Accountability/Planning/Menus: Oct 29-Nov 4

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  • Hi again. I am getting antsy to go home and get outside! My dogs are going to love it...2 long walks in 2 days!!!! I bought them new collars yesterday so they are all pretty!

    Cheryl--You can do this today! 2 lbs is AWESOME Great job! Good for you for not beating yourself up over the frosting. Mmm squash and cauliflower sounds yummy to me!

    Heather--How do you like the dvd? I am thinking about asking for it for Christmas.

    Rakel--Happy Birthday!!!!

    Nicole--I am SO happy for you that you are liking exercising!

    Diane--You can do this! Good for you for bringing something healthy!

    Have a great night!
  • Good morning, Everyone.

    So, how much candy do you have around your place today? We have way too much and its already calling to me. I must confess....I did damage to the M&M's last night, but I'm paying for it this morning. Yuck! I feel sluggish and foggy and my stomach hurts. I can't believe that I used to eat a whole bag of Hershey kisses in one day, drink 5-6 cups of coffee with 2-3 tablespoons of sugar a day, plus much much more. But, its a brand new morning and a brand new month and I'm putting this behind me and moving on. We now have 2 months remaining for 2007 and I still want to accomplish more of a weight loss for the year. So, I will see what I can do in two months....with Thanksgiving, Christmas, our anniversary, a birthday and two business trips all within the next two months.

    Hope everyone has a great on-plan day!
  • Good morning all,
    Rhonda... Today is a new day, you can do it today
    Mj 5.. Hope you had a good walk.

    I posted I ate the frosting off two cup cakes yesterday, but I think figuring out my calories I did ok for the day.. Dinner was some roasted cauliflower and roasted squash. and I ate a banana at 8 pm.
    So I did ok, and I also walked around with my daughter trick or treating for 45 minutes, so I am ok with this.
    Today I am tired , my thighs ache from walking, but I will not let it get me down. I am going to exercise in a few minutes, eat a good breakfast and stay on plan.. I will forget about the bag of candy my dd has in her room,and stay out of the room to eat any!!
    Bkfst... grapefruit juice, kashi go lean crunch cereal and skim milk.
    lunch....... 2 eggs with tortillas ... I think
    dinner.. salmon..
    snacks........ tlck bar, pear , yogurt with fruit..
    November will be different!!!
    Have a great on plan day everyone!!
  • I feel gassy, tired, lethargic, and cranky today. All due to eating badly last night. Why do I do it? Not today. Not looking back.
  • Hi lovely ladies!

    Yay for Friday. It seems to have been a very long week this week. They announced the final plan for the restructure at work, and lots of people I know have lost their jobs. Letters will be issued next week or the week after, so given the 6 weeks notice that has to be given they'll be out right on Christmas. There's a rumour going around that this is the first of 3 reviews, so my job's not safe yet. I don't see my department being directly affected before the third review if that rumour is accurate - we're just too busy at the moment. Fun fun fun. Getting frustrated at the moment because they haven't told us whether our Christmas leave has been approved or not, and it won't be announced till next week. Given it's November, anyone who has to make bookings is starting to get nervous that they won't be able to book anything. Nobody's impressed - we had to have our leave in by mid September, so they've had 6 weeks so far to sort it. Should be more than enough time - especially since we were utterly dead last year. I was doing reviews on 2003 claims, we were that quiet.

    Made it to the gym yesterday and did an hour. The scale is starting to drop - I'm down to 250, so still a bit to go before I get to my ticker weight, but at least it's going in the right direction. Swimming today, which is just the thing for my sore muscles.

    Diane, faking is good!

    Cheryl, it's our month this month! We're going to do this!

    Rhonda, toss the sweets! Or get hubby to lock them away somewhere away from you. You're going to do this!

    MJ, keep up the exercise.

    Everyone else. Hi! How are you all going

    Have fun everyone!
  • Rhonda--That's right, today is a new day!

    Cheryl--Just think about all the exercise you got while trick or treating last night! My walk was great!

    MugCanDoIt--Today is a new day, fresh start!

