SuperFoods Daily Accounting

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  • Today:

    oatmeal with wheatgerm, organic raisins, walnuts, cinnamon
    whole wheat bread with turkey slices, lettuce, tomato, cheese, peppers
    leftover chicken chili--beans, tomatoes, chilis
    iced tea, hot black tea, and green tea with honey
    pomegranate juice, grapefruit

    So, 10 maybe?

    Tomorrow is the challenge--back to work. However, I pre-bagged some oatmeal/walnuts/wheatgerm/raisins for breakfast, and we'll have to see how the rest of the day goes.
  • Ha, take your lunch too, the you don't have to see how the day will go - you will KNOW.
  • Hey, Susan, great idea about the list. I've been reading along here, but I'm terrible about online accounting. But one can always chime in sometimes, right?

    beans - in chili for dinner
    blueberries - in a dish served at brunch (awesome! but not lowcal )
    oats - for breakfast
    pumpkin - pepper in chili and an egg dish at brunch (together = 1 serving)
    spinach - in salad for dinner
    tea - snack
    tomatoes - in dinner chili
    walnuts - on breakfast cereal

    So 8, not bad for a day when our main meal (brunch) was eaten out. I made chili tonight with black beans - awesome! Of course I had no ground turkey so it got extra lean ground beef. Also the canned tomatos had jalepenos - wowser! It'll put hair on your chest! I like it, but DH is passing on this batch....
  • Morning!
    Hi Pat! Of course you can chime in! We're glad you're here.

    beans-in chili
    blueberries- and strawberries raw
    oats- in a date square and nice whole grain bread
    oranges- grapefruit juice
    pumpkin-orange peppers in chili
    soy- non fat soy milk
    tomatoes-raw and in chili
    turkey-in chili
    walnuts- and some trail mix for snacks

  • I remember doing this. I should get back to it, though I eat alot of whole foods I probably need more variety. Let's see
    B-2 eggs, spinach, feta
    S-carrots, green peppers, hummus
    S-yogurt, blueberries,honey,walnuts
    D-spaghetti(unfortunately not ww this week, spaghetti sauce,romaine salad, zucchini
    S-green tea, dark chocolate If I'm really hungry later oatmeal
  • Okay - wish me luck you guys. I'm in Vegas until Friday for a work trip. I have 5 oranges for 5 nectar bars for snacks. Apparently, there are breakfast/lunch/dinner buffets served every day for us and customers. I am feeling very nervous about all this - no plan. Well, my plan is NO DESSERTS. I don't handle buffet desserts very well, I want to try a little bite of each one, so EXNAY on the ESSERTDAYS.
  • Have fun in Vegas Glory, you'll be fine!

    Today so far I've gotten in my soy and oats for breakfast. Will edit post later on to add to my list.

    This morning was weigh in day and I'm down 5 more pounds!!! yippee I am having a hard time getting my ticker to update this morning though, so I'm actually down to 212!

    ***edited: ticker updated, and look!! I'm 1/4 of the way there!!!***

    I think I hit every single group yesterday!!! I don't get much of a chance to post on the weekends but I had the most amazing veggie tofu stir fry for lunch yesterday w/brown rice! There was alot left over so I know what I'm having for dinner tonight!!!
  • Holy smokes, I am DOOMED if today is an indicator of the rest of the week.

    Breakfast - not so bad, big beautiful buffet but I only looked at OATMEAL and FRUIT. I kinda kicked myself for not remembering to bring my own dried blueberries and having to settle for golden raisins with my bowl of oatmeal (I avoided pastries, pancakes, some good looking fried potatoes, bagels, cream cheese, etc). I also had a couple of small pieces of cantalope, 2 pieces of watermelon (in the tomato group!) and 6 good-sized strawberries. Cup of coffee with splenda and a splash of cream. Not bad!

