Weigh in at home 2/11 - 2/17

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  • Hi Everyone!

    Carla - I agree that grocery shopping when near starvation is a serious breech of weight management protocol. However, you could have done a lot worse than you did! There is a fabulous restaurant in Vancouver called Lumiere operated by Rob Feenie, who is a local "celebrity chef". We went there for Mike's birthday last year; they have a set chef's menu too. There were 11 miniscule but absolutely heavenly courses. The big problem was that we ordered the accompanying flight of wines (different wine to accompany each course). I was three sheets to the wind by the time we were done! It was expensive, but great.

    Judy - thanks for putting up the recipe again! I really enjoyed it before and had forgotten all about it. Good for you in exercising your way through the PMS monster. We don't have a deep freeze either. Once Mike organizes the garage we're going to try to make room for one.

    Karen C - how was that dessert??

    Mike made us lime-garlic chicken last night with rice and asparagus. It was delicious, but not particularly romantic when the cat hacked up a hairball under the table while we were eating! I had the kind of sneak peak this morning that makes you want to sing from rooftops! Better go get on the treadmill to justify it. Have a great day, and a great weekend.

    Karen B
  • Karen B - lime-garlic chicken last night with rice and asparagus sounds wonderful! Does Mike share recipes? That sounds like a great meal and I'm sure Tony would love it too. LOL about the cat and the hairball! Good luck on translating that sneak peek into a great loss.

    I had a good day yesterday. Lots of exercise, controlled snacking, lots of water - now I just have to make sure that it translates into a good loss tomorrow!

    Have a great Fiber Filled Friday!
  • Karen, I so understand the dinner interuption of a cat throwing up a hairball. My cat, Torie (short for tornado) did the same to me after I had spent all afternoon cooking.

    I am trying to add more vegetables to my diet. I just tend to get lazy about fixing them. I am limited to some vegetables and fruits I can have. But I think I may give the Veggie pie recipe a try this weekend. Thanks for the recipe Judy.

    I get to spend the evening making a cheese cake for a party tomorrow. I am making a chocolate chip cookie dough cheese cake. Luckily for the cheese cake isn't the temptation. I like the cookie dough. So I have to make sure to put all the cookie dough in the recipe and not sneak any of it.

    Gotta run, the work day continues to beckon. TGIF!!!
  • Good Morning! What a glorious day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My wonderful husband made my day yest and will probably last until next week. Not only did he send me a dozen long stem roses at work, but he got me a gift cert. to a spa for a seaweed body wrap, facial, manicure, pedicure with lunch. He wrote on the card (which brought me to tears) that he might not have told me lately how proud he was of my hard work and how great I look. He got me the spa package so that I could feel as good as I look. What an awesome Valentines!!!! Then to top it off, my sneak peak this morning showed 155!!!!! I finally broke out of my plateau of 157, where I have been hovering for weeks!

    Karen-Garlic-Lime chicken sounds wonderful! I might have to play around with that myself this weekend. I made chicken fajita with lime last night, pretty good if I must say so myself. The Cat/fur ball thing too funny. Our dogs dont let us have a quiet moment too often either.

    Judy-Damn that PMS monster good job staying withing points range though. Veggie Pie sounds great, I will have to try it. Great job with all that walking/exercise.

    Carla-I have been shopping hungry, not a good combo. Thanks for the info on the pizza, will have to pick up one.

    Karen-Hope you enjoyed your dinner last night.

    Got to go, planning a last minute trip to Florida next month have lots of surfing to do.

    Have a great weekend
  • Hi everyone,

    Karen B - You're right, it could have been worse. I could have bought something from the bakery section! Actually, I added up the points and I didn't do too badly at all. Just a couple over.
    Your dinner last night sounds fabulous. I know all to well the inopportune times and places that cats decide to get rid of hairballs. Nothing like hearing it going on in your bedroom in the middle of the night. Should I go to Charlie Trotters, I would probably do the wine flight too. So if we plan to go, we better plan on Ana staying with my mom and us staying in the city. Hey, here's to your fabulous sneak peek becoming permanent!

    Judy - Yay for you for having a good day yesterday with controlled snacking. I'm sure the scale will reward your efforts.

    Mystergirl - I'm like you - cheesecake isn't a temptation for me. I'm always so grateful when I come across something I can take or leave.

    Michele - what a sweet thing your hubby did for you. The spa package sounds fabulous. And a big cheer for your great sneak peek! Where in Florida are you going?

    I had a pretty good day yesterday, although the PMS monster seems to be knocking on my door early. I had the salty/sweet thing going on beyond belief. We had some of John's soup for dinner last night, plus he made a tomato/bleu cheese/balsamic vinegar salad. And I had a glass of wine. It was a very simple, but very good, dinner. No particular plans for the weekend. I have lots of stuff to do around the house, including cleaning out my refrigerator and organizing my pantry so I can stock them up with good, healthy stuff.

    Have a great day and a terrific weekend.

  • Back from the treadmill feeling virtuous...not even 8:30 a.m. yet!

    Carla - the refrigerator! Last time I cleaned mine out, there were some world class penicillin production experiments going on in there! They prompted me to be much more vigilant about tossing out leftovers. Try some miso soup for the salt cravings. Just glob a teaspoon of miso into hot ff chicken broth et voila...wouldn't recommend it the day before weigh in, but I like it.

    Michele - wow, Steve outdid himself! You must feel like a queen today. The lime garlic chicken recipe is in the current Cooking Light...think its the one that has the best of the previous year's recipes. If I can find where Mike has dragged it away to, I'll try & post it later. There's never a dull moment in our house with 3 cats and 2 dogs. Peace and quiet is unheard of.

    Mysterygirl - try washing & chopping up your veggies for the week after you grocery shop. Put them in ziplocs or tupperware or whatever, then they're all ready to go when you want to cook. As far as introductions, go...I'm 40, a nurse, married for a year and a half, and have a 21 year old daughter who is away at university. Your cheesecake wouldn't be safe near me!

    Judy - Mike's new obsession is low fat cooking, so we have many recipes to share. He brings home a new cookbook at least once every two weeks! I will have to post the faves. You'll have to do the point conversions, coz with BalanceLog we're just plugging in what we eat, and it's doing all the hard work. Unfortunately it does calories not points.

    Have a good w/e.

    Karen B
  • WOW! So many great sneak peeks! I can't wait to hear all the good news! We're rockin' now!

    Dinner was wonderful - a broiled seafood platter for two that could have fed three easily, salad, sweet potato and broccoli. I ate just a tiny bit of everything to leave room for my half of the hot fudge sundae! YUMMY! I would have preferred a big old piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, but the sundae came with the dinner as the Valentine special. It was wonderful. I used two banked points so did very well.

    Michele, your husband is sooo sweet! Lucky you!

    Everyone else, I( have to run, so will have to say a group hi to you. Have a wonderful weekend. Congratulations to everyone for all the good work!
  • Hello everyone!

    I have had two very busy days and you have been busy on the boards. I will have to spend some time catching up. I weighed in with a .6 loss. I have stayed on program and gone to the gym every other day.

    Karen B - Spruce Grove is a small community 15 min west of Edmonton (Sale and Peletier train in Edmonton). Spruce Grove has two Olympians competing Jenn Heil in womens freestyle moguls (placed fourth) and Don Bartlett in curling. His son is in my son's class. I am hoping if they when a medal, he will bring it to school.

    Welcome to everyone who is new.