What Did You Eat Today?

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  • yesterday
    B: Indian-spiced lentils; 1 piece buttermilk bread w/ Smart Balance; black tea w/ skim milk.
    S: Celery w/ 1 wedge Laughing Cow light cheese.
    L: Spinach salad w/ 1/2 cp marinated chickpeas, broccoli, red onion, and 10 baby carrots; whole grain pancakes w/ nectarines.
    S: 1 cp fatfree yogurt w/ 1/2 cp raspberries.
    D: Spiced oatmeal w/ apricots and almonds; 1/2 cp lowfat cottage cheese.
    S: 2 tb light Cool Whip.
    Misc: 2 Diet Cokes; 4 sugarfree Lifesavers; 5 pieces of sugarfree gum.
  • B. Cottage cheese and strawberries
    S. Skim milk after workout
    L. chicken in a rye roll, radishes and red peppers, yogurt
    S. more strawberries and a piece of Laughing Cow Lite
    D. pork tenderloin, grilled zucchini, peppers and onions, a half cup of kidney beans as I'm too low on fiber today
  • Breakfast: 1/2 cup 1% cottage cheese
    Blueberries and strawberries
    1/3 cup mixed Kashi Go Lean, Go Lean Crunch and Kashi Vive

    Lunch: Large mixed veggie salad topped with black beans and edamame,
    feta and tofu marinated in chili powder
    Ranch dressing on the side, just dipped the tines of my fork into
    it with each bite

    Snack: 16 oz. iced coffee with 1% milk and splenda
    2 apple wedges w/ smidgen of peanut butter

    Supper: Taco Bake served over mixed veggie salad
    Dollop of FF sour cream
    1/4 cup salsa

    Dessert: Peanut Butter Cup made with SF peanutbutter syrup instead of
    real peanut butter
  • Kitty, I'm not an expert, but I think you're only supposed to have one nut serving a day (30 pistacios or 15 mixed nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans), or 2 tablesooons peanut butter).

  • Wow, you all are SO healthy....and PROGRESSIVE, eating all those things I've never tried before like edamame, tofu, and quinoa. I grew up by the Stockyards in Chicago where we ate meat, meat and more meat along with canned vegetables: corn, peas, greenbeans, carrots. We only had salad on holidays. When I "grew up", it took me years to change my diet to include different foods and its still a work in progress.

    My day today:
    20 oz. coffee with 2/3 cup 2% milk
    Oatmeal with 1 tablespoon of heavy cream and a Splenda packet, sprinkled with pumpkin pie spice.

    Broiled 5 oz. 95% lean ground-sirloin patty topped with onion, cheese, mustard and low-sugar catsup (my version of a McDonald's quarter pounder).
    1-1/2 cups homemade cole slaw (1 T full-fat mayo, 1 tsp. dijon, 1 tsp. vinegar, 1 packet of Splenda tossed with 1-1/2 C shredded cabbage)

    1/2 cup beef stir fry (lean eye of round, onions, mushrooms)
    1/4 cup fried potatoes--just couldn't resist DH's leftovers on his plate!

    No snacks, unless water counts. I just haven't been hungry. Maybe because I ate enough for 2 people yesterday?

    Tomorrow I'm making broiled shrimp, red beans and rice and cornbread for the men. Not sure what I'm having but it will involve fish, shrimp, and sauteed baby spinach with garlic for dinner. And I've SWORN to eat some of the bagged salad I spent $5 buying at the store yesterday, possibly with some ham and cheese (like a Julienne salad). Probably more oatmeal for breakfast.

    I would really like to lose another pound by July 1. Think it's possible ?

  • Breakfast Shake- 1/2 cup yogurt 1/2 cup skim milk 1 teaspoon oat bran 1/2 cup frozen fruit. Turkey sausage linkis

    Snack- apple

    Lunch- Quesidilla w/ uncured bacon and edamame

    Dinner- Sweet Potatoe fries and a turkey patty with garlic pesto sauce.
    Dinner is still cooking but maybe afterward I will have a SF Fudge Pop. Not sure yet.
  • I need to be out of the house early tomorrow, so I want to plan ahead so I can pack things up quickly in the AM.

    Tuesday's Menu - Part I
    B - V-8, 7 triscuits, lowfat Edam cheese, hard boiled egg
    (Wish I had time to make some of Nessa's bars)
    S - Apple
    L - Salmon Burger or crabcake on romaine with vinaigrette
    S - Mozzarella cheese stick

    My DH just got a call a couple of hours ago to be on standby to fly to Korea tomorrow afternoon to replace an injured Chief Mate. So dinner may be just grabbing something for me when I get home from taking him to the airport, or may be cooking dinner as usual. If just me, I'll eat the crabcake or salmon burger (whichever is left from lunch), 1/2 cup quinoa, steamed broccoli.
    If cooking, I'll make hamburgers, steamed broccoli, tossed salad.

    Dessert/Snack - frozen blueberries and cottage cheese or glass of milk.

