2015 Starters - Handling the Holidays!

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  • Good Morning everyone! There's a lot of great scale victories happening this week! HIS, Linda, Blue, Largo and MiWi!

    It's definitely reassuring when the scale goes down. I don't know how some of you can't weigh in every day. I can't wait to weigh myself every morning. When I got to the lake on the weekend I'm not able to weigh myself. (No scale there.) It drives me crazy! I find I worry more about my weight when I can't weigh myself.

    I saw a new decade on the scale this morning! Hoping it continues the downward trend for weigh in next Tuesday!
  • Thanks for the positive thoughts everyone

    Blue - chili is so perfect right now sounds like you have a full day of physical work ahead of you!

    Linda - WTG lady! You are definitely going to have a terrific buffer going into P3 & P4

    Sue - oh WI to FL - what a nice break. It was like FL here just outside Wash DC in December though and honestly, I was ready for some cold...but we don't tend to get it anywhere near as bad as you guys (frozen tundra & all that jazz)

    HIS - no, no P1 issues with cauliflower in different cooked forms - ie, I ate mostly riced cauliflower...and the tortillas don't seem to bother me either...maybe something to do with roasting broccoli / cauliflower released something different...? & I had off & on tummy issues (gas) in P1 but I isolated that to spinach, cabbage, and green onions. Idk whats going on but after what happened this morning, the rest is going in the trash

    My time here will probably be getting limited again shortly - the other departments finished their YE stuff so now its our turn. We were suppose to have MLK Day off but unfortunately I think that will be getting nixed for Presidents Day in February.

    DD10 (11 on Sunday!!!) chose her birthday dinner - Cheesecake Factory, so I know what my indulgence is going to be Then we have her party with friends and family Saturday at a trampoline place - the extra exercise should justify a small slice of her birthday cake

    This morning was worst.run.ever...I just won't even go into details I KNEW I should have stayed home and either ran on the treadmill at work or switched up days...and I would have switched up days if I knew Saturday morning is looking like a rain-out, so long run will need to be Sunday.

    Oh well, whats done is done - I survived.

    I am going back to a more protein-oriented diet though. The roasted cauliflower is going in the trash a sin really for the $$$ but I can't do that to myself again.
    Maybe it was too many changes at once...maybe my system really can't handle that much fiber...idk - I just know I never want to have another morning run like I had today
    I had a scoop of Quest post-run, and then 2 eggs and some yogurt with coffee at work. Not hungry and my tummy finally stopped acting up
  • Quote: My reboot is going OK. I am in my IP routine and the scale is showing good progress. I was having some early constipation issues but I drank Total Tea three days in a row and that seems to have worked itself out (lol). But I don't like that I get a marathon AF with headaches. I have to admit it. If I didn't know this diet worked so well for me, I don't know if I would continue. However, I am going to finish my reboot as planned. I'm a trooper.

    Blue Yes, I have heard that my migraines will go away with age. My dad used to get them and his went away in his mid-50's so that's only 15 to 20 years for me to go.
    You ARE a trooper. This diet plan isn't easy.

    re: migraines. Same thing for me. I used to get at least one a week, until menopause. I think I've had only one or two in the last 6 years. For me, they must have been tied to hormones.

    Quote: Got a nice surprise this morning as I was down a half a pound. We went to a friends dinner last night. She knew I was on the program but didn't really understand it so served meatloaf with a sauce a spinach salad with dressing already on it , green beans, carrots, sauté peppers in more oil than I needed, I am sure, potatoes. I took the meatloaf, a bit of salad and bean and peppers. God bless her she had made a pie for the rest of the group and a fruit salad for me. I felt terrible saying I could not have it. Was worried even with what I ate that I would be up this morning but thankfully not.
    It's so hard when a friend tries to be helpful but isn't! You did well.

    Quote: I can't help myself either I can't resist weighing myself every morning, and my scale was down a bit this morning, 138.8 I know my "official" weight is a few lb more, but in my head, this is more the "real" number
    That NYT article that Beth linked yesterday mentions that successful maintainers weigh every day. Again, I think it's just part of the daily vigilance we need to practice.

    Quote: How is your daughter doing?

    **Isn't that an interesting concept- I can't remember what I did or didn't eat, BUT I can remember what I lost for weight. Hmmmm...I'm going to ponder on that for a while. Insight....
    Funny the stuff that sticks with us.

