No Excuses! Food and Exercise Accountability April 27 - May 3

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  • Yesterday I ended up eating 2000 calories. I feel mildly guilty about it... on the plus side, I got lots of exercise.


    Breakfast: oatmeal with slivered almonds, coffee (300)
    Snack: apple and yogurt (200)
    Lunch: turkey on ww, soup (400)
    Snack: Frappuccino (150)
    Dinner: ??? 400
    Snack: SF ice cream, popcorn (200)
  • POP yesterday, and down 1lb for the week!

    B - raisin bran, strawberries, milk
    S - wasa cracker w/laughing cow lite
    L - two slices of Papa John's veggie pizza
    S - 1/2 C mixed veggies
    D - pasta, veggies, sauce, parmesan
    E - yet again dependent on the weather. Schedule is HIIT run.
  • Another good day with another good recipe from my new cookbook! I think this is going to go well.

    E~30 minutes treadmill
    B&S~hard boiled egg (100), yogurt (70), cheese (80)
    L~probably the chopped salad (butter and romaine lettuce, mushrooms, onions, Gorgonzola with vinaigrette--maybe 200?) and share a pizza (300+??)
    S~nothing (big lunch)
    D~frozen chicken dinner with veggie side (300) and salad (50)
  • This has not been a maintenance type week for me - I've slacked from the gym and been eating away at the b-day cake my friend so nicely made for me (really, I was touched, but there were only enough people for half of it to be eaten and they insisted I keep it).

    B: english muffin w/ PB, coffee
    S: apple
    L: chick'n patty, rice, broccoli
    D: banquet... we'll see what's there!
  • Forgive my absence...this week was ALREADY insane. Then I got the cold from was just too much! I even had to take a sick day, which I never, ever, EVER do.

    Have been eating OP, but not on my regular schedule or the types of things I eat normally. Just trying to get through this crazy week!
  • Yesterday was okay calorie wise, but deviated from plan. Ended up going out to dinner - had chinese food. Lots of salt, but made a good entree choice and had a small amount of brown rice. So, back to bloated and puffy today. Well, been bloated and puffy all week... My average weight for April is 1.2 pounds up from March and my waist is 1/2 inch bigger than last Friday (though smaller than this past Monday)... I'm still hoping it is the water, but making some diet changes for a couple of weeks to hedge my bets. Cutting out the PB&J as morning snack habit I've picked up... I didn't exercise yesterday - felt pretty sore and run down. Planning something today, don't know what.

    E: dunno...
    B: smoothie, coffee
    L: grilled chicken salad
    S: apple
    S: Kashi Dark Chocolate Cherry Granola bar
    D: pasta with red sauce and ground turkey breast postponed from last night
    S: peanut butter graham cracker
  • Friday

    B - Trader Joe's non fat Greek yogurt with honey, 8 oz sliced strawberries (200 calories)

    L - big salad - dark greens, shredded carrot, purple cabbage, pomegranate seeds, grilled chicken, fat free balsamic vinaigrette, fried onions for crunch (measured!!) (400 calories)

    S - tangelo (100 calories)

    S - cheese string (80 calories)

    S - cocoa (50 calories)

    D - going to make butternut squash black bean quesadillas! A little sauteed onion and garlic, squash, black beans, 2 whole wheat tortillas, a tiny bit of low fat cheddar to stick everything together, topped with tons of salsa. Added about 100 calories of roasted brussel sprouts. I'm guessing...400 calories?
  • They fed us pizza again at work for lunch. I guess all the guys on the team were sick of Panera and wanted pizza. I don't want to be the whiny one who is like, "Girly girls need salads so we can be skinny!" Not that I actually think that way -- I'm a software developer, and 90% of my coworkers are men, most of whom have little to no concern for their weight, and pizza and junk food are preferred. The other woman on my team and I are both like, "we like something with a healthy option," but it ends up looking like "the girls want salad."

    In any case, I had two slices of veggie pizza, and my cals so far today are right on track. I'm right at about 1000 so far, which leaves me 400 for dinner which is just right. I'm happy about it because last week they had pizza for our weekly meeting too (sigh, why do they have to schedule a meeting during lunch? am I the only one who likes to NOT work during lunch?), and I still kept it under 1500 for the day. I think I can do it today too.

    You know, it feels really good to know that I can eat two slices of pizza and still lose weight.
  • My lunch today took a turn for the better. Instead of the chopped salad and sharing a pizza with DH, I had a salad of mixed baby greens, pears, candied walnuts, dried cranberries and Gorgonzola and had them add some chicken. Yum!
  • My day took a turn for the worse... I came home and fell asleep on the bed. Woke up feeling seriously bloated, which of course made me measure my waist (like that was a great idea when I already felt out of it) which was 2.5 inches larger than this morning. So, 1/2 serving of trail mix, 10 peanuts, 5 prunes and a mini reese's peanut butter egg added in to my planned day... On top of no exercise... Thinking about doing yoga now, will probably just go to bed...
  • Dinner was fabulous, I added a side order of roasted brussel sprouts.
  • B - Trader Joe's fat free Greek yogurt with honey, 1/2 big package of sliced strawberries, small handful of Grape Nuts for crunch

    L - the last of the leftover spinach, chickpea, leek, tomato soup, with 130 calories of artisan bread, topped with parmesan cheese

    S - mango

    S- tall non fat latte

    D - Benihanas!
  • Today:
    Exercise - 60 mins of swiss ball & Weider, 30 mins elliptical HIIT
    B: banana, 2 santita chips with salsa
    L: turkey sandwich
    S: mini special dark bar, mini peppermint pattie, mini reese's egg (115 calories)
    S: SBD cinnamon creme bar
    D: panini of some kind
    S: kashi go lean crunch, lowfat vanilla yogurt, blueberries
  • E~walk 18 holes of golf
    B~egg white mcmuffin
    L~beer, about 2/3's of a southwest wrap (lettuce, tomato, avocado, beans, corn, chicken in a tortilla with salsa) and about 1/4 of my plate of fries
    D~either leftovers from earlier this week or mini meatloaves with roasted green beans

    D~probably nothing
    B~hard boiled egg
    D~chicken with a great sounding sauce, salad, rice?
  • Sunday

    B - 2 pieces of whole grain toast, 1 piece with natural peanut butter, 1 piece with apricot preserves

    L - some leftover chicken with Trader Joe's spinach simmer sauce, over 1/2 package of microwave brown rice

    S - mango

    S - tall non fat latte

    D - Chipotle - chicken bol no beans, rice, tons of pico de gallo, 1/2 serving of guac, lots of romaine

    S - low fat frozen chocolate yogurt with crushed waffle cone