~~Golden Girls~~

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  • Good morning everyone,
    We got almost 6 inches of snow and I was hoping my next door neighbor would clear my driveway but he didn't even do his own driveway. He is a bit on the lazy side. So I got my snowblower going and just did half of my double driveway but I had to take a break half way through because my ankle was hurting. At least it got done hopefully for the last time until the warmer weather comes back. We go to the hospital today for Nan's CAT Scan to determine if the cancer has spread to her internal organs and then on Thursday we all go to the Cancer Center for the results and options for treatment. Nan will have an important decision to make depending on the results regarding treatment as she has told me she won't have chemo and be so sick from it if she only has a short time left.

    Thank you everyone for your continued prayers for Nan.

    Carol Your method for bringing home half of your dining out meal sounds good. I know a lady who likes to go to all you can eat buffets so she loads up 2 plate fulls and brings a lot of it home lol. I am like you in that I don't eat any fancy salads here at home as there are too many ingredients to keep here at home that just go bad because we can't eat it all up.

    Mary Are you still getting hot flashes??? Mine stopped about a year ago when I was 72. The doctor told me it is not uncommon for older people to continue to have hot flashes into old age. I love potatoes too but I can't eat them without some form of topping like gravy; creamed corn or margarine which then makes them so high in calories.

    Sandy My ankle is slowly improving (too slow for me) and with my ankle brace I can fairly comfortably but very slowly run short errands to the grocery store or drug store etc. so that enables me to help Nan a lot. I'm doing more on the home front at my own pace as she is losing mobility in her arms and her hip is worsening. I am able to bring things to her and help her put on some clothes as she can't raise her arm high enough to get them on by herself. I want to help and am just grateful that I can. I sometime wonder if my ankle will ever be totally healed or if I will always have to wear this brace.

    Have a good day everyone,
  • Karrine, I don't think any of the buffet restaurants in our area permit you to take food home. It is all you can eat here. At least I have never seen anyone getting a take out container.

    Mary, DH loves potatoes. I make some type of potato at dinner just about every day, and he will eat just a big plate of fried potatoes sometimes instead of a meal. I like them, but try not to eat them often because of the starch. I over ate mashed potatoes last night and ended up with high blood sugar.

    Did you ever try putting hydrocortisone cream on your feet when they are itchy? I use it on my legs sometimes when they are itchy. Sometimes it helps. My situation is different as mine is from psoriasis, I think.
  • I got up late..dh got up earlier but was asleep in his recliner when I got up.
    We have lots of things planned today so did not go to the gym. When you like to sleep in like us, there aren't so many hours in the day when you can get things done. Dh is planning on bathing Halo today. I have an Oatmeal doggie shampoo for her and we are going to finish it with a weak vinegar rinse besides the usual pre-baking soda scrub. The baking soda has been the best thing to combat her odor so far.

    Yesterday Halo has had a couple painful moments recently. She was scruffing up a rug like she often does and caught one of her dew claws in it. Dh noticed and helped her out of the it. Then last night she came to him whimpering but he didn't understand what she wanted. Then he noticed her limping and called me. I noticed she had caught her dew claw in her chain, poor thing. I think that dew claw may have to be removed.

    I plan to go grocery shopping today. Got by yesterday with what dh bought but will to the rest today so I can get my 10% discount. I really liked the barbecued chicken on baked potato last night! I did actually bake the potato this time. Very tasty. Dh said it was ok, but he said it in a enthusiastic way
    So that recipe is a keeper. I changed a few things. For one, it was supposed to be sweet potatoes which would be fine for me but dh doesn't like.

    Carole Sue/Karrine - I love potatoes but dh prefers rice and I like rice too so that's what we usually eat. Right now I happen to have a lot of potatoes on hand due to overbuying at Easter, so we are eating them more than usual. I grew up eating potatoes at every meal and I like them just boiled/now more like steamed with a little Smart Balance and s/p. Don't need gravy but occasionally eat them that way. Love them baked too with butter (Smart Balance at home) and s/p and sometimes a little sour cream. Last night I made a sour cream, avocado, cilantro mixture and after putting on the bbq chicken mixture, dropped on a few glops of the sour cream/avocado mixture. Different for us and really good.

