Sarge's No Excuses & No Whining Boot Camp #16

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  • I just got back from the bar and I didn't stay as on plan as I wanted since I drank a lot more than I originally planned. But I did dance allllll night so that has to count for something because my legs are killing me. I hope the scale doesn't go up tomorrow but honestly I don't care because I had a blast tonight and it felt good to let loose.
  • loss 0.4/pledge 0.4 new pledge 0.4
    Frankly I'm surprised, this hasnt been a good week for me food or exercise but especially food wise.

    34 miles trekked. I think 579 minutes
  • Pledged - 1
    Actual loss - 2.2

    New pledge - 1
  • pledge .4 / lost 0
  • Okay Sarge checking in for the week I lost 4 pounds!!!! I had pledged 2. Yeah me! It was hard it wasn't easy but I pulled my a** up by the boot straps and hung in there. Okay this week I pledge to lose 1 pound. I know it is a little lower but aunt flo should be visiting and not sure what that is going to do to the scale. Check in again later.
  • Guess I am supposed to do it like this

    Lost- 4

    Next week pledge- 1

    Great job Fitgirl!
  • Pledged 1.4
    Lost .8
    New pledge 1.5
  • pledged 1
    lost 0
    pledge 1
  • Hi Sarge, I'm new! I promise to lose 2 pounds next week!

    My very first challenge, I'm going to be busting my butt to overshoot my goal! I originally wanted 3 pounds, but I figure I'll see what I can really do, and then crank it up.
  • Pledged 1
    Lost 1

    Miles trekked 31.19

    This weeks pledge -.5
  • Lost 2.6 lbs
    Pledge 1
  • Sarge - caught up and some more. 2.6 lbs this week

    Amazing considering I went out for lunch twice, dinner once and a party last night I was truly working on eating right at every outing and it worked!
    Other than the pounds I also lost 3 inches in the last 4 weeks and bought size 8 pants yesterday and down coat size medium (the small fit too but I was worried about wearing monster thick sweaters underneath it). And I bought that exercise bike finally! So excited!

    Oh and I am feeling GREAT!
  • Pledged: -1
    Actual loss: -2.4
    New Pedge: -1.5
    Trekked: 7.5 miles
    Minutes: 440

    sarati- I got a good laugh out of the "eff it where's the cheesecake?" So true.

    fitgirlygirl- Way to stay away from the fast food temptation. Especially after all that work. That's what always gets me. (I just busted my buns for an hour and a half why the heck would I want a large fry?)

    rated- Congrats on the 140s!

    Josey- Nice on the size 8.
  • Awesome job Josey!
  • josey - I had the same kind of week and also lost. Maybe our bodies needed us to shake things up.

    I was worried and weighed in early for nothing since I lost some more (I guess my dancing was a workout). Thats okay though now I have a head start for next week.