Shaun T Insanity!

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  • Quote: Hi efullwood. DON'T quit!! Just take each day one by one and you will be surprised at how strong you will become. if you look back at the tests results that we have been postiing you will see the improvements. Did you notice that some of Shaun T's people on the video can't even keep up? They're in great shape and getting paid to do it. Doing these work outs has helped me with my stress and insomnia. That alone makes me not want to miss a day.

    Speaking of missing a day...I started my third week last week but only made it to Wednesday. Got sick. So I am re-doing week 3. It is hard to get back into the groove. Have a great evening everyone.
    u could do it. drink a lot of water. keep us posted.
  • Top of the evenin to ya!

    I resisted beer, corn beef and potatoes tonight. I even managed to get in my workout.

    has anyone here tried the shakology? i have Super Food Plus by Dr. Shulze and the Ultimate Meal. Is it similar to that?
  • did upperbody, took a brake from INSANITY until next monday. my ankles are feeling better. Good night to all
  • Girlie girl
    No I NEVER do try any of those things they sure make it look wonderful and hear good things about it BUT ME I like to eat my calories for recovery I usually have cottage cheese and fruit or yought and fruit. I know its just me OLD school its just the drinking juice thing EAT AND CHEW lasts longer BUT they are always saying all the recovery stuff they have in it so I just don't know? CALORIES A CALORIE????????????
  • Hey guys,

    I started Insanity this week!!!

    I am a grad of P90X and my husband and I decided to do go for Insanity. I have to say that at first I thought it would be IMPOSSIBLE but I have been really surprised at how much I am able to do. This is a NO NONSENSE workout and I would recommend that you have been exercising regularly BEFORE starting this.

    Some other advice: If you have issues with knees or ankles, wrap them! I do that for my knees and it helps tremendously. Drink lots of water and follow their nutrition program, it's for a reason

    I will try my best to keep you updated on my progress if anyone's interested.
  • Hello everyone!

    I also, officially started Insanity! I did the fit test yesterday and did the plyometric circuit today.

    I was doing one insanity workout a week just to try it out to see if i could do it. That and I was scared, lol. But I finally sucked it up and officially started and I'm excited!

    To answer someone's question about throwing up, my very first day I did the plyometric circuit and towards the end I almost threw up. I've never had that feeling before and I had been working out for 6 months prior to trying insanity. So even though I didn't lose my breakfast, I came closer than I ever have. So do not let this discourage you! Just take it day by day and you will get stronger, fitter, and leaner!

    I'm also doing Chalean Extreme. I am on the final month and once I finish that, I will be starting P90X. I'm a bit nervous to be doing both Insanity and P90X but I feel like it is totally doable and will give me amazing results.

    Good luck to everyone and have a nice workout!
  • Evelhaelf
    Glad to see you dived in! Ya you have to be careful on the eating before thing I eat light, I to am doing doubles with Chalean and Insanity I am on my last 2 days of Lean and on my Recovery week of Insanity so will go to Lean for Life next week and Moth 2 of Insanity so will start the MAX work outs they are 1 HOUR YIKES! got to run now
  • Yeah, totally not looking forward to the 1 hour workouts of p90x and insanity. That means I'll have to get up even earlier before work! YIKES!
  • EveLHaelf and glowchick that sound great. good luck to both and see u around.. keep us posted
  • I did Cardio Recovery today. For stretching, that was pretty difficult! I was comfortably uncomfortable the whole time! I'm really loving Insanity and even though I haven't been with it long enough to have visible results, I LOVE how confident I feel especially after finishing one of those intense, workouts!

    Glowchick, I am moving on to P90X after I finish Chalean Extreme. What were your results like? Are you able to do a pullup now? Were you able to do them before? Did you do the pullups with a chair? What was that like? Sorry about all the questions, but the pullups are really antagonizing me. I've never been able to do them, but a goal of mine is to be able to do at least one some time in my life!

    How is everyone else doing? Keep us all posted!
  • EveL I did 3 rounds of p90x before doing Chalewn and insanity doubles { my doubles before were kickboxing cardio} I did the pull ups with the bands util the last round and then tried the chair and wished I would have tried it sooner it made me alot stronger and I did not even do that until the ene I could do like 3 pull ups the back hand kind. NOW pushups I ROCK AT ON MY TOES ALL DAY and I am almost 58!
    Today I did my fit test it is my rest day but tommaro I start MONTH 2 of INSANITY and Lean for life .....WHICH CALLED FOR FIT TEST MAX INTERVAL CIRCUIT,{total of 1 hr 35 min INSANITY} and CLX BURN CIRUIT 1 {35}
    and we are going to be in Las Vegas shopping and at a doctors appt and its a 2 1/2 drive we are spending the night so did the test today.

    Anyways did it really early and was stiff and not really warmed up did not improve much...the recovery week was knida wierd it really made me sore doing the same work out every day not sure why???? not sure if it is part of what happens or what but my bodykeeps changing not weight but shape I AM AT goal weight.
  • I haven't been posting here because, well, I've not been doing Insanity. We've had some beautiful weather here the past week, so I've been....get this....RUNNING!

    The reason I'm telling you this is because, well, I am crediting my newfound running skills to Insanity.

    I've never been a runner. I could barely run a quarter of a mile with stopping for air. This past Tuesday morning, I woke up to a beautiful sunny day. I went downstairs and found a mess that had been made by my roommate the night before. I was angry and needed to vent some anger. My bike had a flat so I decided to go for a run. To my COMPLETE AND UTTER surprise, I was able to run about 3 miles, and I only stopped a few times (mostly because I had just run up a hill and needed to catch by breath).

    Trust me, this is QUITE an accomplishment for me. I 100% owe it to Insanity. All that cardio conditioning really got me in prime shape for this. I'm so excited for a summer of running now! Yay!
  • How come 'cardio abs' is on three different DVDs in my set. Does everyone have that? I was disappointed there wasn't a cardio abs max workout.
  • Wow, Deva, that is IMPRESSIVE! It sounds like I should just try to do them with a chair and see how that goes. I'm looking forward to improving my pushups! Hope you have a safe trip!

    kristy, I LOVE running! I completed the c25k program and ran in 2 5k races, one on thanksgiving and one on new years. I was really hooked, but had to ease back because of an injury that I'm still working through. I can't wait to get back to running again! I signed up for a half marathon in June and plan to run/walk it. That's impressive that you could do 3 miles! You should look for local 5k's in your area and give one a try, you will get hooked!

    Pure Cardio and Lean Circuit 1 tomorrow! Bring it on!
  • Hello Everyone,

    I just sat here and read through every post, I am starting Insanity tomorrow 3/22/10, I am both very excited and also nervous have Butterflies in my stomach lol.

    I do the Fit test tomorrow, and i am looking forward to getting Healthy and Toned.. Congrats to everyone on your Hard Work, I look forward to posting here regularly and reading everyone's post as well...

    Good Luck and Stay Strong

