Thank you, rockinrobin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • I roast beets a little differently.

    I scrub them, leaving the peel on. I then slice them thin and lay them out on a roasting sheet which I coated with 1 tsp of canola oil and sprinkle with sea salt. I then spray on some cooking spray. I place them in a 350 degree oven for about 25 minutes or so, turning once, till they get crispy-ish. The thinner ones get crispy, the thicker ones (I slice unevenly) are not as crispy. We love them both ways.

    Mary, I use both oil and cooking spray. 1 tsp of oil has 40 calories. That's minimal especially when divided amongst several servings.

    When I coat a pan or a tray, I measure out the oil and spread it nice and thin with a pastry brush to get good coverage. And since I'm coating the top of the veggies as well very often, I find it easier and more controlling to spray.
  • Sorry, I had just read the last posts of this thread and have just now looked back and see that I missed lots of other ones.

    Thank you all SO much for your unbelievable words. You've given me the goose bumps! I gain so much from each and every one of you as well.

    Now to Mary's question about the volume of veggies. I don't view eating large amounts of veggies as the same thing (or even close) to eating large amounts of cakes, cookies, ice cream, fried chicken, chinese food, etc. Those foods leave me feeling MISERABLE BEYOND BELIEF - sick to my stomach and down right in pain. And that's just the short term consequences - the long term ones - they leave me FAT.

    The veggies leave me feeling MARVELOUS short term and long term - I am slim, trim, active and healthy. For me, that's a big difference.

    For an analogy - compare the difference of drinking large amounts of water, to large amounts of Coca Cola. Nuf' said, no?
  • I decided a couple weeks ago that eating volumetrics style would most likely help me to succeed. Although 2 weeks ago had never heard of the word volumetrics, I just decided that I could eat a lot more food if I chose to eat lots of veggies rather than how I was eating before. I'm so glad that many of the big losers on this forum are doing the same thing, it makes me feel confident that I can succeed doing the same thing.

    Oh and as far as beets go, I love them peeled raw and grated or julienned, I eat them by themselves or in salads. Yummy stuff!
  • I'm loving this thread! I made a commitment to adding more (and more and more) veggies to my diet and sure enough, it works!

    As far as sauteing them goes, I often don't add anything- just throw them in a pan and go for it. This morning I ate zucchini, red bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, yellow squash and garlic, all diced and sauteed. Tasted lovely.
  • Great idea, junco
  • Quote: Sorry, I had just read the last posts of this thread and have just now looked back and see that I missed lots of other ones.

    Thank you all SO much for your unbelievable words. You've given me the goose bumps! I gain so much from each and every one of you as well.

    Now to Mary's question about the volume of veggies. I don't view eating large amounts of veggies as the same thing (or even close) to eating large amounts of cakes, cookies, ice cream, fried chicken, chinese food, etc. Those foods leave me feeling MISERABLE BEYOND BELIEF - sick to my stomach and down right in pain. And that's just the short term consequences - the long term ones - they leave me FAT.

    The veggies leave me feeling MARVELOUS short term and long term - I am slim, trim, active and healthy. For me, that's a big difference.

    For an analogy - compare the difference of drinking large amounts of water, to large amounts of Coca Cola. Nuf' said, no?
    I understand what you are saying and clearly large amounts of cake and such leaves us feeling crappy, but so often I read your posts and you speak of behavior modifications and I am honestly confused. My behavior for years has been overeating and all I am saying is that in my mind overeating is overeating -we just yield different physical results depending on the food. One of my goals is to stop that behavior and eat normal quantities and exercise portion control. Obviously what you do works for you and that is awesome, but I don't want to eat tons of anything - I want to have normal behavior - possibly that is unrealistiv for someone who has food and weight issues, but I'd like to think not.. I still struggle sometimes with wanting "bulk" to feel full, but honestly wonder if that is what I should be seeking. Am I making any sense? Can anyone here relate to what I am saying?

    Thank you for all you share Robin - your success is phenomenal.
  • Quote:
    I want to have normal behavior
    Normal? Hmmm, what exactly IS that? Normal like over 65% of the population who live on McDonalds, Cheetos and KFC, all you can eat buffets, Pizza Hut, frozen foods, processed garbage and the such? Normal like most of the population who are overweight, obese and super morbidly obese? No thank you. I'm quite fine not being normal, in fact finer than I've ever been. I really have no desire to be *normal*. That was not my desire. My desire was to shed the pounds, get to a healthy weight and co-exist in a healthy manner with food in a country where we are surrounded by massive quantities of Frankenfood - and I think I've accomplished that. I've no need to be like others.

    If you don't think what I do now is normal, you should have known me back in the day. I'll take this not normal over the other not normal any and every day.

    Before I had an eating disorder - now I eat orderly.

    So Mary, what would you propose I spend my calories on instead of the veggies?

    Minuscule amounts of Rice? Pasta? Potatoes? Crackers? Cake? Cookies? that leave me clamoring for more of it, have little or no value and have no satiation point? Nope. Not interested. I tried it that way for decades - no can do. No can do. No need to do.

