Steel Magnolias #67

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  • Good morning gals. Another day of winter, but we have passed the longest day so we will gradually have more sun, which is ok with me. It is going to be sunny and in the 50's here today but the temps at night still dip lower than usual.

    I got an email from Tricare yesterday about the surgical consult and that I only have so many days to make an appt and blah, blah, blah. I will make that one today I guess. I am still waiting to hear from the clinic about my referral for the gyn appt the end of the month. I imagine I am going to get stuck with a couple doctor's bills because of being told wrong information. I told Jack from now on, I get referrals or I don't go even with the gyn and the pharmacy people. No one has called me so I guess they could care less I have headaches all the time.

    I need to get the downstairs cleaned today. I did the upstairs bathrooms yesterday and kind of screwed up. We have a bath mat in the tub so that I don't slip and when I clean the bathroom, I spray it with Tilex to kill mold or mildew on both sides, take it out of the tub and clean the tub, rinse the tub then put it back in and rinse both sides of the mat. Problem is, I can't get the suction cups to stick by just pushing them down so I always tell Jack to be careful when he takes his next shower because I cleaned the bathroom and he knows what that means. He taps them down when he gets in, then I can shower whenever. Well, I had planned to shower yesterday then clean the bathrooms and I just got carried away cleaning and before you know it, I had done the tub and realized what I had done. So I had to just do a wash up and I washed my hair in the sink downstairs. I was alone and wasn't about to climb into the tub and try and push down the suction cups. That's what I get for being in a hurry to get things done.

    I am coming along on my sweater and my girlfriend's scarf. Her birthday isn't until May so I have time and I just need the sweater done by Sept. I am a few inches away from my decreases for the back piece. I have no other knitting projects so I should be good.

    I noticed they are again trying to cut our Navy retirement and talking about closing all the commissaries. Maybe instead they should cut the salaries of the president and congress. All they do is make trouble and don't solve things. Jack earned what he got and it isn't much so taking any of it away is crappy. They already have raised our Tricare insurance premiums 3 times since the Obamacare stuff started. We shall see what comes of this. The veterans groups aren't happy, that's for sure. Maybe they should quit cutting defense spending to give to the illegals and the lazy and then they can balance the defense budget.

    Jean: Poor Sonny. I imagine it does disrupt him considering how he was living. It will take him awhile to get used to a lot of people around I imagine or he may never warm to a crowd in your house. They are both so cute. I thought about my little Fortune the other day because I always made him something for Christmas. I have been having itching on and off on the left side of my abdomen and I think it too is the lantus. It will drive me nuts and nothing I do helps, not benadryl, not hydrocortizone cream, nothing. It just has to go away by itself. I am finding if I take 2 Aleve it will dull the headache until they wear off at night then I either take 2 more if the headache rears up badly or not. It is about the only thing I can do. Hopefully they can just give you cream or something to put on it and it will go away.

    Well girls, time to get the morning started I guess. You all have a nice weekend. Faye
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