    Yes I've been using hydrocortisone cream on my feet and it used to help but not much recently. Last night I just used Tinactin and it helped a little but I wasn't itching as bad last night.

    Karrine - I hope your ankle will heal ok with you having to shovel snow. I hope your ankle heals sooner than my shoulder. Sometimes I wonder whether it will ever heal too. Yes I'm still having hot flashes altho they are much less than they used to be. I'm 73 so maybe soon they will be gone.

    You can't take food home from our buffets either, but I have seen women sneaking rolls into their purses.

    Well better get my day started.
  • Mary I got a chuckle at a restaurant we visit. They used to put those little jelly packets out on the tables at breakfast. The waitress told me that a woman complained that one of the packets opened up in her purse and she got jelly all over everything in her purse. The waitress asked her what the packet was doing in her purse!! LOL Now they ask if you want jelly and bring you a packet of your choice.
  • Good evening GG's,

    It has been a nice sunny day here today. I rode my bike to the little pond/park that is nearby and enjoyed sitting there for a bit ~ enjoying the peacefullness and beautiful surroundings.

    I have gotten a few little puttery things done today, but don't feel as peppy as I had been. Guess I can't expect to feel as good as I have been lately, every day.

    On the restaurant topics:

    We can't pile up an extra plate at the buffets here either and take it home. Golden Corral does have an option where you can get the food to go ~ as little or as much as you want in special take out containers, you pay for it by the pound.

    Mary ~ you said: I know some of you probably don't agree but if I'm eating out and paying for it I want to enjoy my meal. I can eat salad at home. That is how I feel too.

    And: I realize this is probably another reason why I can't lose weight or keep my bs down. That is probably part of my problem too.

    I don't even enjoy eating out anymore. Because of that diet we follow and Steve's belief that even while eating out ~ we must stick to it as closely as possible, we usually go to some kind of salad bar type place. So never a chance to try something different. I do appreciate getting to eat out when we are gonna be late getting home and it saves me from having to “fix” something when I would be too tired by the time we got home.

    Mary ~ I like potatoes too, but it is one of those starchy vegetables that our diet discourages eating very often. I will have one every once in a while ~ I just kind of cut it in chunks (leave the peel on) kind of steam it, then mash it with a fork and put on some margerine and sprinkle this stuff called potato topping on it.

    I wonder if athletes foot cream would help your itchy feet? It really helps the athletes foot itch when I have it ~ don't know if it would be ok for other foot itches or not. Just a thought.

    Carol Sue ~ oh my, what a mess that leaky jelly must have been in that lady's purse. That is a good idea to cut your restaurant meal in half and eat half then and bring the other half home for another time. I kind of like doing that ~ it feels like you are getting two meals for the price of one then.

    Karrine ~ sorry you had to clean your own driveway with your ailing ankle. I hope that didn't set you back and that it heals up sooner rather than later for you. Hope maybe that is your last snow this year. Prayers continue for Nan and you. Keep us posted.

    Sandy ~ I had always sort of thought that foods with curry were hot and spicy and was always afraid to try them. My daughter fixed a dish when we visited her ~ that had butternut squash chunks, chick peas and maybe some other things (can't remember) and curry. It was really good. I asked her for the recipe and have waited quite a while, but she hasn't had time to write it down for me yet ~ not sure she even can remember it now. She makes up a lot of recipes on her own and may not have one in a book or online ~ just in her memory.

    Hope you all have a nice evening.

    Pictures are of the packet of potato topping I mentioned and the little park with the pond and fountain I enjoy going to.

  • Mary Hope Halo's poor paw heals quickly. Regarding rice, do you use white or brown? We have rice several times a week but always Basmatti Brown. DD can't do gluten so sweet potatoes or rice are an alternate that works for us all. DH and I miss having pasta more often, but with both of us trying harder to lower our weight, eliminating pasta is probably a very good thing.'

