~*One Year of Accountability*~

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  • LaurieDawn - Thank you for the compliment on the picture. I totally missed it yesterday. Caught it today and it made me smile. It's actually from about six months ago when my brother got married. Lots of weddings this summer, my brother and sister both got married, three months apart! The picture is at a very flattering angle of course, so I like it.

    Pink Hurricane - Glad to see you posting! I am very excited, and will post a picture of the ring when I actually have it. Glad to hear your job is going well! I love working from home. I find it a bit freeing, and definitely more relaxing. I hope you enjoy it too. Great job getting right back on plan after a day off

    I'm still 135.4 today, so I updated my ticker.. and added an overall goal ticker. I realized while I was updating it that 136 puts me over the halfway mark towards my first mini-goal, so that was exciting. Yesterday I ended up skipping on the salad I had planned for dinner because I just wasn't hungry. I ate the yoplait with granola in it's place. So I came in under points by a lot, but I wasn't gonna force myself to eat when I just wasn't feeling it.

    Meal plan for today:
    Breakfast: Breakfast Drink (4 points)
    Snack: Pumpkin Pie Smoothie (4 points)
    Lunch: Leftover Potstickers from the other night (14 points)
    Dinner: Chicken Salad (10 points)
    Snack: Yoplait Light + Granola and an apple (4 points)

    Daily Total/Allowed: 36/36
    Weekly points Used: 0/35

    Exercise: Taking a rest day. Twisted my ankle because I slipped on the stairs and am waiting for the pain to go away.
  • Sunarie~ Yes I am so very excited for that, especially because on my "lunch break" I can keep up with the house. And of course being able to stay home with our sweet baby and take him to play groups at the park and go to the library! I am just so happy that I will be able to have that quality time with him! :-D What part of SC are you in? Also sorry to hear about your ankle :hugs: I hope it starts feeling better today!

    288.8 this morning, so I will update my ticker! Slowly but surely getting there! I am going to do backflips when my weddibg band fits again! My engagement ring is just a tad larger than my wedding band so I was able to wear it my whole pregnancy but my wedding band started getting too tight around 275. So yeah, I am so excited to be able to wear it again once I reach that weight!

    Last day at this job and I am very excited and a little sad to leave but I am so ready for this!! Staying on plan like crazy today, definitely trying my hand at keto friendly pumpkin muffins this weekend, we shall see how it turns out!
  • Pink Hurricane - I'm in Charleston, SC. My ankle is feeling a lot better today. I'll still probably mostly keep off it though, just to make sure. Rather be safe than sorry! Fitting back into your wedding band will be exciting! I was very near having to get the engagement ring I picked out special ordered. My finger is a size 9 and that was the highest they went without having to special order it (which probably would have increased the cost). We'll probably have to get it resized sometime down the road after all this weight comes off, but that'll end up being a good feel good reward, so I'm not worried

    Son is here for the weekend. His dad dropped him off with a backpack full of junk food. Apparently there was complaints that I didn't have enough snacks here. So now we have Doritos, and candy, and cookies. Joy... ... I've been doing good with it though. I snuck one chip last night, and was satisfied with just the one.

    Meal plan for today:
    Breakfast: Breakfast Drink (4 points)
    Snack: Peach Apple Crisp Smoothie (5 points)
    Lunch: 2 ServingsLow Fat 3-Cheese Mac and Cheese (14 points) This website appears to be down.. I have a cached version to go off of.. that is the correct link though.
    Dinner: Leftover Mac and Cheese w/ broccoli side (7 points)
    Snack: WW Ice Cream Bar and Breakfast Drink (6 points)

    Daily Total/Allowed: 36/36
    Weekly points Used: 0/35

    Exercise: Taking a rest day.
  • I have been avoiding the sweet food successfully. I actually don't even have urges to eat it.. so... that's a win! Normally I would have gobbles all the things up by now. The Mac and Cheese I made yesterday also came out under points once I checked with the ingredients I have. I used Fat Free stuff instead of low fat stuff where I could. So that was 12 points instead of 14.