    Lunch - NOTHING HEALTHY AT ALL. Oh man, there was salad, but it was caesar salad, dripping with cheese and limp with dressing, had to pass. I picked up some black/green olives, some roasted asparagus and marinated vegetables. The hot line had pizza, penne with marinara, coldcut sandwiches with cheese and mayo, tons of rolls/breadsticks and lobster raviolis. After seeing the dismal choices, I got a scoopful of penne/marinara and 2 lobster raviolis and backtracked and picked up more roasted asparagus and marinated vegetables. Didn't touch the bread, pizza, wish I hadn't been so tempted by lobster ravioli, but it was good and I only had 2. Managed to completely avoid the dessert buffet (a toughie) and had iced tea with lemon.

    This is a healthy eater's nightmare!

    Edited for the rest of the day!

    they brought in bags of caramel corn, pretzels, fruit and brownies for snacks. I stuck to my orange and nectar bar.

    Dinner was a little better, there was a cold food line, a make your own taco line and a roast beef station. I ended up getting a big pile of field greens, some shredded chicken, some roasted vegetables, pico de gallo, a little guacamole, a little balsalmic vinaigrette dressing, a small scoop of mashed potatoes and some of those cute carrots (with the little green tops). Dessert was a build your own sundae bar with ice cream, brownies, big cookies, and all kinds of sundae toppings. What I WANTED was chocolate ice cream, caramel sauce and nuts, what I got was 3 nilla wafers to dunk in my coffee. I broke my "no dessert at Vegas rule" but I did resist a lot of bad things.

    We had a late night meeting from 7-9 with hot prezels (with hot cheese dip) and more bags of caramel corn, I was still really full from dinner and my jeans felt snug so managed to completely resist.

    All in all, I felt like a day of out of control eating, but when I remember past work events like this, I used to eat everything - breakfast would have been pancakes and pastries, lunch would have been pizza, I would have had the brownie snack, eaten some caramel corn, dinner would have been cheesy, sourcreamy, guacy make your own tacos in crispy shells and I would have eaten an ice cream sundae and topped everything off with a pretzel dipped in hot cheese.
  • Oh man sounds like eating dinner at my parents house
  • What kind of beans are you eating that are low cal? I haven't found many. Granted they are high in fiber, but 100+ cals for 1/4 cup seems high to me.
  • Sugar snap peas, green beans are pretty low cal. For the rest of the bean family - chickpeas, kidney beans, navy beans, pinto beans, peas ect - I don't consider them a particularly low cal salad veggie type food - I consider them more of a protein-type food. They're incredibly healthy, beneficial and worthwhile to eat, but for me, they need to be counted, measured and portion controlled, the same way I would measure a complex carbohydrate like brown rice or a lean protein like chicken breast.
  • Glory, can you please post your recipe that was in the article? I couldn't find the mag and now I think it's too late to get it. Another Oprah issue is on the stands. Susan B made your jambalaya and I'm jealous.
  • Quote: I always thought beets should be a super food.

    Why aren't they? Seems like they would be. What does the book say about them? Carrots aren't on there either, are they?
  • beans
    blueberries- strawberries
    oats- yes and a ww bun
    oranges- one
    pumpkin- orange pepper
    soy- non fat milk on my oats
    spinach- snuck in my jambalaya
    tea- green
    tomatoes- in the jambalaya
    turkey- in the jambalaya
    walnuts- snack
    yogurt- yes

    11 today

    let me have a shot at that jambalaya recipe
    into the crock pot
    chopped onion
    two stalks of celery
    a pepper
    12 oz turkey kielbasa
    1 cup rice
    creole or cajun seasoning
    28 oz can of diced tomatoes

    I let it go on low for about 5 hrs then added 12 oz shrimp. In 20 minutes we ate it.

    I forgot that I tossed in a bunch of dried spinach flakes and chili pepper flakes.
  • I like your idea, Susan...may I steal it?

    beans -- green beans
    blueberries- pomegranate juice
    broccoli --yes
    oats- oatmeal
    pumpkin- carrots, sweet potatos
    tea- green, black
    turkey- yes
    walnuts- yes, in oatmeal