    Gayle DH went to Golden Corral and tried to bring home grilled chicken thigh for me. He was shocked at what 2 cost! Never again.

    Carol Jelly in pocketbook. Brings a smile.
    Itchy skin is not a smiling issue. My back itches so often and we have $1 back scratchier that can bring blood if I"m not careful. Re: hot flashes. Only after good shower am I bothered and I'm older than any of you.

    Karrine Snow, still, and enough to require snow blower. OUCH! You must be getting better because I'm sure that wouldn't have been possible a month ago.

    Book Club day for me with 20 delightful women and 2 hours for lots of discussion about a fantastic book. The Nightingale Altho disturbing in what these 2 sisters had to suffer, their development and changes were absolutely amazing. I spent another hour talking with various people while outside and had a fantastic day. Next book is The Rocking Chair Has anyone read it?

    Transplanted Geraniums are all 4 looking fresh and the "operation" of separating one into 4 was handled just fine. Loved that I saved between 40 and 60 dollars by NOT buying it at nursery. I did visit my favorite nursery to pick up his really good potting mix. Also enjoyed talking with both of them about all kinds of stuff.

    Home, will watch the Women's NCAA Championship from Indiana on TV tonight. Connecticut is sure to win because they are far and away the best of all the women's teams, and probably could beat most men's teams, too.

    Enjoy this evening. Sandy
  • Good morning everyone,
    Nan's CT Scan went well yesterday. They did a scan on her chest and stomach area so she had to drink 2 big glasses of stuff and also had to have a dye for her chest. We were at the hospital for 2-2/2 hours. We have had the lowest temperature readings here yesterday since 1982. Winter sure is holding on....we normally can be cleaning up yards and gardens by now.

    Carol and Mary The woman I was referring to that would go to buffets and bring some home is from Las Vegas. I don't know how she managed to do it unless, like you all have mentioned, she sneaked it into her purse.

    Gayle I too appreciating not having to make a meal if I/we are late in coming home. Nan and I got a take home meal from McDonald's yesterday afternoon. I remember that little park you go to which is so tranquil and enjoyable.

    Sandy That's wonderful that you are able to transplant and separate geraniums from the previous year. I don't know how to do that plus I don't have the storage room to do it. Like I have mentioned before, I bet your gardens are beautiful.

    Have a good day everyone,
  • Sandy, I have separated Hostas and Coneflowers, but not geraniums. So many friends have a piece of my coneflower growing in their yard. My step son had several in his yard at the house he sold, so now they belong to someone else.

    Karrine, sometimes I carry a plastic sandwich bag in my purse in case we have a small piece of meat leftover that is not big enough for a take-out container. We bring it home for Rusty, and he really enjoys it.

    There is a local salad bar where people can get it to go. They give them 2 take out boxes for salad and 2 cups for soup. I am not big on salad bars because I like some meat with my meal. I prefer the meal salads, like grilled chicken. Yesterday DH wanted Wendy's burgers so I got a half salad, Chicken, Apple Pecan Salad. Half is big enough for me. You get the same amount of chicken (1 boneless breast) but just less lettuce. I can never make a really tasty salad at home.

    Gayle, I will look for those potato toppings at the grocery store. DH might like them. He makes a lot of baked potatoes for his lunch.
    That pond looks so tranquil. You are lucky to have it so close to home. We used to have a small pond in our back yard. We had gold fish in it and it was really nice. But the upkeep got too much and we filled it in. A friend came and took the fish to put in her in-laws pond. We were wondering what we were going to do with them.