    Breakfast: Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink (4 points)
    Snack: PB&J Smoothie (6 points)
    Lunch: Leftover Mac and Cheese from yesterday w/ steamed broccoli (12 points)
    Dinner: 6" Turkey Subway Sandwich. (11 points)
    Snack: Slice of Ezekiel Raisin Bread with 1 tbl Country Crock Light Spread (3 points)

    Daily Total/Allowed: 36/36
    Weekly Points Used: 0/35

    Exercise: Not that it completely counts, but we're headed to the mall soon. Need to pick up some groceries I forgot, and some clothes for kiddo. Boyfriend wants to stop by the liquor store after, and we need to go to the postal office to mail off kiddo's school photos.
  • Oh dear. I went way off my meal plan for yesterday. Breakfast was as usual.. I also had my smoothie. Lunch though, we got dominos. I had one of the buffalo chicken sandwiches which comes in at a whooping 22 points. The smoothie ended up being dinner, and I had a piece of raisin bread with butter (3 points) and then my breakfast drink a little later. I also snuck in a WW snack bar (2 points) sometime between the smoothie and the raisin bread. So ended up using 5 of my weeklies.

    On the plus side, that's what weeklies are for.. and, despite the poor choices I still weighed in at 234.6 today. So yay! We have to take kiddo back to his dad's house in a few hours, so we'll probably stop for dinner on the way home again. This time at someplace more healthy, we won't have kiddo begging to eat pizza.

    Breakfast: Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink (4 points)
    Snack: 2 servings Fruit Salad (4 points)
    Lunch: Leftover Mac and Cheese from when I made it w/ steamed broccoli (12 points)
    Dinner: 6" Turkey Subway Sandwich or 3 Hard Shell Tacos from Taco Bell. (11 or 12 points)
    Snack: Yoplait Yogurt with Granola (4 points)

    Daily Total/Allowed: 35 or 36/36
    Weekly Points Used: 0/35

    Exercise: A few songs of Just Dance with kiddo. Not the sweat mode, so probably more of a light workout than a moderate, and only about 15 minutes compared to 40.
  • 234.8 today. Didn't actually increase as much as I was expecting to. Getting closer to my first mini goal! Very exciting. Boyfriend is suppose to give me a really nice massage when I reach it. I let him know he's gonna owe me it soon.. even if in reality it's still a few weeks off.

    For meals today:
    Breakfast: Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink (4 points)
    Snack: Simple Strawberry Smoothie (4 points)
    Lunch: French Onion Soup (4 points) w/ side Caesar Salad (7 points)
    Dinner: 2 Hot Dogs w/ Bun (14 points)
    Snack: Ezekiel Raisin Bread w/ 1 Tbl Country Crock Light (3 points)

    Exercise: Ankle is feeling better, so going to start out with 10 minutes of Just Dance Sweat Mode and see how I do, may increase it to 20 minutes if everything is feeling good.
  • Sunarie - You are a beacon of sanity in this crazy weight loss world. "I went way over, but hey!, that's what weeklies are for." I love that! Perfection is not required to be on this journey, and the drive for perfection only leads to insanity.

    Pink Hurricane - Hope that the working from home is every bit as lovely as you anticipated. An adjustment, certainly, but an exciting one.

    I have been under 200 since 10/17. I am thinking about reframing my "one year commitment" to being one year of being under 200 pounds. It's part of my constant worry that enough will never truly be enough, and I will have this quest to look like Kerry Washington. (I'm currently watching Scandal on Netflix, so she is my current representative of what the American ideal of beauty looks like.) You know what? I'm just not going to look like her. I don't have that kind of money to spend on perfect teeth, and I was not blessed with perfect features. Plus - my body shape is just not the same as hers. I don't have her genetics! Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that under 200 feels pretty good. And maintaining there may be what I want to make my long-term goal be. Maybe.
  • LaurieDawn - I think maintaining under 200 would be an awesome year of accountability goal. I also just made a post somewhere else about loving yourself.. I think one of the mental battles of weight loss is getting to a point that feels like enough. When we imagine our thinner selves after losing all the weight we like to imagine movie star type figures and no imperfections.. or at least I do.. and it's not realistic, which I know, but that doesn't prevent the thoughts. I just have to remind myself that's now how it works. I also try and counter any negative thoughts with positive ones. Something they advocated when I was going to therapy for depression. If they get super bad I'm suppose to write a letter to myself about the things I like/am good at. It's a bit of a pain to remember to do at first, because you do have to catch yourself and that can be hard.. but it starts to work a bit once you've been doing it for a while, and it becomes easier to do.. plus it'll start to sound less silly and more meaningful.

