Maintainers losing a lot!

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  • Hey there folks, I'm slinking back in with my tail between my legs and my weight at 154. Oops. Got a slap in the face yesterday to help me get on track -- kids wanted to look at pictures, and after scrolling through some recent ones of them playing at the park, they said they wanted pictures of mommy, so I scrolled back to before they were born (since obviously now all my photos are of them, not of me ) and found photos of myself from 2012. I look really good in those photos. It's been so long that I've gotten complacent and used to the way I look now, and I haven't thought lately about how different I am now than I was just before getting pregnant with them.

    I mean, I still have two drawers of my dresser and my entire closet full of clothes I can't fit into, you'd think that would be a hint, but I'm used to living out of one drawer at this point. It was a shock to look at old photos of myself though and think, wow, I looked really good like that. I miss looking like that.

    So, suffice to say, I'm getting back on the wagon on Monday, this time full steam ahead. I need to lose 20-25lbs and I need to get back in shape. DH has also gained weight and is unhappy about it so this needs to be a family effort. I set the start date as Monday so I have time to do some meal planning and get the right stock of groceries beforehand. I think maybe DH and I need to come up with a workout schedule so we can force time for it while still making sure someone is watching the kids.

    So, given all that:
    1) Does anyone have recommendations on workout programs that involve easing back into things for total couch potatoes? DH especially tends to jump into the deep end and then injure himself by trying too hard, then give up because he's injured. I am just prone to injury in general.
    2) Any suggestions for kid-friendly recipes that are healthy and either take 20 min or less start to finish or take <20 min prep and go in the slow cooker? I'm particularly looking for things that have a really low calories/volume ratio so I can still eat a larger quantity of food.
  • Jessica - totally ditto that. ME TOO! Except for the 154. I'm much closer to 160. Same questions. I posted about my slap earlier, and yet I'm still hemming and hawing over a true start. I've been spending the time since then ramping down on snacks/cheap carbs and the daily nightcap(s), and contemplating/planning what has to change to free up time for exercise.
  • Is it confession time? Count me in on the need to lose 20-25. Last February I was really happy to be maintaining at 155-158 even though I'd have preferred 150. I've been steadily climbing, especially in May, for no real reason. My food is good. I have not been pleased this week to see 166.2 every day until today when 167.1 popped up. I'm blaming that on sodium--really. I cooked my first Blue Apron meal last night and salted when they said to (when I usually omit that from almost any recipe). It was really good (chicken piccata) but obviously too salty.

    I've been working out steadily and I can SEE the changes. My arms and legs are much more toned. I can't tell about my abs because it seems that all my weight is there (I know that's not true, but it seems like it to me).

    So, yeah, there it is.

    Goal setting time.

    Goal for next week--get down to 164. There, I said it. I'll keep working out, maybe get up a few minutes earlier and add some cardio at the end. And I'll really work on cutting portions down.

  • Me too.

    Just back from a sports massage with a new person (also a physiotherapist and a fell runner -

    She talked about getting base fitness in place. This seems to indicate that she doesn't think that much of my existing fitness, which I was telling myself was not too bad at all, really.

    So fat, unfit, old*? This is not quite where I planned to be at this point.

    It's been a very difficult six months. I'm still up and down the country with my uncle's affairs. Got back last night from arranging his funeral. Will be back next Saturday for the funeral. I'm doing what I can to eat sensibly, take exercise and sleep properly but my routine was shot away some time ago.

    * Obviously not very old but 60 in August and living with the long-limbed beauty and energy of the DB who is just 15. The contrast can be a bit stark at times.
  • Silverbirch, oh, I hear you about 15 year old boys. Got one of those in my house, too. I catch myself staring at him when he's not looking, wondering where the heck the pudgy cute knee-biter went, and how the heck he totally won the genetic lottery on all of his parents' best features. Lord help him, he's going back to competitive swimming starting next week - I am afraid that by the end of the summer, all the remaining soft edges he has will be gone. Our baby boomer generation has decided that 60 is the new 40, so I would agree that you're a long way from "old". It is a challenge to internalize that when living with teenagers, definitely. Executing funeral and estate arrangements are far from routine. Thank goodness they are also (usually) not long-lasting! I have not had to do that yet, but as an only child, I have to accept that it's an eventuality. Hopefully, decades away.

    Allison, my first big goal is to get where you are - to be able to see significant changes due to exercise. My doc pretty much waved off the scale numbers and basically said to go all Nike-like and "just DO it." With emphasis.

    Jessica, I decided today that I'm going to start small and play with my Xbox Kinect each day for at least 20 minutes instead of sitting still with my iPad (my other confession is that I am a Farm Heroes addict). And I will get my TRX back out and review the video before the weekend is up.
  • Becky,
    I'm a bit puzzled. It seems like just a few months ago that you were doing crazy amounts of swimming each week. What happened to your passion for that form of exercise, and why can't you get back to that, if it gives you joy?

