July - Golden Girls

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  • Good morning Golden Girls. The wedding is over and the guests have gone home and I'm just sitting here vegetating for a few moments. No pictures yet as I don't have them downloaded and the kids don't have theirs picked up from the photographer yet. Everything went smoothly and the wedding was wonderful. The downside is that there was a ton of food left over and we're trying to eat the perishable stuff before it goes bad. I'm super tired and feel as if I need to sleep for a week but not possible as we're going to our oldest son's place for a couple of weeks and spend some time with our darling grandson. I have beds to make up that were stripped down yesterday, floors to sweep and wash, more laundry to do and dishes and platters to put away. And all I want to do is sit and watch tv. I have a mountain of towels and sheets to fold, too so I guess I'd better hop to it and get that done. Have a good day everyone.

  • Good Morning girls!
    I've been absent lately, just toooooooo busy to chat. Once the weeds get going in the vegetable garden it takes forever to weed but I got them all cleaned up. We've also been busy buying up clearance perrenials and planting them to fill up some bare spots by the house.
    DH purchased a wood chipper and we're busy making wood chips and spreading them around where we needed mulch.
    I wish I could post pictures on here but my browser doesn't work here anymore. I would love to show everyone DH's old 1932 Chevy car he purchaed, I'm going to put the fabric on the panels once we get them ordered. We're getting the car painted the 1st week in August. We have lots of work to do on the interior.
    Gayle...I am a YoYo person myself. After I lost my weight I thought I'd never have to diet again, WRONG! I have to constantly watch it, I put 10 pounds right back on and it didn't take long. I think eventually I'll be able to eat what I want on Sundays and count calories Monday thru Saturday. And I don't mean pigging out on Sundays, watching it but not counting calories and have a dessert while having coffee with my dad/family.
    So, I will have to come up with some other plan. I gained, and need to work harder.
    Isabella...Thanks for the update, I've been wondering how everything went. Can you freeze some of the foods? What a temptation to have around but you can always start over like I have a zillion times after the food is gone. I can't wait to see the pictures.
    The wedding is over and the guests have gone home and I'm just sitting here vegetating for a few moments. No pictures yet as I don't have them downloaded and the kids don't have theirs picked up from the photographer yet. Everything went smoothly and the wedding was wonderful. The downside is that there was a ton of food left over and we're trying to eat the perishable stuff before it goes bad. I'm super tired and feel as if I need to sleep for a week but not possible as we're going to our oldest
    Lynn... Have you heard anything from Meowee/Linda?
    I better get going, bye for now
  • Yes, Bobbi, I've got the freezer full of food. DS and DIL will be here today to do laundry as their washer hasn't arrived yet so I'll give them some to take home. And I'll be starting over again for sure. I haven't stepped on the scales in over 2 weeks and I'm dreading to see the damage.

    Since I posted earlier this morning I've had the muscles in my back seize up leaving me bent over and in pain. I'm trying to rest and took Ibuprofen but I have work to do before we can leave tomorrow for a little vacation with our other son. I managed to get all the beds put together and all the towels folded and put away. I lay down on the couch and couldn't get up without help. I hardly ever have a bad back so I'm hoping it's just a simple muscle spasm. Time for more Ibuprofen. Take care.
  • Hello all,

    Well, it is back to calorie counting for me. That is the tool I used when I succeeded before. I don't know why I have fought going back to that so hard Started walking again too yesterday. I wish I loved to exercise ~ but unfortunatly have to force myself to do it Seems like there is always something I'd rather be doing. Gotta quit whining and just do it ~ be thankful that I am able to.

    Bobbi ~ could you put your pictures on a photo sharing place (like Walgreens or a similar place) and post a link so we could see your pictures?

    Isabella ~ looking forward to seeing your pictures too ~ hope your back gets to feeling better.

    Hi Rosey and Lynn and everyone else.

    One more night then some days off ~ yippee

    Take care
  • Hi all. I'm at DS's place all doped up with muscle relaxers and still in pain. We had a 4 hour drive that was not as pleasant as it usually is but I got here in one piece.

    I ate normally today! Never counted calories yet but at least there was no overeating or late night eating.
  • Hi, I just posted this at the "Active Over 50" thread. Hope it's not a nono to cross post!

    May I join this group? I'm 53, and would like to lose 40 lbs. I've been on my quest for better health/fitness since July 1st. At one point I was down 5 lbs, but I'm down just 3.5 now. It's very frustrating. I am counting calories and working out for the first time in my life. I do strength training three days a week, cardio (treadmill) three days a week, and rest one day. Although I am not seeing results, I have to admit that I am doing less grunting and groaning when I bend over or have to squat! I guess that's a start!
  • Hi Late to the game. Your doing great if you only started the first of July. Slow and steady wins the race to quote an old saying. It's kind of slow here in the summer but things really pick up in the fall when people start coming inside and the weather turns cooler (at least in the Northern Hemisphere).