    My year of accountability goal is to keep on WW's basically. I want a full year of staying within my daily/weekly goals as much as I possibly can. Hopefully all year, but I won't berate myself for a slip up when/if it happens. That's why I've been posting the meal plans here as I have been. It really does help me to keep to them if I post up what the plan is for the day. I don't wanna be a liar! I'm still freaking out a bit about Thanksgiving. I need to sit down and come up with a meal plan for it and I keep putting it off cause it's giving me anxiety just thinking about it.. bleh.

    For meals today:
    Breakfast: Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink (4 points)
    Snack: Apple Peach Crisp Smoothie (5 points)
    Lunch: Leftover French Onion Soup (4 points) w/ side Caesar Salad (7 points)
    Dinner: Single Serving Kraft Mac and Cheese w/ broccoli side (11 points)
    Snack: WW Fudge Pop (3 points)

    Daily Total/Allowed: 34/36
    Weekly Points Used: 0/35

    Exercise: Ankle seems to be all good! Got my Zumba DVDs in too.. so today we're doing the Step-by-Step workout.
  • Sunarie - I totally agree with you. I know that looking like Kerry Washington or Jessica Alba or Zoe Saldana or even Christina Hendricks is not a likely prospect, and it really is not that important to me. I'm just struggling to picture what I should look like. I'm loving lots of things about my shrinking body. Oddly, one of my very favorite things is simply walking and having my elbows not brush against my waist. =) But I also see the layers of fat on my thighs and my thick calves and the fat on my arms, etc. I am working really hard to come to a place of acceptance of imperfection while still being motivated to get to someplace better. All of this is complicated. But I know I feel better at 195 than I did at 239, and way better than I did at 278.

    As for Thanksgiving, may I propose a suggestion? Just designate it as an off-plan day and move on. It's not like Christmas, when people bring plates of goodies to the office and to our homes. It's a single day. As someone too prone to binges, I promise you that even if you consume 10,000 calories, it will only slow your progress, not stop it. And you will be way too uncomfortable to physically enjoy consuming 10,000 calories. It's only one day, and probably only one off-plan meal. Enjoy it. And then get back on track the next day. But that's only one suggestion. There are a million other ways to deal with it. Just don't let obsessing about that single day convince you that you can't do this for life. People of normal weight also deal with these occasions, and do fine. This is just another opportunity for us to figure out how we can join them in being normal weight and coping with special food occasions.
  • My problem isn't necessarily the meal itself.. I guess it's more pressure to do a Thanksgiving feast for it to feel like Thanksgiving. For my family that's always been a Turkey, Ham, Stuffing, Bread Pudding, Potatoes (mashed and baked), yams, green bean casserole, corn on the cob, cheese smothered broccoli.. and that doesn't even cover dessert.. a really huge affair.

    One day I am totally fine with, it's the leftovers I'm really concerned with. I want it to feel like a Thanksgiving meal without leaving me leftovers for days that aren't really on plan. One day off I can totally do, a whole week, not so much. I am almost 100% sure I'm over thinking it. I just have anxiety issues and it's really hard, if not near impossible, to stop the over thinking process. I do need to find some stuff that is smaller in portion because it really is more the leftovers part that's scaring me diet-wise. A lot of the stuff if made normally is going to be really high in points, and I just know I'm gonna wanna finish it off before it spoils :/

    Cooking for people aside from myself and boyfriend is a bit scary too, and not having enough seating in our tiny apartment, but that's not really diet related. They're traveling up 8 hours to see us, so sending them home with leftovers doesn't seem like an option due to length of time and it still being pretty toasty in SC/Florida. Florida being where they live.

    Anyway.. probably enough about my freak outs. Boyfriend has to put up with that stuff from me on a regular basis, hah! Meal plan for today! (Also, I snuck in a glass of wine yesterday I didn't list. Arbor Mist Mango Strawberry Moscato - 2 points!)