    My daughter is doing great! She got back on P1 last week and lost 3 pounds. She's down 32 lbs now, I think. I'm not sure how much more she has to lose, maybe another 30 or 40? She's doing C25K and says the running portions are improving.

    Quote: It's definitely reassuring when the scale goes down. I don't know how some of you can't weigh in every day. I can't wait to weigh myself every morning. When I got to the lake on the weekend I'm not able to weigh myself. (No scale there.) It drives me crazy! I find I worry more about my weight when I can't weigh myself.

    I saw a new decade on the scale this morning! Hoping it continues the downward trend for weigh in next Tuesday!
    See my comment about daily weighing above. I think it's a good habit, as long you can manage the small panics that occur with normal weight fluctuations.

    GO YOU on the new decade!! Gosh, that's such an exciting feeling, to see that number.

    I'm heading off to pick up my race packet this morning, then I'll go to the gym to walk 2 miles today. I could walk outside - it's a gorgeous day - but I have to stop in my department at the hospital anyway to check on some work stuff. And I can use the foam roller at gym to do some stretching. Trying not to get nervous about the race this weekend. Weather is expected to be in the 30s, windy, AND rainy. My least favorite kind of running weather.

    I'm having OIAJ this morning, first time I've enjoyed this in several weeks. I usually can't have it on running days (too hard on my gut), so it's a nice treat this morning. Diet planning for today and tomorrow is going to be tricky - get enough carbs but not too many calories before the race.

    Tomorrow I'm doing things to distract me from thinking too much about the 10K. I have to take Gus to the vet for his kitten shots. Then I'm meeting with a local friend who wants to know the details about the IP protocol. We have a clinic in town, but I'm not sure if she will want to spend the money for weekly visits, so I'm going to mention that she can do this with alternatives, too. It will be a long visit - she's a talker and will have a million questions.
  • Just got an email from Quest, as many of you probably did-with a coupon to get 2 "newly formulated" bars for free- they still have the soluble corn fiber and the fat calories are still way too high- I got my 2, but sent back an email that the fat is the issue-
  • Largo - Gotta love friends - "but fruit is HEALTHY" the no fruit allowed was the one thing even my DH couldn't wrap his head around when I was P1 for 10 months

    MiWi - blah - sorry about the migraines...I had 1 in my life, when I was pregnant with DD10 and quit caffeine. When I read about people who suffer with them multiple times per year my heart aches.

    Quote: Just got an email from Quest, as many of you probably did-with a coupon to get 2 "newly formulated" bars for free- they still have the soluble corn fiber and the fat calories are still way too high- I got my 2, but sent back an email that the fat is the issue-
    No email but Ugh I stopped by The Vitamin Shoppe before Christmas and was talking to one of the sales reps about Combat vs Quest. They've read / heard Quest is reformulating again and to keep an eye out around Spring - but they are not going back to the old formula...in our discussion, our bet is the 'reformulation' will be a smaller bar to meet the demand for less fat / calories.
    If that theory pans out, it still doesn't help folks on IP if the fat doesn't go down enough to met the 30% rule...

    HIS - You got this lady! I'm curious what the shirt looks like for a "Hotcakes" race keep your chin up about the weather - once you get rolling, you'll be fine! & congrats to your daughter on the continued weight loss.

    I have to agree with the accountability daily weighing gives, but also the necessity in finding a balance between not freaking out over daily fluctuation vs. going 'meh' when you start to think you see real 'scale creep'.

    This morning was 149 - up 4 from goal - with the week of tummy issues / bloating I am taking it with a grain of salt and will see how things pan out Monday morning. I did eat a bit too much last night...overcompensation from not wanting to eat most of the day probably.
    I have my jeans - last night they were pretty snug in the tummy, but I am wearing them today no problem.

    I also got my order of Probiotics yesterday and took my first one last night and another this morning (recommends empty stomach). Nothing amazing, but more important, nothing detrimental / concerning either *crossing fingers*

    As an aside, DH had some nasty tummy issues yesterday afternoon and last night - maybe it WAS a bug...?

    It is suppose to be my cross train / resistance day today but I may use it as a full rest / recoop day as it looks like I may be able to run off tonight's splurge on Saturday morning after all! Yay
  • I must not be on Quest's mailing list. I didn't get anything. I did visit their FB page and there was no mention of them giving away bars or reformulation, but there sure were a lot of complaints. Almost 450 1 ratings! Surely they have seen a drop in sales and know they have to change something. On a related note, I stopped in my little local health food store yesterday, but they don't have the new Quest c&c flavor protein powder yet.

