Metabolic Research Center - Take 13!

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  • Quote: One more thing - if you're going to do it, don't go crazy - it you really load up on something you haven't had for a long time, you can end up making yourself sick. So enjoy, but don't overdo it. Think about what you'll eat ahead of time & stick with that.

    So, I took the plunge. One plate, not even a heaping plate and I am over it. Now I did have two of those small cups of chocolate ice cream However, at this point, I think I made an okay decision for the circumstance. Nothing I was going to eat today was going to satisfy me. I think part of this program is learning that and also learning boundaries. Thank you for the input. Maybe I won't be cursing myself on the scale this afternoon!
  • I take the combo B's. I take 1 in the morning, but if I feel like I am retaining water, I do add 1 at nighttime (usually around tom).
  • Quote: hello all! I am new.. just signed up to MRC this morning! I am new to this message board stuff also! This sounds like a great group though.
    WELCOME! You will find much inspiration and good advice here. I joined 8 days ago. I have lost 5 lbs. The program is still new to me but, I think we made the right decision. It seems to really work AND also be a program that you can live with and learn from.
  • Ok..for my Ipod list:

    Simple Man...Lynard Skynard
    Freebird...Lynard Skynard
    Like a Virgin...Madonna
    quite a few Smashing Pumpkins songs
    No Rain..Blind Melon
    Under the Bridge...Chili Peppers
    Californication...Chili Peppers
    quite a few Gwen Stefani hits
    quite a few Fergie hits...
    tons of Kenny Chesney

    the list is so long..but just a few, I am random, I know
  • Quote: For those of you that do B6, do you take a B complex? with B12 as well or just the b6? What is the dose and how often?

    I retain water after my workouts and would like to buy some B6 from Walmart to try this with.

    Yes, what's with that. I stuck to plan and exercised (skiied) hard for 4 days and only lost a 1/2 lb. It almost makes me not want to exercise but I think I will buy some of that B6 and try it. I know muscle is heavier than fat but it also seems to soak up water.
  • Quote: Yes, what's with that. I stuck to plan and exercised (skiied) hard for 4 days and only lost a 1/2 lb. It almost makes me not want to exercise but I think I will buy some of that B6 and try it. I know muscle is heavier than fat but it also seems to soak up water.
    So I am going to total body conditioning this afternoon and take the class. It's an hour long and usually makes me pretty sore if I haven't been for a while. They are having a contest at my center for the month of April. Committ to doing regular exercise on certain days of the week and if you meet your committment they enter your name for prizes (aka product $$$). I said I would bike 3 times a week but it's so cold today I am going to do the class instead.
  • Quote: Yes, what's with that. I stuck to plan and exercised (skiied) hard for 4 days and only lost a 1/2 lb. It almost makes me not want to exercise but I think I will buy some of that B6 and try it. I know muscle is heavier than fat but it also seems to soak up water.
    When you exercise you tear muscle has to recover and rebuild, this takes water. You muscles will retain water to help with the repairs. That is why you have to drink more when you exercise. So if you normally drink 64 oz, and you exercise for 1 hour, you will need to add 32 more ounces so that you don't become dehydrated. It is 8 oz per 15 min. of exercise according to MRC, but according to my trainer it is 1 oz of water for every min. of exercise. Anyway.....make sure you get enough water. The more stain on your muscles the more water you need.

    Exercise is GREAT. A pound of muscle burns 50 cals a day just sitting there. A pound of fat only burns 2 cals a day. A pound of fat takes 3 times more room than a pound of muscle. That is why a woman with little muscle at 120# looks worse than a muscular woman that weighs 140.

    So keep up with exercise. Don't let the day to day weigh ins get you down. Exercise is the only way to up your good cholesterol too! Exercise is GREAT for you any way you put it!!!
  • Hey everyone,

    I had my WI today and was down another 1.5 pounds and have lost 34 inches. That's 16.5 pounds and 34 inches in 1 month. YAY!!!! That is too cool!!!

    Good luck to all who are yet to WI and Congrats to all the Losers!!!
  • Thank you Memmo & Maxncandy for getting back to me with my questions about the crispies, pudding, & liquid minerals!!

    CONGRATS on all the great losses!!! You guys are doing Gr8!!!
  • Quote: Hey everyone,

    I had my WI today and was down another 1.5 pounds and have lost 34 inches. That's 16.5 pounds and 34 inches in 1 month. YAY!!!! That is too cool!!!

    Good luck to all who are yet to WI and Congrats to all the Losers!!!
    Your doing AMAZING
  • Quote: Hey everyone,

    I had my WI today and was down another 1.5 pounds and have lost 34 inches. That's 16.5 pounds and 34 inches in 1 month. YAY!!!! That is too cool!!!

    Good luck to all who are yet to WI and Congrats to all the Losers!!!
    Those inches are awesome . When they measured me Monday I lost 12 inches and 10.5 lbs. since starting 1 month ago. We must have joined the same time.
  • Quote: Hey everyone,

    I had my WI today and was down another 1.5 pounds and have lost 34 inches. That's 16.5 pounds and 34 inches in 1 month. YAY!!!! That is too cool!!!

    Good luck to all who are yet to WI and Congrats to all the Losers!!!
    Way to Go!!!!
  • I think I got my ticker and need to post to check it out.
  • Quote: Hey everyone,

    I had my WI today and was down another 1.5 pounds and have lost 34 inches. That's 16.5 pounds and 34 inches in 1 month. YAY!!!! That is too cool!!!

    Good luck to all who are yet to WI and Congrats to all the Losers!!!
    **YAY** Congrats on both the pounds AND the inches
  • Let's try this again one more time.