    For meals today:
    Breakfast: Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink (4 points)
    Snack: Chocolate Cherry Berry Smoothie (5 points)
    Lunch: 3 Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps (9 points)
    Snack: Small Salad, just lettuce and 1 Tbs Blue Cheese (2 points)
    Dinner: Leftover Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps (9 points)
    Snack: Yoplait with Granola (4 points) and Glass of Wine (2 points)

    Daily Total/Allowed: 35/36
    Weekly Points Used: 0/35

    Exercise: Zumba Step-by-Step workout.
  • Okay I finally have a chance to post! I am adjusting well to working at home with baby and I love it! Laurie you are right, it's great but definitely an adjustment! I am still working around baby's schedule and trying to become more efficient with the time I have! I have been staying on plan though I think I am retaining water as my body is not wanting to drop below 288. I think it's time to introduce exercise into my routine, even if that means going for a stroll with baby in his stroller or getting up early to do a weight training exercise. That's my next big project. As well as posting here regularly, no more long stretches or excuses!

    Sunarie~ I agree with Laurie on both letting Thanksgiving be an off day, as it really is just one day and we truly should enjoy ourselves and focus on making memories. I also agree that you are weight loss perfection in that you stay positive no matter what, I could definitely learn from you! Also I love Charleston, my husband has never been so we have to take a trip soon. I am in Augusta, very close to North Augusta!

    Laurie~ I love your new commitment goal, and I completely understand what you mean about trying to find that celebrity body that you think is perfect and close to where you want to be. For my body type, it is very hard to find a celebrity to look toward, so I already had to accept my body is mine and will never look like Christina Hendricks (she was my "body" celebrity). The closest I would come would be Miranda Lambert pre-weight loss, she was perfectly curvy before the pressure got to her and she dropped weight.
  • Pink Hurricane - Thanks. Thanksgiving itself is an off day.. that I know already. Christmas will be one too. I'm worried about it becoming an off week though, because of leftovers and me hating to throw out food. That's more why I want to find stuff that is diet friendly.. so that I can eat the leftovers without going over points for the week following. Charleston is nice Little humid for my tastes, and use to it being cold by now.. but the people here are nice, I love the rain, and I'm close to my son. So the pros outweigh the cons. Awesome to hear your work from home adventure is going well. I think walking the baby in a stroller is an excellent way to get in some exercise, and I'm sure kiddo will love it too! Side note, Miranda Lambert was, and is, gorgeous.

    I don't think I'll look like a celebrity at all. Back in high school I was super athletic, and pretty thin (size 8-10 jeans is thin for me). I've never been super curvy or anything. Pretty straight up and down with an average sized chest. Plus I'm short, lol. Maybe once I get down I'll have some hips or something now that I have a kiddo. Lowest I've been post-kiddo was 175 or so.

    For meals today:
    Breakfast: Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink (4 points)
    Snack: PB&J Smoothie (6 points)
    Lunch: Leftover Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps or 6" Subway Sandwich (6 or 11 points))
    Dinner: 2 servings Thai Chicken Peanut Soup or other half Sandwich (12 or 11 points)
    Snack: Yoplait with Granola (4 points) and Glass of Wine (2 points)

    Daily Total/Allowed: 34/36 or assuming sandwiches are eaten in which case wine gets cut out... 36/36
    Weekly Points Used: 0/35

    Exercise: Day off, having some stomach issues that are resulting in too much time in the bathroom (it's not Ebola!). As such my foods may change today too.. may not cook, figured I should throw up a meal plan anyway though.
  • Sunarie - Ah yes! The leftovers! I am brutal about food that I don't want to eat being in my house. Here's how it goes in my head: (And believe me, I was very, very poor for a long time, so it was hard to get here.) That cupcake looks delicious. If I eat that cupcake, I'll be dissatisfied and want more and more sugar. If it sits there and I am willing myself not to eat it, I will be distracted and unhappy any time I am around it. If I eat it, I will be wasting money. It won't prevent me from eating my planned calories, and it will make me (slightly) fatter, and if I don't get a handle on this eating thing, I will need to do surgery, which is incredibly expensive both in terms of time and money. The frugal thing to do is to throw that cupcake away. But I'll have a taste of the frosting and a pinch of the very center part. But I can't let it derail my day.