    Beth, I have a friend visiting family in VA and her teen son just got diagnosed with pneumonia. According to comments on her FB post, it's another thing that's going around in that area. So be careful!

    The t-shirt is black with a big ol' pile of hotcakes and syrup pictured on the front. I'll have to take a photo or find a link to their photo. NOT IP FRIENDLY. lol.

    The updated weather report for tomorrow is 40 degrees at race time, cloudy and a bit windy. Rain is not supposed to start until 10 or 11, so maybe I dodged a bullet. In any case, while I was at the running store yesterday to get my packet, I bought a wind- and water-proof jacket that is also good for cold temperatures, so I feel a little more confident having that. They had winter gear on sale so I also got a beanie and some nice gloves. I should be set.

    Last night's dinner was a bit of a splurge. Have I mentioned that my son manages a Mexican food restaurant? I stopped in there yesterday and picked up a chicken & cheese quesadilla. But I was super careful the rest of the day, and I hope the carbs help tomorrow. Tonight I think I will have beef in some form, and a little pasta. Going really easy on veggies/fiber today. I'll have spinach in shake before lunch, and probably some broccoli at lunch, but that's it. I'll probably have what's becoming my standard evening snack, Fage 0% yogurt with some WF jam mixed in.

    I hope everyone has a great Friday finish to their week!
  • Beth, here's someone's Instagram post with a photo of the shirt.

  • Good morning everyone.

    HIS love the shirt!

    Beth maybe it was a bug. I know we are located in different places, but one has been going around at my work. Thou it's typically been both ends.

    Home today. Just me and the pug hanging out. Actually have the bug that's been going around work. Though I've been fortunate to use just a bucket. It was bound to happen with everyone brining their germs into my office telling me they got sick and need to leave.

    Finally having some dry cereal and sips of water. Hopefully I can keep that down. Poor timing too. DS has a hockey tournament starting tonight. Hoping I feel better tomorrow. I hate missing events.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • mama Hope you feel better! Yick.

    HISLove the shirt!

    I'm having a stressful week and a stressful day, but I'm hanging in. Thanks goodness I am on IP and I don't have the ability to binge! Because in the old days, that's exactly what I would have done.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • I LOVE that shirt HIS Definitely worth the entrance fee Just got an email for a 10K in April at our regional airport (and it supports a good local cause) - but the shirt looks awesome

    mama - OH NO!!!! Ugh - feel better soon! I got a major head cold on P1 but never the tummy issues...idk what I would've done

    MiWi - That is my problem right now...too much freedom and too much stress I could only imagine how much worse it would be without some release from the running...but yes, major downfall of mine is letting stress overwhelm my temperance

    So yes...now with the overwhelming stress of year end work sitting on top of me in full-force, I am finding I am comforting myself with food I was trying to be so good today, with our dinner out at Cheesecake Factory - 2 egg omelet with veggies for breakfast, a couple oz of chicken with cucumbers and sliced peppers for lunch...but I was still SO hungry so I grabbed my C&C (old) Quest bar from my purse and snarfed it down

    Sometimes too I think I might just kind of be over this job. I love my team and my bosses, but am in a funk...I just don't feel like I give 100% anymore *sigh*

    and I keep worrying about not exercising today - even though I know I need a day of rest, especially after the tummy issues this week...I think I've pushed myself as far as I can physically go this week...
  • Beth - Have fun at your DD birthday dinner tonight.

    MiWi - Stress is how I think I got where I am. I need to learn to substitute activity for eating in those situations.

    Mama - sorry your home ill, hope you feel better enough to attend the hockey game, but take care of your self first.

    HIS - awesome shirt; I would love a 40 degree day, we are getting another cold spell from our friends in Canada.

    Destony - sounds like things are going well on P2.

    This week was a small loss 1.4# with no change in inches. I changed my appointment to a day earlier and we used a different scale this time as well. I think not walking as much is slowing this down. I had an appointment with OB and he does not like the time I have gone without TOM, so I am now on medicine for next 10 days to try to force one. The good news is that if I have one I might be off the hook for vacation. Try to find supplies in the Caribbean islands or on a ship store. I am concerned as to how this will affect my loss.

