adult weight ever 241.6, 60 lbs. down from February 13, 2014 (when I officially began trying to lose weight), and I've stuck to a reasonable amount of calories since then but the scale is going up (2 days in a row). I am not PMSing because that just happened, and won't happen again until later this month, it is like my body is rebelling against the weight loss? I will continue to eat according to my goals for the next 11 days (V-day I'm going out to dinner, and I'm not responsible for the consequences ) and if by the tomorrow morning it isn't better, then I will lower my calorie intake. We'll see.