    Curry is supposed to be very healthy. It is said to help regulate blood sugar. I use it in some cooking occasionally. Not enough to actually taste it because DH would probably not like it, and I don't notice a difference in my blood sugar.
  • Hi Ho everyone...looks like you'll be reaching 500 posts soon. Gayle...give me a poke when it gets closer. Do any of you gals ever eat Cous Cous or Quinoa instead of potatoes? Both bland by themselves but delicious made with broth, mushrooms, seasons and both are super quick to make.
  • One thing that is great is even when we haven't been here awhile we come back and there are such wonderful words of encouragement.
  • I have an appt for a mammagram this morning. I've been up since Halo came in at 5:30 and I couldn't sleep after that. Dh got up to get ready to go fishing too.

    For dinner last night I fixed a chicken, bean and rice dish. I liked the beans and rice but not the chicken and dh didn't like it at all. I also put a few tortilla chips topped with pepper jack cheese in the oven just until cheese melted. We did like them. I used the left over avocado/sour cream mixture to put on top but it was just a little. Certainly not low carb and not a keeper. Tonight is a stirfry with ground beef, asparagus and basil. Will serve with a cucumber salad and rice.

    Bobbie - No I don't use any coucous or quinoa, as dh doesn't like them. I wouldn't mind them, but don't like to make anything separate and I know I wouldn't stick to them as I still prefer rice.

    Sandy - I like brown rice, but dh doesn't. He tried at one point, didn't like it, and we even tried mixing brown and white for quite a while, but it's just not the same and neither of us really liked it. I've thought about getting the little instant containers of brown rice for myself, but haven't done it.

    Glynne - the pond does look peaceful. I can imagine stopping there for a while. We don't have anything like that closeby where we live. We do have a small park about 1 1/2 blocks away. Years ago I used to meet my youngest dd at school which is next to the park and we'd have lunch there now and then. When dh and I still walked outside we used to go through it. I enjoyed that, walking through all the big trees, but I would not go through it alone. Although because of it's location near the school I suspect it is safer than some of our other parks. The next closest park has had lots of crime. I've only been in it twice, once with dh and once with a group.

    Karrine - I have no sign of athletes foot but I use Tinactin, my feet itch pretty much all over otherwise...sides, bottom (esp in arch) are worse, but also on top and ankle. Not too bad the last couple nights. I forgot to put the Tinactin on last night but I think it has helped a bit, so maybe the itching is caused by a fungus.

    Sandy - I keep a fan at my bedside which I use off an on all night, mostly on.
    I love to take long warm tub baths but can't enjoy them very long any more because it always brings on a hot flash. Showers don't bother me as much probably cause they don't last as long and I finish with a cold rinse to my head.

    Well gotta run...eat breakfast and get ready for the lovely mammagram..
  • I woke up with pain between my shoulder blades, which is known as a sign of a heart attack. I also felt like I had some really tight congestion which has now loosened up and it being coughed up, so I think it's a cold. My nose is getting runny and I have a low grade fever. I will watch it, but am not alarmed at this point.

    Mary, I hate when I try a new recipe and we don't like it. It seems like such a waste, but how will you know if you don't try?

    The first time I tried brown rice I didn't like it, but since I bought it I continued to make it and now I prefer it to white rice. Mostly I use it when I make stuffed peppers or stuffed cabbage rolls, and DH says he can't tell the difference. I rarely eat rice as a side dish. Sometimes I make some rice pilaf for DH and he likes that. It's actually Rice A Roni, one of the few processed foods I will make.

    I can understand your DH preferring white rice due to his Filipino background.

    Bobbi, I have never tried cous cous but I have some quinoa that I make for myself once in a while. I like it but DH does not. I don't think anything would ever replace potatoes for him. LOL
  • Dh caught a Chinook yesterday! About 10#. We love Chinook and now we have our freezer full of it. So happy that dh is finally beginning to catch fish again. He was very tired last night after fishing most of the day, then having to clean, cut it and seal it in bag. We work together and I mark the date on the bags and put in the freezer. My part is easy, LOL. Our grandson came yesterday and he and his dad went fishing with him today. It's another beautiful day. I hope they each catch a fish but I know they will have fun together regardless.

