any newbies wanna start a new group?

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  • Where are we?????
    Has the group moved and found a name yet? If so where?
  • Have not heard anything, but I am waiting to see.... I don't have any names or even any suggestions for a name..... waiting patiently.... : )
  • LoserChick, I have been thru it...a couple years ago. I think you'll really be happy with it. You still have to work at it tho.

    PM me when you get a chance.

    I would love to join the group too.

    Good luck LoserChick.

  • I too would love to join this group. I am new here. Just offically started my calorie counting yesterday, but I can't seem to motivate myself to exercise. I could really use the support of others as my husband's attempt at trying to help motivate me really sucks.

    Hope to chat with you all soon.
  • I have the same problem, SexyShado. I keep saying I'm going to go exercising (Curves) and just don't go. I swear I'm going tomorrow. lol I'm going to take my clothes out that I will wear and keep them out...this way I might run out of excuses. Tomorrow is my goal to go exercising.

    Good luck!

  • hi, new member here as well. I got like 71 lbs to go, I am new here and at this thread thing so if you guys can direct me to the link once the group forms I would be delighted to join.

    My name is karina and well I started last night. I realized how much weight I've put this last year. I had my daughter a year ago and still have not lost the baby fat. I really want to loose the weight, I joined LA Weight loss but stopped going due to financial reasons. Could anyone describe the purple plan for me? it was working very well for me so if anyone has it around please msg me with it.
    Well thank you girls for your time, if you ever need someone to talk to, msg me Karina
  • I haven't heard of anything either. Maybe just use this thread? lol

    I finally made it to Curves this morning. FINALLY!!! I took it easy tho..just one time around the equipment. I just got over a back problem. So far so good.

    Please let me know about the new thread.

  • New
    Hey I'm pretty new too, I want to be part of the group just let me know Good luck everyone!
  • Another newbie
    Hi, this is my first time on a thread of any kind. I am starting my path to a new life on Monday. I am going a medically monitered weight loss program at a hospital in my town. I have a long way to go but know that it is something I want to do and according to my cardiologist I have to do this.

    I need all the support I can get. My husband says he is supportive and I guess in his way he is, but for me I need more.

    Can I join your group????
  • Hi Candlegal. A lot of us here have a long way to go too. We're here to help each other and receive help. Sure you can join.

    Wishing you luck.

    Dina 556
  • Guess we've been moved... Well suppose this thread will work till someone comes up with a name and starts a new thread.

    The past couple of days have been pretty hard, trying to cut back on soda and cigarettes while counting calories and execising, is no easy task. I realized yesterday how bad I needed to do it, when I had to hike up the mountain at my in-laws to help my husband put his hunting shack on a platform. I had my 2 kids with me and I couldn't even keep up with my 4yr old.

    Dina_556: grats on finally making yourself go to curves. Hope you are able to stay motivated to keep going, even if it is one time around. Every little bit helps.
  • Thanks SexyShado. I didn't go to Curves today because I didn't sleep well last night. I was up 1am til 4:30. I'm beat, but you know, I could have gone if I really wanted to. bummer.

    I will try again for Monday.

    Sounds to me like what you did yest. would have worn anyone out, SS. It certainly would have worn me out.

    Are you trying to quit smoking as well as diet at the same time?

  • Yes, I was trying to replace all bad habits with good ones. I was always afraid to quit smoking, for fear that I was going to pack on the pounds. I am a pack-a-day smoker w/asthma.... I know, I know... It wasn't the smartest idea in the world, but I have dealt with it for the past 9 years. Now with my 2 kids, I can't even keep up with them, I have to stop every 5 min to catch my breath.

    Don't you just hate when you are like wide awake in the middle of the night? I know I do and then it makes me cry to think that my kids will be up in a couple hours (they get up between 5 and 6am).
  • Just wanted to pop in and welcome you to 3fc!
    Best on getting a newbie group started and to invite you to the Back In Kindergarten thread.

    You are welcome to join us, we aren't to scary

    Good Luck on your weight loss journey!!
  • Hi Not-So-Newbies,

    I see you made it over her with no trouble at all. When you decide on a new name, I can change it in the thread title, or you're welcome to start a brand new thread with the new group name. Also, we can start post for you in the bio thread. If you need anything, just PM Marti, Ellis or me and we'll be happy to help.