    I didn't need to prove to the world that I could eat moderate amounts of cake, fried foods, pasta, etc. I say, why not make this more enjoyable and EASIER than need be - so I did. I needed to get healthy and find a way to co-exist with the foods that I overate the most - so I did.

    We all have to find what works for ourselves - and what doesn't, but more importantly we have to find what we are WILLING to live with/stick with. And I have. I have.

    I certainly hope you find what you are looking for.
  • Howdy,
    Perhaps this fits, perhaps not. I was listening to an interview by Jimmy Moore with Dr. Lustig yesterday. The Dr. mentioned fecal results of our ancestors from 50,000 years ago show a fiber content in the diets of 100-300 grams. That is a lot of plant matter and none of it was processed, white or sugary.

    Veggies, veggies, veggies, some fruit really could be my/our true normal. Something to chew on.
  • Quote: Normal? Hmmm, what exactly IS that? Normal like over 65% of the population who live on McDonalds, Cheetos and KFC, all you can eat buffets, Pizza Hut, frozen foods, processed garbage and the such? Normal like most of the population who are overweight, obese and super morbidly obese? No thank you. I'm quite fine not being normal, in fact finer than I've ever been. I really have no desire to be *normal*. That was not my desire. My desire was to shed the pounds, get to a healthy weight and co-exist in a healthy manner with food in a country where we are surrounded by massive quantities of Frankenfood - and I think I've accomplished that. I've no need to be like others.

    If you don't think what I do now is normal, you should have known me back in the day. I'll take this not normal over the other not normal any and every day.

    Before I had an eating disorder - now I eat orderly.

    So Mary, what would you propose I spend my calories on instead of the veggies?

    Minuscule amounts of Rice? Pasta? Potatoes? Crackers? Cake? Cookies? that leave me clamoring for more of it, have little or no value and have no satiation point? Nope. Not interested. I tried it that way for decades - no can do. No can do. No need to do.

    I didn't need to prove to the world that I could eat moderate amounts of cake, fried foods, pasta, etc. I say, why not make this more enjoyable and EASIER than need be - so I did. I needed to get healthy and find a way to co-exist with the foods that I overate the most - so I did.

    We all have to find what works for ourselves - and what doesn't, but more importantly we have to find what we are WILLING to live with/stick with. And I have. I have.

    I certainly hope you find what you are looking for.
    Brilliantly put. Bravo.
  • Quote: Normal? Hmmm, what exactly IS that? Normal like over 65% of the population who live on McDonalds, Cheetos and KFC, all you can eat buffets, Pizza Hut, frozen foods, processed garbage and the such? Normal like most of the population who are overweight, obese and super morbidly obese? No thank you. I'm quite fine not being normal, in fact finer than I've ever been. I really have no desire to be *normal*. That was not my desire. My desire was to shed the pounds, get to a healthy weight and co-exist in a healthy manner with food in a country where we are surrounded by massive quantities of Frankenfood - and I think I've accomplished that. I've no need to be like others.

    If you don't think what I do now is normal, you should have known me back in the day. I'll take this not normal over the other not normal any and every day.

    Before I had an eating disorder - now I eat orderly.

    So Mary, what would you propose I spend my calories on instead of the veggies?

    Minuscule amounts of Rice? Pasta? Potatoes? Crackers? Cake? Cookies? that leave me clamoring for more of it, have little or no value and have no satiation point? Nope. Not interested. I tried it that way for decades - no can do. No can do. No need to do.

    I didn't need to prove to the world that I could eat moderate amounts of cake, fried foods, pasta, etc. I say, why not make this more enjoyable and EASIER than need be - so I did. I needed to get healthy and find a way to co-exist with the foods that I overate the most - so I did.

    We all have to find what works for ourselves - and what doesn't, but more importantly we have to find what we are WILLING to live with/stick with. And I have. I have.

    I certainly hope you find what you are looking for.
    No, normal as in what normal weight, non food obsessed people do. Clearly we have a different definition of what "normal" is. Your response seems like you think I was attacking you and seems uneccessarily defensive. I was just trying to clarify what you have previously stated so many times, that our focus should be on our behaviors and what I am saying is that in my mind overeating is overeating no matter what we are eating too much of. I didn't say you should spend your calories on something else. I am glad what you do works for you, but it isn't the only way and if I don't want to stuff my face with cake or vegetables I don't see how that isn't "normal."
  • Here's my way of thinking..

    I could have 1 serving Doritos which is 1 ounce and 140 calories or I could have 10 ounces cauliflower for 75 calories and with the cauliflower I will definitely be fuller and satisfied so I opt for the cauliflower now because I like to eat my food in large volumes but keep my calories lower and this works for me. I am not Robin so I can't defend her statements, I am just saying how the whole veggie thing works for me.

