Tis time to start the LEAN MEAN GREEN MACHINE St. PATRICK'S DAY weight loss challenge

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  • I'm feelin' lucky! I'm hoping my Irish side will bring me some extra challenge spirit.

    I'll aim high... I'm in for a 15lb loss!
  • I'm in for 10 lbs . . . so my goal is 238.5.
  • I'm in! 15 pound loss, 218 pounds. Here I come!
  • Wow, IrishSarah --- when you throw a party, LOTS of people show up! This is going to be a great challenge team!

    ChefsGirl tallied up the total pounds that were lost over on the Valentine's Day challenge --- THANK YOU! --- and it was a marvelous 164.8 pounds. But you know what? I bet we can top that number! We have the determination, we have the plans in hand and we have the luck of the Irish....Sarah on our side. So pin a shamrock on your sports bra, make sure that's water in your bottle and not green beer and let's evict some fat!

    An Irish joke from the days when the IRA was more active....

    An aging man lived alone in Ireland. His only son was in Long Kesh Prison, and he didn't know anyone who would spade up his potato garden. The old man wrote to his son about it, and received this reply, "For HEAVENS SAKE, don't dig up that garden, that's where I buried the GUNS!!!!!"

    At 4 A.M. the next morning, a dozen British soldiers showed up and dug up the entire garden, but didn't find any guns. Confused, the man wrote to his son telling him what happened and asking him what to do next.

    His son's reply was: "Just plant your potatoes."

  • Im so in!! Im going for 6 lbs. Im stuck and weight loss is slooooooow. Hopefully it will be more!
  • I didn't meet my vday challenge so I definitely plan on losing 10 lbs by then!!!!
  • Is there some kinda group schedule for weighing in on these things, like every Sunday or do people just post weight losses as they want to? Either way would obviously work!

    (Waves at PurpleCrush and NickiRose, but then is blinded by the light flashing off the new ring an PC's hand....)
  • Love the ring Randee & your BF is totally cute.

    Okay you guys, so I was telling DF about how we lost 164.8 pounds as a group on the last challenge and he just looked at me like I was nuts.......I was like "what"......he was like, "that's what I weigh". HA!

    We lost my DF. If anyone finds him please return him to me
  • Haha Numina!! And thanks ChefsGirl! I think hes a hottie !!! Hes actually doing Weight Watchers with me. It helps to be able to talk to your partner about weight loss and all of that.
  • Count me in for 10! Need a kick start on this so I should be able to do that!
  • Hey, lookie --- KAE has green blood, too! Bring us some more of that luck of the Irish, Kae!

    27 pounds already, Ale? WOW! I wanna do that, too! Congratulations!

    ChefsGirl --- do we have to return your BF in the original shrinkwrap? (Actually, that is kind of a cool way to visualize how much weight we demolished.) Thanks again for doing the math over on the VD thread.

    Glad to have you in the challenge, Ready4GodsWay. Say! You don't look familiar --- are you new around these parts? If so, not only welcome to the challenge, but welcome to whole 100+ extravaganza!
  • I know Im a day late but Im in!!!!

    Im going to set a goal of 15 and hope for 20

    I know it sounds nuts but.. we'll see
  • We Irish do know how to party. LOL!
    I usually weigh in on Monday's meself, but I don't think we have to have a mandatory weigh in date for the challenge...do we? I am new at this. I think as long as we all report in once a week it will be fine. I don't want to mess up anyone's rhythm.

    It would be easier to keep track if we reported in on the same day even if we don't weigh in on the same day...hmmmmm. Did that make sense? I think I just confused myself! My baby has been up half the night with a nasty cold and I am TIRED! I don't think my brain is running on all cylinders yet.

    Perhaps after another cup of tea......

    So I will leave it up to the masses:

    Should we have a day we all weigh in TOGETHER?
    Should we have a day we all report our weight loss (no matter what day we weigh in)
    Am I over thinking it all and I should leave well enough alone?

    Whatever the majority decides by tomorrow morning, we will abide by. I guess.

    I already had a NSV today. I bought Burger King for the family and had their salad w/ grilled chicken and low fat Italian dressing.

    I didn't even really want the onion rings or burgers.
  • Me too Me too! I know I'm a bit late in on this one but yesterday was crazy and I wasn't on the computer all weekend. So I weighed in this am at 276, so I'll be in for 12 pounds, which would bring me down to 264.

  • Quote:
    So I will leave it up to the masses:

    Should we have a day we all weigh in TOGETHER?
    Should we have a day we all report our weight loss (no matter what day we weigh in)
    I think it is just easier if people update from time to time when they can.. rather than on a particular day. Some people, like myself, don't have internet access every day of the week. Just a thought...