Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred" - Starting Today 6/17/2012!

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  • Quote: Hi Eskielover.

    I completed Day 3, Level 1 today. It was the toughest day yet. I wanted to quit 6 minutes in, but kept going. Once I got into it I felt better.
    Yanna, glad to hear I'm not alone. I got up early this a.m. to do the workout before work--knew if I waited 'til I got home tonight that I'd skip it. When does it get easier?

    30 DS--L1, D3 completed.

  • Just completed L1, D1. It's actually not that bad. Of course I'm comparing it to Slim in 6 from beachbody.com level 2 or 3. Those workouts were bad@ss, and they also increased in the length of time, working up to over an hour workout time! I just do NOT have the time for that! So this shred wrkout is perfect time-wise. I am sweaty and short of breath, but I feel great! I'll probably be wicked sore tomorrow though!
  • Hello,
    I can I join this group? I have completed L1, D10 today.
  • Hi Jenjen. You are definitely welcome. Looks like you are already 10 days into it! Congrats to you

    Katiejean, the short workouts are one of the things that appeals the most to me. Dedicating an entire hour is a lot more daunting. I have far less excuses to skip a 20 minute workout.

    Eskielover, good for you for getting up early to get things done. It should get easier soon, so hang in there.

    Yesterday was so hard, but today was day 4 for me and the workout flew by. This is especially ironic since I also added back in the 5lb weights today. The first and last standing arm exercises I needed to switch back to the water bottles, but I used the heavier weights for everything else. I noticed my lower legs looked a little curvier during the workout and when I took my measurements, my hips were 1/2" smaller!? I measured every way I could think of and could not get the measurement I had consistently had before I started. All these changes may just be due to temporary muscle tightening, but I'll take it!
  • After 3 days, I had to take a day off for the sake of being able to walk. This afternoon I got back at it and did day 4. I was able to do one whole set of regular push ups, and used the 5lbs weights for all of the arms only exercises (2lb weights for the arms/legs combos). It was still tough, but I felt so much better doing it today that I've almost stopped feeling guilty over a rest day so early.

    I agree that the shortness of the workout is quite attractive. I can force myself to commit to it. 50+ minutes can be more difficult to fit in.
  • Yanna, that's awesome that you saw a change so soon! I am an instant gratification junkie, so this is really encouraging.
    I had a burst of inspiration today after my workout... I had purchased one of those body wrap things from my cousin about 3 weeks ago, but it hasn't come in yet. Now, I know that's not a weight loss tool, cuz you don't lose pounds, BUT it does tighten your skin and improve the appearance of cellulite and whatnot. SO... I'm expecting it to come in the next few weeks, but I've decided to hold off on using it until I'm done with the 30 day shred, as a little reward for myself for completing the workout. Yay!
  • My back was hurting last night, so I decided to take the day off today. Tomorrow, I work (a physical job that tends to hurt my back, too) so I wanted to play it safe. Tomorrow is supposed to be my planned day off. Not thrilled about 2 days off in a row.
  • I took today off from doing Shred too. I used to be "off" on Saturdays because it's such a busy day at work, but since I was scheduled earlier today than tomorrow, I switched so I could sleep an extra hour this morning. I still exercise (usually walk) but since the weather is so hot, I'll spend some time this evening on my rebounder (mini-tramp).

    I'll be back with Shred tomorrow morning. How is everyone else doing?

  • Day 5, level 1 today. It is definitely getting easier. I used the 5lb weights for all but the last half of the second set of side lunge things. I'm doing mostly the more advanced moves too, and pushing myself on the cardio parts. I feel stronger.
  • Great job everyone! I almost took a day off today and it's only day 2! I think I spoke too soon when I said the workout wasn't that bad. Ha...I woke up way sore this morning. BUT, I pushed through today's shred, and I'm glad I did. I'm still sore, even more so actually, but I proved to myself that I can commit to 20 minutes. One day at a time!
  • Saturday: Day 5 of L1 completed. I still have to stop for a few seconds once in a while to catch my breath but other than that, it is getting some easier. I especially like the boxing moves & aim at Jillian.

    I've noticed a little change too. Got into a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear in months. Change isn't totally due to Jillian as I worked another program for 7 days before switching to Shred. Anyhow--love the fact I can get into my jeans even tho they're tight.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • Sunday: Day 6 of level one completed. I had to fight with myself this morning--did NOT want to do it.

  • I did my fifth workout today. My three year old son decided to try to do it with me, so his adorableness made the workout fly by again. I'm down one pound, plus the 1/2" I already mentioned from my hips. Yeah!
  • Shred--day 7 of level one completed
  • This is my first day on this website and my first time posting.
    I want to do this 30 Day Shred! I have been eating as healthy as I feel I can and just need some help since I am on the verge of becomingg overweight also not to point out the obvious but it's almost bikini season and I refuse to be the weight I am for that. I just want to be able to start the same day as atleast one other person so I can have someone else going through the same thing.