    Nicole--That really stinks!!! I hope you get some good news soon. I will keep up the too! You are doing great!

    I had my 2nd injection this morning. It was in a different spot, (other side of my knee) but unfortunately it hurt a LOT worse. The good news is, I am 1/2 done w/ them! I am not going to the gym tonight--she advised giving myself the night off. I am about to stick an ice pack on it and relax for a few mins.

    Have a great rest of the day!
  • So I had a minor crash and burn with the stupid candy last night, but not nearly as bad as it could have been. Food yesterday was slightly random, because my eating schedule got all mixed up and I just sort of had to settle for what was on-hand at short notice.

    I also twisted my bad knee last night while I was handing out candy. The pain kept me up until 4 AM, even after a Vicodin and 800 of Motrin. Went to the doctor this morning just to make sure I hadn't done any more damage to my ACL/MCL, and he said I had just aggravated my patella again. I literally have half of a kneecap on my right knee due to the patella not sitting in the joint correctly and grinding away at the structure for years and years.

    So I'm back down to no treadmill for a while until I can get cleared for it AGAIN. But I'm going to use this as an opportunity to focus on some upper-body strength training and some yoga work. I've got my resistance bands out and ready to be used, and I'm going to do this.

    Breakfast was a smashed banana on one slice of whole wheat toast and a scoop of cottage cheese.

    Lunch was a Smart One, because I really didn't feel like cooking. It was a teriyaki chicken and chinese vegetables one, and I added some fresh veggies to it and called it lunch.

    Dinner will be my Cheesy Pecan Chicken, if I can get enough energy to actually cook it. I've got the chicken marinading in the fridge, so we'll see what happens.

    Sorry for the long post! I got a little carried away.
  • Hi all. We have a lot of candy at our house right now, but candy is one thing that I can say "no" to. Cake, pie... I have more trouble. Besides, I bought the icky, cheap candy that my kids like, so they can have it.

    Sara - That sounds painful. I'm sorry you're having a setback! But you have a good plan to work on upper body strength now. Way to go!

    MJ - Same as Sara... that sounds painful, too. You said injections and that made me shiver. I'm a big weenie.

    Nicole - Hope everything works out with your job. Nothing like a little insecurity to cause some stress.

    Mug - Don't beat yourself up too much on that. I know how frustrating it can be to do that because I do it too. But, don't look back, just try again!

    Cheryl - That's some fun walking, too, with your trick or treaters.

    Rhonda - You're so right. Here we are with a fresh month and a clean slate. It's a perfect time to refresh our attitudes.

    I actually heard something on the radio that I thought was interesting. Someone did a study regarding obesity and being overweight(I don't have a lot of details because I wasn't paying attention good enough in the beginning of the story). Anyway, two points that came out of the study were very interesting to me. It may be something to consider when we're feeling down and ready to give up because of how much weight we have to lose and how long the process can be. They said that people do get discouraged when they figure out just how much they have to lose. So, their suggestions are to 1) Don't gain any more weight! Stop now and don't make it any worse. And, 2) Even losing a small amount of weight is beneficial. Health concerns are definitely improved by even a smaller percentage of weight loss.

    These points are pretty basic when you think about it, but I thought it was interesting anyway. No, I don't ever want to be over my highest weight!!! I can't imagine what else will happen to my health if I get heavier. And I have not lost a ton of weight, but I can definitely say that I feel better and my clothes sizes have decreased. If I lose another 10 pounds, how much better will I feel? It's kind of exciting when you look at it in smaller increments. I think that's what I have to do for my own sanity!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Morning all,
    I have been busy trying to stay out of the candy bags , Last night when I felt like one real bad, I got a Kashi Tlc bar instead . The scale is showing me being out of the 210's which is kind of surprising, because I have eaten at times over my calorie intake, maybe it was from TOM's being over? who knows.
    I am going to be a good person today and eat healthy and exercise...
    after I exercise I will be eating some oatmeal with honey.. I all ready had 4 ounces of grapefruit juice.
    Lunch will be tuna and crackers.
    dinner will be a baked potato with roasted cauliflower and something else..
    snacks.... tlc bar, pears, yogurt.. I can do this today!!
    Everyone have a great on plan day!!!
  • Good Morning to everyone.