    I'm glad I sat down and thought this through, it will be helpful tomorrow. Kara, I'll tell DH to wave if he's in your neighborhood!
  • Schmoodle- how do you make your crabcakes? I've only ever had them fried but I LOVE them. Same with salmon cakes even though every time I had them last year, it stunk up the dorm :P

    B- leftover stuffed portabella and 1/4 cup oatmeal (weird, I know! :P)
    S- plum
    L- finished off cheese dip (which I should NOT be eating.. but I was home alone today so rash be damned... my boyfriend would not take it and I couldn't just throw it out) with a whole grain breadstick and a few handfuls of spinach and onions
    S- apple
    D- spinach and a card deck sized portion of salmon

    Today was a bad day but I was off work and could NOT get myself going past a walk around the block. It wasn't bad necessarily in terms of my choices of what I ate, but just that I really didn't eat much and no variety- just a whole lot of spinach.... And there's currently NO food in the fridge but a bag of spinach, condiments, frozen fruit, and frozen salmon!
  • Quote: Thanks for the tip Myra, I'll try that one.
    By the way, I was reading the bios and saw that you have a 10-yr-old Anthony - so do I!

    That is a funny coinsidence.

    Well, here's what I ate today:

    Breakfast - 2 eggs, tukey bacon and a large cup of coffee
    snack- forgot to eat one (busy, busy, busy)
    Lunch - lettuce wrapped turkey burger and a handful of french fries (bad myra)
    Dinner - steak w/brown & wild rice and veggies
    Desert - SF fudgsicle

    Not a great day, but not as destructive as it could have been
  • Ya'll are giving me great ideas! Here's what I had today for a total of about 1200 cals.
    1 serving (.25 cup dry) McCann's Irish Oatmeal with an apple sliced in it topped with a little splenda and cinnamon
    Hot tea with 1/4 c. skim milk in it

    Campbell's French Onion soup with a small amt. of Kraft 2% Shredded Italian Cheese Blend
    Turkey, cucumber, and fat-free cream cheese sandwich on Nature's Own Double Fiber Bread (my new obsession!)
    Pear with a wedge of Laughing Cow Lite Cheese

    Whole-wheat spaghetti with tomato sauce and turkey meatballs
    Green beans and wax beans
    Fresh Fruit Salad


    Hershey's 100-Calorie chocolate covered pretzel thing

    It was lots of food and I'm still stuffed!
  • here is tuesday's food:

    hb egg
    coffee w/ff hnh
    12 oz v8
    1/2 c. oatmeal with milk and banana

    snap peas

    salad with:
    goddess vingegarette dressing

    greek yogurt w/strawberries

    carrots w/hummus

    fish (tuna or mahi-mahi)
    sprussel brouts w/garlic
  • Kara's wonderful Wednesday menu:

    Breakfast - 2 of Nessa's oatmeal bars and 2 veggie "sausage links" and 1 cup of sliced strawberries

    Snack - 1/4 cup soy nuts

    Lunch - Spiced grape and yogurt salad from this website

    Snack - Roasted asparagus with lemon zest and parmesan

    Dinner - Garbanzo bean burger (South Beach recipe) with lettuce and tomato on whole wheat bun

    Dessert - South Beach "peanut butter cup" (I will be looking forward to *that* ALL DAY!)

    Nessa, you crack me up with your sprussel brouts! How do you cook them? I had a friend tell me once how to roast them but mine turned out all burnt and yucky. Do you have a good method?

    EDITED TO SAY that I saw in a different post how you answered this question.

    Edited again because I changed my breakfast since I was too hungry to wait to make a frittata! That will get moved to Friday's breakfast menu.
  • Ally (sp?), I have strong opinions about crabcakes, so don't get me started! Most of the time they are not made right - But they are very simple to do. I get mad when I pay a fortune for them in a restaurant and they aren't right, so I usually just make them at home.

    Anyway, you need a pound of good crabmeat, as big lump as you can get - check where it's from - anywhere US or Gulf of Mexico is fine, but don't buy that Indonesian crap they're pushing on us these days. It doesn't have the right texture or taste. Sometimes it's hard to tell from the packaging so you have to read the fine print. Pick through the crabmeat to get the shell out, without breaking the lumps. Add 1 beaten egg, 1 T mayo, a squeeze of lemon, and spices that you like, Old Bay or whatever, and a SMALL palmful of binder - bread crumbs or cracker crumbs, etc. You want just barely enough to bind. I'm a purist, crab has a lot of flavor and you don't want to cover it up with a lot of spices. Form into 4 - 6 cakes and refrigerate for a bit. This will help them solidify and hold together. Then fry up or you can spray with cooking spray and broil. VOILA, perfect crabcakes!
    The other day at my party I made them up into small 1-oz cakes for appetizers.
    Now, sorry you asked?

    I do salmon cakes the same way pretty much, but I also love the frozen salmon burgers from Trader Joe's. I used to get the tuna burgers also, but they haven't been carrying them lately.
  • i just posted that in the potatoes thread but i'll tell you again... i do like them browned and crusty.... but here's what i do

    get a big heavy skillet put EVOO and a lot of minced garlic in it and heat it up... meanwhile trim and cut in half the sprussel brouts... when the oil is hot add them to the oil stir to coat them... they will turn BRIGHT GREEN.... then I cover them and reduce the heat.... sometimes i add a tiny bit of water... they get sauteed and steamed all at once... cook till softened.

    yummmm droool.........
  • Thank you again, Nessa!!!