    My back is still hurting but not as bad as yesterday so I guess I'll see a little improvement everyday. I slept most of the afternoon as I took a muscle relaxant which really knocked me out. Had strange dreams which I cannot remember. I'm reduced to wearing a loose dress because I can't take a waist band from pants as it gives me too much pressure on the lower part of my back. I'm so glad this didn't happen last weekend during the height of the wedding and/or preparations.

    Our baby grandson is so sweet. I can't hold him yet at least not without supervision. I'm like the 3 year old who wants to hold the baby, ha, ha. He can sit on my lap but I can't walk with him because of the sore back.

    Must go as they want me to come watch a movie with the family. Catch you all later. Hope you all have a great weekend.
  • Hello..............welcome 'late to game'. I'm too tired to write anything, I was gone all morning, stopped for a few groceries. HyVee had many bags of bananas all packed up in big bags and selling for .99 cents.
    I didn't weigh them but I'll guessing there were 5-6 pounds. I made two batches of banana bread this afternoon and peeled and froze the rest of the bananas in 1 cup portions for future use. Wow, what a deal.
    Sorry to hear about your back Isabella, does ice help? When my back gets inflamed and sore, that's what help take the inflamation down.
    Good Night everyone.
    P.S. Lynn....how's your daughter doing?
  • Hi everyone. Bobbi, that was a great bargain on bananas. I do that sometimes but right now I'm all baked out. I think I'll not look at a baking pan until Thanksgiving or maybe even Christmas, ha, ha.

    My back is a little bit better this morning. It's still sore but more stiff than sore. I feel very weak in that area though and am trying to nurse the back into a healthy condition again.

    The weather is wretched today. Overcast with light drizzle and chilly. I thought I'd try a little walk up and down the street but I don't want a chill on top of the bad back. Baby is so sweet. I was singing to him this morning and he was laughing and cooing.

    I'll probably pop back in again this evening so take care everyone.
  • Good Morning, a quick Hi and I'm outta here.
    Don't you just love the smell of babys and puppies!

    Baby is so sweet. I was singing to him this morning and he was laughing and cooing.
  • Hi everyone.. sry ive been mia.. have not got my laptop back yet.. my dh had surg on his foot and has to stay off it for 3 weeks.. we are quite a pair..he on cruthches and me in a walker and sharing the wheel chair..mr and mrs gimp actually it going better than i thought..i havent had access to his computer tho as my wheel chair has to be folded and rolled thru the door..he figued out a way to do it today sooo here i am..missed all of you..Karen im so sry fro the loss of your father .. nothing new going on here,its amazing how the day goes by ,its takes alot of time and effort to do ordinary things from a walker or wheelchair but ive gotton pretty good at it,just takes longer..(((hugs))) for all rosey
  • Good Morning!
    Anybody heard from Linda? (Meowee)
    Rosey...what's going on with you other than Mr. & Mrs. Gimp
    Are you still considering surgery on your tummy?

    we are quite a pair..he on cruthches and me in a walker and sharing the wheel chair..mr and mrs gimp
    We're going into town and pick out some fabric for the seats on the 32 chevy, it would be over a $1,000 to send for them. I'm going to cover them myself if we can find fabric that's not too thick for my sewing machine.
    You all have a great day!
  • Hallo all. My back is finally feeling somewhat better. I can stand straight for longer periods of time. And I walked around with the baby today for a short time.

    I hopped on the scales today to see how things were going and I'm down a couple from the weekend so that's a bit of progress for sure.

    Bobbi, I was just reading the "Pantry Challenge" over in Foods and I enjoyed reading what everyone was doing with their "old" food. I think I'm going to do that again when we get home. I had to do that before DS's wedding to make room for the wedding food. Now I've got so much left over wedding food I'll probably be ok for 3 or 4 weeks not buying any processed foods. I'll just buy fresh for awhile. I guess that will be kind of like a financial recovery from all the food I bought for that wedding.
  • Good Afternoon! Well, my son starting reroofing my brothers house this morning so that means that they will be planning to go back to Florida in a couple weeks when they are done. After having them here the past couple months it is really going to be lonely without them. Quiet, but lonely!! They have sceduled to have my Dad's ashes spread in the lake this Wednesday so I'm hoping that all goes well this time. Still going to be a rough day.
    Hope everyone is having a good Monday.
  • Hello all,

    Up early ~ couldn't sleep ~ it'll probably catch up with me later

    Been having a good few days off ~ been able to find some stuff I had been wanting to find ~ we still have boxes we've not unpacked from when we moved here in 07 I've had some stuff I've been needing/wanting to do and the stuff I needed to do it was still packed away. So, it has been a good time of finding stuff ~ stuff I was looking for, stuff I had forgotten I had ~ kind of like Christmas and a trip down memory lane. Sorting through stuff, throwing out stuff, loading up some boxes for Goodwill.

    I got a new schedule at work a few weeks back and it has helped. I think I am starting to rest a little better at night, feel a little better and having more than a day or two off at a time is allowing me to get some stuff done. It feels good to be able to accomplish something. And while my hands are busy, they are not reaching for food

    Hope you all are doing well.

    Take care