    B - poached egg on toast..... orange (have this really cool microwave egg poacher I got... )
    L- deli selects ham with arugula and pesto mayo on ww bread
    d- Digiorno Harvest Select pizza (it's pizza night in my house).
    snacks will be celery w/ laughing cow cheese and 100 calorie pack cheez-its
  • Good morning everyone!

    Yay for Saturday. I was well and truly ready for this week to be over. Today the plan is to hit the gym when it opens, come home and do my housework so it's done for the week. I tell you, I lead such a thrilling life!

    Food wasn't so good yesterday - one of our team members was leaving, so we brought in food for a morning tea. Unfortunately there was cheese and potato chips - the 2 foods that are on my trigger list - and I grazed all day. Scales are up this morning, but I'm just going to put it aside and move on. It's done now.

    Mug, how are you today?

    MJ, how's the knee now? Feeling better, I hope.

    Sara, another one with a bad knee! How are you feeling today? Your cheesy pecan chicken sounds lovely - are you able to share the recipe, or is it already on the chicken thread and I haven't seen it...

    Diane, that's a great way to look at it. I'm not looking at my end goal yet - I'm concentrating on mini goals. I would like to be back at my ticker weight by my birthday and I don't want to put on weight over the Christmas period - that kind of thing. I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't do it, but it's small, managable things like that.

    Cheryl, WTG. You're doing so well!

    Kat, enjoy your pizza!

    Have a fantastic day, everyone!
  • Hi chicks,
    Just made out my dinner menus for next week, so here they are:
    Saturday: Vegetable beef soup
    Sunday: Chicken stuffed with LCLC and spinach on a bed of spinach
    Monday: Open faced Reubens, salad
    Tuesday: Shrimp and scallop stir fry with cashews, egg drop soup
    Wednesday: Baked tilapia with roasted red pepper soup
    Thursday: Chili
    Friday: Pizza night

    Tonight it's pizza at my mom's. I'll make myself a special pizza - ww pita, artichoke hearts, turkey pepperoni, mozarella, yum!
    I'm trying to stay away from the candy, but it's not easy. I did have a mini Hershey Bar and a tootsie roll earlier. I'll be a nervous wreck until all of that chocolate is out of the house. To distract myself I bought a little pkg of those sugar free peppermint patties yesterday. Ate a couple, but they do terrible things to my digestive system! TMI...
    As an incentive I just bought myself a few pretty embroidered and beaded sashes. Found a killer sale and free shipping. It's been a long time since I had any waist to sash.
    TGIF! Hope all you chicks have a great on-plan weekend!
  • Accountability: Tonight I am having TWO chicken sandwiches and a baked potatoe from Wendys. If it fits into my calories, who just seems pigish. Oh well, oink oink.
  • I guess I am lucky in another way I had not thought of until now and reading a lot of posts......

    I live off base in an apartmnet. This means the Koreans do not trick or treat so no candy. No huge bowl of sugar staring at me in the face. In the past I would eat one for every kid who came to the door. One year I ran out of candy partly because I ate most of I had to turn out the lights and pretend I was not home.....hehe

    Sounds like most of you got through it. Good work!

    I am also glad this week is over. I got bad news from home in the states and am in the midst of what I am thinking is going to be the most painful break up in my life. (see my lousy week post) Not usually good for an overeater but seemed to work for me....the scales showed an 8lb loss after 10 days....(this includes a TOM coming and going as well. Anyway...good luck on the weekend with everyone's eating.

    You can all do it!
  • Today was a rather disappointing day. I did my resistance bands and I was great on water, and even though I'm within my calorie range for the day, I made some icky choices, like chicken enchiladas for lunch. And you know what the worst part is? I don't even feel bad for it, really.

    Nicolen, my cheesy pecan chicken recipe is on the 101 Ways to Make Chicken thread. It's one of the last recipes added. I absolutely love it.