    I has the last appointment of day and felt the coach was much better with regard to the discussion about the cruise. I really want to stay in ketosis and she is good with doing P2. We talked about potential cheats and I think if I have any cheats they will be with things like cheese on my salad or a couple of strips of bacon. I think I can do pretty good with 16 oz of protein a day. This would allow me the ability to have egg whites omelets or poached egg for breakfast too.

    I stopped by a thrift store today and bought a pair of 14 jeans and corduroy pants, a few tank tops ( need to loose a few pounds more for these to look good) and a couple of dressy shirts in a large. Pants fit but snug.

    Off to make supper.

  • Had my first dinner party while OP. I had roast pork,roasted vegetables and turnip. To that for my guests I added potato scollop, salad,fruit salad with cookies and squares. All had wine. Of all the things I missed I would have thought the wine would be it but it wasn't. The fruit salad looked so good. Had my quest bar for dessert. Will be worth it if I see a loss tomorrow.
  • HIS-best of luck today- and I love the shirt!!! I admire you!! I assumed I got the email because of the complaint back when they changed the formula. At that point I don't think I had even trie them yet, was just adding support to all that had. I just ordered the lemon and -honestly don't remember the other- just made sure they fit P1 protocol. I know that in maintenance I can have others, but going to take a while to reprogram this brain.
    Mama-sorry you've got the bug- glad that it's only "one sided" if there's any silver lining to it-hope you're better soon!
    Miwi-I know exactly what you mean. Those old habits are just laying dormant ready to spring in to action the first chance they get- I feel it frequently and have to be on guard all the time! Glad you stayed strong!
    Beth-I hope that you are feeling better. I'm sorry that the stress is hitting you like this. I don't want to sound like a cliche, but remember, this is only temporary. To add to it, your "environment" changes that are coming at work-I'm sorry-I aways said (back in my days in corporate-I embrace change and it's a good thing- while inside, I didn't and did the best I could- now I openly admit it- I do not like change-I embrace and hold close my routine-God help me when things get knocked out of whack. Anyways-give yourself a break with the worry!! You are amazing and have been (are) so dedicated to your fitness. I'll bet your DH has told you the same thing-you know you need rest days- let yourself have it. (I have a feeling you will be tossing these words back at me in the near future-lol) It looked as though you had a really nice time for DD's birthday! I hope you enjoyed yourself and let yourself have your splurge. You deserve it after all!!! Anytime you have doubts- just look at that awesome profile picture you have on here- WHAT??IS that the same woman??? ��
    SMDA-Small loss is still a loss-congratulations to you!!! That's not really small- think about what that pound of galoppata (as my dad used to say) represents- and actually it's a pound and a half-that's GREAT!! P2 for the cruise, that sounds like a reasonable idea-I'm not encouraging it, but a smal taste of someone's desert or something like that - and the walking you'll probaby be doing- you should be fine- mind you I am making assumptions here-based on the information about your doctor forcing a TOM, that tells me you are younger than me, probably by quite a few years, I'm 51, so as the experts tell us- w/l is harder as we get older- I've had the "tastes of deserts" the bacon in salad-more than I realized it as a cheat-whoopsie..never thought about it like that- (which as I go off on another tangent, tells me I HAVE to be more cognizant of those things!) when we ate ashore this past summer, there were things that unavoidably were cooked in butter-but I still managed to lose- I'll bet when you come home from vacation and w/I-you'll come back to the forum with a great success story!! I'm glad that your coach was able to be more attentive to you - I am so lucky with mine. I really need to nominate her for COTM to IP HQ. She's amazing. I wish everyone could have a coach like her. I wish we were closer, I am sitting here in the dark listening to the rain realizing that I have clothes that I could send pics to you and if you liked them I could send them to you- I don't know if that would work at this point, you leave too soon right? Let me know, actually this could work- or not- your call. ��
    Largo-excellent job!! What a thoughtful hostess - I remember the same thing-similar anyways- the thing I thought I would have missed the most and it was somehting totally different from what I expected. Strange- talk about strange-wait until your taste buds change....that took forever for me- like just recently- but WF stuff that I detested- like the BBQ sauce- I actually LIKE- tasted a scridge of frosted p/b brownies that DBF made- yuck- artificial sugar or what I don't know- but I used to like that batter bowl clean and a spoonful of frosting at least went down pretty easily....and YES it will be SO worth it!!!!
    So, tomorrow- day 344 ( I think-I'd have to check my food log) P3 begins. I'm VERY nervous and confused. Thank goodness there are so many posts with actual breakfast meals- otherwise....I'd be sunk. It took a much longer time to shop ( I was forewarned) for reading labels-I have a ton of questions- I took pictures of the nutrition labels to run them by my coach- who woulda thought buying bread would be so GD hard??? It was VERY strange after this much time to be picking out pieces of fruit, ham, milk-I had coconut milk in the cart to try-(I used to drnk almond milk before IP, so I wanted to try something different) and the I saw this toasted coconut almond milk-I compared the label and bought that instead. When I got it home and opened it to smell it, it smelled heavenly! I have the Oikos Triple Zero yogurts-I hope I like OIAJ, because I bought 10 of them in differing flavors.....I was on a frenzy ...and the bill showed it at checkout.-hey- it's gas points too- and my pickup ain't cheap to fill-lol. The Oikos fruit ones, will I still be able to add fruit to it? The #s are the same whether it's the vanilla or the mixed berry so I would say that I could right? I also picked up laughing cow wedges for the fat. I got some lean ham, tomorrow is going to be so much fun-once I get all my "ducks in a row" I have no idea how I will be able to write it all in to the journal they give you. Once in maintenance I think I will buy a nice book at Five Below or someplace like that to keep my journal. I wish that I could create one. I know everyone uses MFP and I should get in to the habit again like I used to, I'll have to see-No. I WILL keep both to start and then hopefully wean myself in to just MFP. As long as I can do it on the computer as well- for me, quicker and less frustrating when I have an actual keyboard- but also the convenience when I only have my phone. See- change- this old girl (t/I/c-lol) doesn't adapt well. Of course, once I started weighing again this week- yeah it's been every day- 125 this morning, best weight yet!! Again- high school weight- Holy smokes!!! I will be putting the sticky note back on the scale for next week to stay the h*ll off it- my body will need to adjust and like the 1st week of P2- it made me a lunatic to see the scale creep. It was so strange this morning when I went down to get my coffee and see fruit on the counter and know it was for ME!!!! I'll be interested to see what my BMR is today. So much to absorb. I hope I can remember it all. BIG notepad going with me today. Alrighty then my 3FC family- time to make my breakfast shake....Oh my, I am just realizing it's probably my last for a long while ....I love the Quest powder shakes- I have probably had them every morning, with the exception of 2 or 3 times that I went out to breakfast-for the last 2 or 3 months....see- creature of habit- lol. Have a great day today whatever you do- be the best you you can be-
    Oh, and GO PATS!!!!!!!!
  • Destony - Please send me some pics we leave a week from Tuesday (7 working days). I think I will be ok with cloths for the cruise, but work pants etc after the cruise will be hard. I am anticipating a new wardrobe for Hawaii. Two years ago I was hoping that I would be over 250# when my niece wanted to go ziplining - thankfully I was not because once I relaxed it was a lot of fun.

