~*Sexy For Halloween 2013 Challenge!*~

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  • Welcome, rainbow! So happy to see you here!
  • oh yay! I'm going to be seeing my long distance girlfriend the weekend before halloween so this is perfect I love these awesome spreadsheet challenges! Now to find my scale and actually start keeping track like a good girl again, sigh.
  • I was just talking about yesterday how I wanted to be able to dress up for Halloween this year in something that I like. So excited for this!
  • And we are a GO!

    I really wanted to weigh myself this morning, but completely forgot to until I had eaten my cereal -_-. I need to get back into the habit of weighing again! Today I'm hoping to get back into a healthy eating/exercising routine. I started blogilates a few days ago, but then of course I got SICK so now I need to kick myself up the bum and do more!

    I spoke to my parents last night on Skype, man I never thought I'd get homesick but I really miss them! I can't wait to see them over Christmas, I hope I can be in the 140s by the time Christmas arrives so I can show off a bit to my friends and family. Time to get out of this stall and back into the 140s! 140s = HEALTHY! 150s = LAME AND OVERWEIGHT!

    Kay - That's awesome! Perfect timing indeed. How long have you been together?

    Heche - Then you've come to the right place! What sort of outfit do you want to wear?
  • Rie Feel you on the weighing habit! My starting weight is actually from a week ago, so I need to get back into the habit - my routine got a little screwy when I moved to my sister's but I have two weeks left here to get back into a good routine!
  • Morning everyone. We have completed week 1 yay!
  • We haven't been together very long at all, we were avoiding titles completely since we live across the country from one another but finally gave in and are going to try to make it work. This will be our first time seeing each other since making things official, yikes. Great added incentive though!
    It's awesome that you can Skype with your family, definitely just makes you want to be with them that much more though!!
  • Alright, I haven't done a challenge yet but I think its about time. I probably won't actually go out in a sexy costume but I might just have to try one on just because can. I've had a stick up my butt about sexy costumes for many years and I'm just going to get over it!!
  • Is anyone doing any new kind of exercise routine/program for this challenge? I've always been an avid hiker, but I'm really trying to get into trail running now, its so hard though!
  • Hi all, I just added my name to the excel sheet. Hope that I can join! I really want to wear a sexy outfit for halloween. Last year i was a gypsy, and I'd like to do that again this year
    dottington: I hike! I love it. I've tried trail running too, but running isn't my fave exercise.
  • Ahh, yesss, 2/20 lbs down now, with 18 left to go

    Dottington: Oh man, I love hiking, and trail running sounds like so much fun, but with my luck I am so sure I'd end up tripping on something if I tried it lol.

    But I've been gradually getting back into running this past month, so now I'm going to be making sure I always run at least 3 times a week, and try to hit 7 miles each go.
  • Dottington: I just recently started running every day and doing cardio/strength combos every other night. Those cardio/strength combos are hardcore! I am always so sore afterward! (Basically what that entails is circuit machines and free weights, work on arms, shoulders, and abs one night and legs, butt, thighs, and chest the next night. Then I follow it up with 25 minutes on the bike. The whole cycle lasts 30-40 minutes, depending on how hardcore I am on my strength training. It's a lot of work but it got my butt in gear and prevents me from plateauing... most of the time.)

    rainbow - Good luck with getting back into a routine! You can do it =).

    jessica - Actually...week 1 has just begun!! Hehe, the date on the spreadsheet is the beginning of the week!

    Kay - Ahh, the nameless relationship that turns out to be for real! That's how my relationship started, still together after 4 years. Distance can suck, from experience, hope you can wow her when you see her next! What's your plan?

    dehtripper - Wear something you feel comfortable with! But try something on that you wouldn't think to wear and you might be surprised with how awesome you feel!

    dott - I wish I had access to trails to go hiking! I love it. I'm doing blogilates beginners calendar just to give something new a go!

    kisskiss - Welcome!

    versace - Congratulations! You're kicking behind already!!
  • Riestrella oh hahahahha I guess I need to change it then lol I thought we started last week. my starting weight needs to be changed lol. to funny
  • Quote: Riestrella oh hahahahha I guess I need to change it then lol I thought we started last week. my starting weight needs to be changed lol. to funny
    Well last week was your starting weight and this week is how much you've lost from last week to this week. So I guess the starting weight column is the unofficial week 1?? Confusing!