    I tried to sleep in but was up at my usual time which would still be sleeping in to most people. Felt like I got a pretty good sleep, think I only got up once though I knew when Halo came in at 4:30. Then got a text from my dd and that's when I decided to get up. She was texting to tell me our gs has two dance recitals coming up.

    Last night's ground beef, asparagus and basil stir-fry was good. I only had 3 T rice. Dh didn't eat the cucumber salad though and I thought he would like it. I ate 1/2 of it and it was ok. Easy dinner tonight...chicken pot pie (from frozen) and a salad. Since I don't know when to expect the guys this is a good thing.

    Yesterday I cleaned the main bathroom and my office and hall. Today I plan to clean the kitchen. Need to clean fridge, clean under the sink, clean out some drawers, and mop the floor. Wonder whether I'll get it all done before the guys come home. Feeling pretty lazy right now.

    Found this site for skin care esp made for older women or really any age or even men I guess. I'd like to try it but I have so much skin care already. http://www.boombycindyjoseph.com/

    Talk later..
  • Mary If you've had REAL fresh brown rice, you will find the instant is a very poor substitute and some of it's nutrition is missing, too. Itching would really be aggravating.

    CarolSue How do you fix quinoa? I have it but understand it needs spiced up.

    Bobbie Thanks for taking care of us.

    Karrine Re: dividing perennials, especially Rozanne Geranium: I could simply remove the older plant from ground and pull apart the 3 larger parts without tearing the other parts, then plant directly into garden soil. Water good, the mulch. We've had weather above freezing most of the past month, thank goodness. I've divided and replanted Lady's Mantle also to follow the curve of the walk at the Gate Garden. And, a Day Lily I remember bloomed well altho choked by the wonderful Bee Balm. I moved it to area that held great parsley last year. I do lots of moving in the garden and always have. In the house I rarely ever re-arrange furniture as some of my friends do.

    Finished reading an unusual book by Richard Paul Evans. The Letter I checked it out with a second on of his for some lighter reading. I'm also reading couple of more serious books, so I needed something lighter.

    Up t 5:00 AM today, and simply stayed up. Rain threatened off and on but don't think we've even received a 1/4 inch yet. Hoping for rain to get soil good and wet before I put down Mulch to hold moisture and to make garden look neat.

    Still logging food and activity. Yesterday's day back to gym after weeks of absence was trip that caused my "sitter" to ache, hope that means it will get some muscle and release fat.

  • Good morning everyone,
    Bad news in that Nan's cancer is also in her lungs and liver as well as her bones. She is at stage 4. She got a prescription for some strong pain pills yesterday that will likely give her nausea and constipation. Next is an MRI Scan and a Dental appointment to check the health of her mouth for a medicine they want to put into her bones which will help to avoid bone breakage. This medicine will probably give her sores in her mouth but will help protect her bones. Next will be radiation and then chemo. All of the treatments are aimed at making her more comfortable for as long as comfortable. I will be taking her to all of her appointments. Her daughter said she would travel here for any of the appointments with the cancer specialist doctor. Looks like a long journey ahead for both of us and I'm hoping she will be able to stay here for as long as possible before having to go into a hospital or nursing home. I've already had my "moments" in trying to accept this news. Nan hasn't broken down yet but will probably today as yesterday she was busy trying to absorb all the information we received. It will hit her but she sure is trying to be brave. Her mobility in her arms and hip seem to be fading pretty fast and I have to help her with her clothes and little cleaning jobs around the house. She wants to stay as active as she can for as long as she can and doesn't want me to baby her (but I will). I have also noticed a new lump right in the middle of her chest.

    Mary how did your mamagram go? I need to book mine too. I have the requisition but just need to book it.

    Carol Did your congestion turn out to be a cold?

    Sandy You sure know a lot about plants. The only time I move any furniture is if I'm getting rid of something and need to move something to replace the space. Good for you in keeping up your logging for food and activity. I really need to get back to doing mine even with everything else that is going on right now.

    Have a good day everyone and please keep Nan in your prayers.