    Not that much younger I will be 49 in April. Last time hormones were checked (this has been going on a while before IP) I wasn't even close. Plus I am not having any symptoms. When I met with the physician we talked briefly of adding some hormones if my WL was slow. I would rather not do that and had been good with the extra activity. I think that might be the key for now and in the future.

    Congrats to you on graduation to P3. To be honest with you reading the 10 months to a year that people have been on this program is scary to me. I told my coach yesterday that I am committed to 22 weeks. I am making great progress and not even 1/2 way to my week goal. It is important for me to not move too far ahead in my mind.
  • Hi everyone!
    It seems like everyone is doing well. I had another good loss this morning- 2.2# bringing me to 143.6. I was really surprised with 2 really good weeks in a row.

    I find that I am mentally struggling still. I am feeling so good, and I feel like I look really good, my clothes are fitting amazingly and I am grappling with continuing on P1. I KNOW that I am not at my goal and I still have inches I want to lose (and pounds), but dang, it is hard when everyone is telling me how good I look, and how good I feel.

    I am still forging on, but I will admit that it hasn't been easy (mentally). Thinking back, this is probably why I phased off at 135 instead of 130 the first time around

    This week is going to be a challenge as we have my in laws in town and they love to eat out. I can certainly make OP choices, but I find that sodium plays a HUGE factor for me and eating out means lots of sodium. I don't expect to see much of a loss this week. That's ok, because hopefully it will just be water weight and it will be made up eventually.

    Hope you are all having a good weekend!