    Also, I am a big believer in everyone has to find what works for them. Robin's wonderful volumetrics veggie tips work for me and that is what this whole thread was about from the beginning, just a thanks from me to Robin for helping me see the light where my food and calories were concerned
  • Quote: Here's my way of thinking..

    I could have 1 serving Doritos which is 1 ounce and 140 calories or I could have 10 ounces cauliflower for 75 calories and with the cauliflower I will definitely be fuller and satisfied so I opt for the cauliflower now because I like to eat my food in large volumes but keep my calories lower and this works for me. I am not Robin so I can't defend her statements, I am just saying how the whole veggie thing works for me.

    Also, I am a big believer in everyone has to find what works for them. Robin's wonderful volumetrics veggie tips work for me and that is what this whole thread was about from the beginning, just a thanks from me to Robin for helping me see the light where my food and calories were concerned
    I can definitely understand that. If I liked cauliflower I would choose that over Doritos too. I guess I don't know what is so wrong about eating one serving of Doritos if one is able to stop at one serving and be satisfied. I'd choose asparagus over chips anyday - anyday of my new way of living. Prior to April 21st - probably not.
  • I really don't think anything is wrong with whatever method someone chooses for themself. I try hard not to judge. The only issue I ever have is when people are posting that they are eating like 600 calories a day or they are binging on junk up to 3000 and 4000 calories a day, both of those which are not healthy at all but if someone can work in Doritos or anything else in their plan and be satisfied then more power to them. For me, I like to eat a lot of whatever I am eating so to be able to do that and stay under 1500 calories (5-6 days out of the week anyway) then yes, I am happy with it and love eating this way
  • OK, I see where Mary is coming from so I'll jump in here.

    One of the issues I addressed early on this time around that I identified as important for me is portion control. We, as a society, have been socialized to view a portion as MUCH larger than it actually should be/is from a nutritional point of view. Our normal, as Robin stated, is skewed. (If you've ever eaten 3 plates at a buffet or a super sized fast food meal, raise your hand. Yeah, me too.)

    I started calorie counting in late October 2009 and one of the things I did was start measuring and weighing and looking at and eating recommended serving sizes. One of the things I realized was that for me . . . overeating anything, even something healthy like veggies, is a step too close to eating a 6 serving size bowl if ice cream. That overstuffed, too full feeling . . . well, it makes me want more . . . it's what sends me looking, looking, looking. As twisted as that sounds.

    Unlike Robin and many others, I can eat 1/2 cup of ice cream or 1 130 calorie gourmet mini cupcake and be totally satisfied (which I would never have dreamed possible). Because I count the calories and know that if I still want another mini cupcake or serving of ice cream tomorrow, it'll still be there.

    But, I actually caught myself overeating on a great, low cal veggie dish earlier this summer and it wasn't a good thing for me. I didn't go over my calorie goal for the day, but I didn't like how it made me feel or what it did to my head.

    Having said all of that . . . I love veggies. Leaving aside the obvious nutritional benefits in eating 140 calories of asparagus over 140 calories of Doritos, the asparagus is going to fill you up much more and keep you satisfied much longer. Now, I wouldn't eat 70 small asparagus spears at a sitting - but I doubt that Robin does, either.
  • Quote:
    . Your response seems like you think I was attacking you and seems uneccessarily defensive.
    Well Mary you DID say that you want to have normal behavior as if what I was doing WASN'T, so I just wanted to make perfectly clear that I could care less what *normal* people do and don't do. My objective was not to be *normal*, but to be slim and healthy.

    Just curious - have you ever tried cauliflower roasted - with onions, garlic, cumin, cayenne pepper - it's DELICIOUS. Every time I make it, people fight over who gets the last bites. The answer to that question is not all that important. You don't HAVE to like cauliflower.

    But do you really think it would be a wise decision for me to give up eating cauliflower and start eating Cheetos?

    And yes, I've probably mentioned that it's a good thing to focus on the behaviors and for me, part of that behavior is eliminating junk food or keeping it to a minimum. They do call it junk food for a reason.

    I am glad what you do works for you, but it isn't the only way and if I don't want to stuff my face with cake or vegetables I don't see how that isn't "normal."
    Ummm, where did I say that what you do isn't normal? And where did I say *my way* was the only way? I really don't see where it says that or anything close to it. In fact, didn't I say that we all have to find what works for ourselves? I'm confused. Oh and these are another couple of questions you don't need to answer.

    Mary, you are 5 1/4' taller than me,yet I was 30 lbs heavier than you - clearly we have different *issues* and therefore we'll have different *solutions*.

    I'm sorry if you can't understand why *I* don't consider eating LOTS of veggies as overeating. I'm within my calorie budget and it's healthy - so therefore I don't see it as overfeeding myself. I just really can't explain it any further. But that's okay. You don't have to understand it.

    I'm sure neither of us are coming out crystal clear - it's not like we're having a face to face conversation, so it sometimes gets mixed up in the written word. It's difficult to get my point across and it's difficult getting yours across. That's the way it is sometimes and I think this is one of them.