    But I totally get how anxiety-producing it can be. Maybe make a little less than you think people will want of things? Worst-case scenario, your family will be driving home and saying, "Sunarie is lovely, but she didn't have enough stuffing. Maybe we should host Thanksgiving next year."

    Just some thoughts. Good luck figuring out a way to make it work!

    PinkHurricane - Glad you made your way here today to post! I love hearing from you. I hate the water retention so much. Glad you're not letting it throw you off. And yay for working with your baby's schedule.

    I'm sick today, and irritable about it, but, of course, I am at work. Gonna go lift weights and see if that improves my attitude. It's just a cold, but I'm freezing and way too hot, and my nose is stuffed, my head is cloudy, and I have so much phlegm in my throat that I just vomited into my garbage can because I didn't know it was coming and I couldn't make it to the bathroom. Just part of the process. If weight loss was obstacle-free, we'd all look like Jennifer Lopez, eh? (I really don't do the celebrity body thing very much. Just going with the theme that I started.)
  • Lately, to deal with yummy leftovers without the pressure to eat it all before it spoils, I make up a couple small tupperwares with all the dinner items inside and freeze. Pull them out and heat up in the micro just like a lean cuisine. Things with a sauce, like turkey, mashed, gravy and carrots, work really well for this.

    I too am hosting for Thanksgiving. I'm more worried about all the desserts people want to bring. I get that people want to help...and maybe it feels more festive if they get to do a little baking. But, my Mom always overdoes it. And the kids want me to keep it all. And having my parents stay for a week is pretty stressful...a huge sugar binge trigger for me.

    I'm thinking about an accountability commitment for the year. But for now, I'm going to commit in writing to taking VERY good care of myself this holiday season.

    Good luck ladies!
  • Laurie - Thanks for walking me through the thought process. That does make sense if you think about it in that order. My difficulty in throwing things out also comes from being poor. I spent the past decade being below the poverty line, sometimes slightly better, sometimes living off ramen, but never really being financially stable. The past year that has changed because I've moved in with my boyfriend, he graduated college (which means it's my turn to go starting with the new year ) and got a job that alone puts us squarely in middle class.. then I do some work from home stuff on the side just so I have extra income and can contribute to bills and all. I have this weird thing about people giving me money.

    Anyway, the sad bit about Thanksgiving is boyfriend and I both flat out told his mom we'd rather go there.. and she kept pushing to come here instead because her and boyfriend's sister want to see the fall leaves for the drive up. Then she'd tell us no pressure.. but keep mentioning how she'd much rather come up now and we could go down for Christmas, even after I told her we wouldn't be able to cause boyfriend doesn't have enough time off and I need to be in town to share son with his dad for Christmas/Christmas eve. So just... bleh at her right now, but not actually saying anything to her cause I want to get along with his family.

    irishbabe - thank you for the suggestions. I actually do freeze a lot of stuff. Mostly pre-prepped veggies and whatnot for easy assembly later.. and some crockpot meals. Loooove my crockpot. Just remember that the one day isn't bad, as Pink Hurricane and Laurie Dawn have been telling me, and what I've preached both to people and myself in the past. Try to send all the high calorie, really sweet problematic stuff home with others if you can. Also, welcome to the thread!

    Onto less stressful stuff! I finished the month with a weigh in of 233.6. This is a new low for me and gives me a 5.6lb loss total for the month of October. Whoo! I am feeling better today.. though I didn't eat much of anything yesterday (which probably had something to do with the loss). Today's meal plan is basically what yesterday's was suppose to be.

    For meals today:
    Breakfast: Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink (4 points)
    Snack: PB&J Smoothie (6 points)
    Lunch: Leftover Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps(6 points)
    Dinner: 2 servings Thai Chicken Peanut Soup (12 points)
    Snack: Yoplait with Granola (4 points) and Glass of Wine (2 points)

    Daily Total/Allowed: 34/36
    Weekly Points Used: 0/35

    Exercise: Zumba Activate DVD.