    And don't get me started on the beauty of adolescence. I have 16, 13 and 9(10) year olds in the house. I see their easy grace and taut skin next to my aging form and know that no matter how slim and "toned" I get, my shape will never be mistaken for someone who's 19. I think I'm ok with that though, as long as I am healthy, move easily and have energy for the activities and lifestyle I want to lead.
  • Quote: And don't get me started on the beauty of adolescence. I have 16, 13 and 9(10) year olds in the house. I see their easy grace and taut skin next to my aging form and know that no matter how slim and "toned" I get, my shape will never be mistaken for someone who's 19. I think I'm ok with that though, as long as I am healthy, move easily and have energy for the activities and lifestyle I want to lead
    That's great Andrea!

  • It's the toning that got me back into exercise mode. I have developed that middle aged, dreaded thing called bat wings. And I HATE it! So I looked for ways to combat it. I found a workout called something like 6 weeks to sexy arms. It's only four weight exercises, but I've morphed it into more--leg and ab work to combat the ugliness there. And three weeks in, I'm impressed. My arms to look more toned. In fact my DD, while visiting last weekend said she could tell a difference. She lifts and gave me some pointers on my squats, and that has helped as well. So I'm really motivated about this! I figure if I continue well past the six weeks AND lose some weight the changes will really show.
  • Andrea, i'm puzzled too. I don't know if I would call what I was doing a "lot" of swimming by competitive standards - two practices a week could be considered the absolute barest minimum. Yes, I never regretted going. My team is currently transitioning to open water for the summer. I am not ... fond ... of lake swimming, and don't see myself changing that any time soon. This gives me the summer to find some other activities. Or to swim in the local pool.

    I took a big step (for me) last night. I had DS change the passcode on my iPad. Sometimes cold turkey is what it takes.
  • Three weeks completed in my workout. All is good except an occasional spasm in my lower back. Yesterday I eventually took some pain reliever and it really helped so I took more today as I know work will be painful without it. It's been half an hour and it hasn't kicked in yet, but I wish it would. I guess I'll be researching some yoga moves to help that out.

    Weight continues to go up despite my best intentions. This isn't right. I'll be calling to make an appointment to see my gyn today. Maybe he'll have some insight to this.
  • Allison - if you are only a few weeks into weight lifting and haven't done much of it before you will see some water retention from that for a little while. Your muscles will hold fluid as they repair themselves.

    Becky - I need to use my TRX more. I really like it.

    Birchie - we can get the fitness back in place. It is a doable thing. And you are definitely not 'old'. I'm glad that things are settling some with the estate and all the planning you have been doing. That will help if you can get back into some of your normal routine.

    Jessica - you could try Stronglifts 5x5 if you are looking for weights - you start as low as you want and work your way up. You need access to free weights for it, though.

    I've been pretty okay fitness and foodwise the last few weeks. I've had a pretty consistent exercise schedule, have eaten mostly okay. We had a cookout yesterday so I have a little spike from that, but overall I'm down. I need to get back into my yoga - I was doing it pretty solidly every day then I decided to pierce my belly button and haven't been able to do any for about a week and a half. I can definitely tell the difference. I'm pretty recovered at this point, so will try some tonight if I can.

    Stress is still off the chart, but I'm working on it. Dr. wants me to get more sun, or D supplement if I have to, in addition to the possibility of anxiety meds. I don't like the idea of anxiety meds at all. Thinking on it makes me more anxious.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Quote:
    Allison - if you are only a few weeks into weight lifting and haven't done much of it before you will see some water retention from that for a little while. Your muscles will hold fluid as they repair themselves.
    I do notice some retention, especially in my thighs, but this really is additional weight--not just fluid. And it seems to be 99% in my stomach. It hasn't (yet) made my clothes too tight--well not the stuff I wear most of the time, but my nice clothes are much too tight for comfort.

    I got a new office chair at work that has much better lumbar support than my old one, but with that I needed a new keyboard tray because the chair didn't go down as far as my old one and the tray came out and hit my knees. So I just got the new tray installed and now I have to lay my keyboard flat (I used to have it raised in back). It'll take a little time to get used to. But boy is this chair comfortable!
  • I had to cut back a little this morning due to severe back pain the past two days. Sunday while doing my routine I got a big twinge in my left lower back. All day Sunday and yesterday it ached. Last night I used my massage mouse for a few hours while knitting and watching TV and it feels a lot better, but I didn't want to hurt it again, so I cut the weight on a couple exercises from 15 to 10 pounds. It is just a little achy now.

    And no change in weight today.
  • Sorry to read about your back, Allison - I hope a few days of rest put that in your rearview mirror.

    Shannon, yep, it's a great tool to have. I was surprised to see how many Youtube videos are out there of ways to use it for various stretches and sports-specific training. Pretty cool!

    My spiralizer and cookbook should be arriving today!

    I'm getting my eating back on track and I did get in 11,000 steps yesterday. I was feeling okay and positive about all that until this morning when I bent over to dry my hair and came within close view of my belly fat in all its glorious, gravitationally-challenged glory. Man, I've got some work to do. I know I'm ready to do this now because the sight amused me more than it saddened me.
  • Quote:
    My spiralizer and cookbook should be arriving today!
    I love my spiralizer!!! I didn't get a cookbook but there are a lot of recipes online--try Inspiralized. I get a lot of recipes there and they use a lot of different fruits and vegetables--not just the usual zucchini.