Hump Day Chatter

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  • Barb:

    Girls, this is the second day that I've missed personals because of the busy-ness that has hit me like a brick wall. I miss you all so much! I will try to get back into the groove tomorrow!

  • Laurie, good luck with getting you four starches a day! Think of it as a challenge - what can you eat to get the most nutritional bang for your buck? You can do it!

    Kier, hope the haze clears up soon! Thanks for the idea of using the peanut butter cookies as a crust! That is a splendid plan! I used Equal in mine and could also taste the artificialness.

    LC, I don't know if I could learn Latin dance IN the studio, let alone on-line! You'll have to post a photo of you in full get-up. Do you have a recital?!


    Barbara, I can't believe how ridiculous Robert is being. You are staying so strong and you are giving Brian such a solid place to call home through all of this. If we were nearby I'd be honored to watch Brian for you, and I'm sure your friends don't see your requests as being cumbersome. With all that you do for your community through Scouting and everything, I'm sure they're all looking for ways to return the favor.

  • Lots of prayers for you Barb

    Kim you busy girl you. Be sure and at least make time for yourself

    As for me this afternoon I still have one of my horrible headaches and have had it all day so I will leave from work and go home to get in bed.

    Have a great evening everyone
  • Forgot...I'm up early because I have to take Connor in to the doctor for a check-up so we can be medically cleared for Germany. He's asthmatic so they have to make sure they can serve him at Ramstein. I'm sure everything will be fine; it's just a pain in the rear to wake up so early, and I HATE waking the kids up for anything. They're so grumpy about it! I thought I had set the alarm for 6:30 but when I started to get everything ready I realized it was only 6:15 so I must've set the alarm for 6. Weird. Gave me time to check in here, though! Have a nice night you guys!

  • Hi everybody,

    Kara I'm confused isn't Ramstein where the really awesome medical airforce base is?

    Cottage I'm sorry the lentils weren't available. We have a farmer's market (like a cross between Trader Joe's and a regular grocery store) do you have something like that maybe? Thank you for the advice as well. I am O.K. just really confused.

    Laurie Kara's right you can do this starch challenge.Look at how much you've already accomplished.

    KO Thanks for the offer of Jersey back up. If I need Guido I know who to call Hope your Hendrix phase passed quickly and you're feeling better.

    Betty & Kim

    Barb I know you don't want to cause people inconvenience but your friends probably want to do anything they can to help.

    Well, of course DF called me at work today and said he needed to talk to me after I got home to explain some things. I'm feeling totally ready for whatever he has to say though thanks to all of you And if I don't like what he has to say I guess I'll just be calling on the chick brigade Have a great night everyone.
  • We'll be there, Dawn! Just give me about fifteen hours to make the plane trip...

    Yes, Ramstein, the base where all the wounded soldiers get sent...Evidently, they had Connor classified as a severe asthmatic because they thought he was on daily meds, which he isn't, so the pediatrician reclassified him today as mild/intermittent and everything should be fine. The paperwork's already been sent over to Germany and hopefully we'll hear back soon!
