Home of the 100% Vol. 3

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  • Quote: A couple of NS victories the week.
    1. I went out to eat for the first time since I started IP and I was able to stay OP.
    2. Went shopping for pants and I was able to put on and zip a size 18 Havent done that in over 20 years!

    Also I need a bit of advice. I have worked out of my home for years . I will be starting a new job soon where I will be going back to work in an office. Any advice as to how to stay on track and pack all that you need for the day?
    WAY TO GO!!! Look at your losses, well DONE!

    What's really super fun...is when you go into a store (say Reitman's) and say "hey, don't you have regular length all I can find is the 'tall" and they say "oh all our regular clothes are over here" and then you say "OH! I didn't see the dress pants over here." Realizing that you're used to shopping in the plus size part of the store and never ventured the 10 feet over to look at the clothes you couldn't fit anyway.

    Course then it occurs to you that all the 'regular' size clothing isn't as tailored as the plus size and you really wish you could find some of THOSE clothes in your new size....

    I have a selection of cut up veggies with oil and seasoning with some salt. I always add in lettuce though - helps things move along
  • Quote: A couple of NS victories the week.
    1. I went out to eat for the first time since I started IP and I was able to stay OP.
    2. Went shopping for pants and I was able to put on and zip a size 18 Havent done that in over 20 years!

    Also I need a bit of advice. I have worked out of my home for years . I will be starting a new job soon where I will be going back to work in an office. Any advice as to how to stay on track and pack all that you need for the day?
    Congrats on your new pant size!!! AND staying OP while out to eat!!! Sorry I have no tips for working...I'm a housewife...
  • Quote: TGIF everyone!

    Wow everyone's so lucky to have D+ cups, lol. I'm stuck with little B cups and will probably soon be wearing my 10-year old training bra (if i get to get the skin removed from my tummy, i will get breasts too, lol).

    I too have a small(ish) waist but big legs...doesn't help with all the saggy skin.

    Boy Am i a ray of sunshine or what this morning, lol.

    Congrats on all the WI! Have a great day!
    When I started I was heading towards the mid part of the ABC's LOL and was hoping to shrink quite a bit more...So ending with a DDD isn't what I had in mind. Guess we have to learn to embrace what we were given. Easier said then done!
  • I'll be seeing several of my male friends tomorrow who did IP when it first came out. I haven't seen them since I began this journey. I sure can't wait to thank them for introducing me to this diet!
  • Hi 100% Ipers!

    Been 100% op phase 1 for 4 days. Have lost 5 lbs. I’m so relieved. Couldn’t have done it without your help. I am in ketosis. I always like when that happens because I feel like I’m getting that freebie fat burning thing.
    I did well at the restaurant last night. My friend has been on Weight Watchers, the lower carb version, has lost 12 lbs and is really dedicated. So we were really good for each other.
    And our Dhs were very supportive and didn’t tempt us by ordering anything inappropriate. I have otherwise been staying close to home. I really don’t like the temptations of being out in the real world at this point.

    New Englander -YOU are doing great! I totally know how you feel about not going out. Even though I won’t cheat the stress of the deprivation is not worth it. I knew I would be okay at this restaurant because they have delicious op options. And I would be okay with this couple because my friend was dieting too. I wouldn’t want to sit with anything evil at my table. The worst for me is at our Canasta group. When I first started IP in January of 2011, we just didn’t go for several months because we’re there for hours, there are tons of crack cocaine, I mean my favorite evil stuff. And there are a couple of drug dealers, I mean food pushers, who notice what I do and do not eat and ask me why I’m not having any of the crack! And there are 10 or 12 people there! I always bring a vegetable tray, and some kind of meat that I can eat. Why do they notice what I am eating? Because I’ve honestly told them I’m trying to lose weight. On one of these threads we’ve decided that saying I’m allergic is much easier. In fact the biggest food pusher has a couple of allergies of her own. By 9 or 10 p.m. my resistance wears thin. So I come home feeling like I’ve been tortured. Last month, March, I caved, big time. That was ugly. I gained 3 lbs in one night. I was already up from all the cough syrup from a couple of weeks before. So then I came here. J
  • Quote: A couple of NS victories the week.
    1. I went out to eat for the first time since I started IP and I was able to stay OP.
    2. Went shopping for pants and I was able to put on and zip a size 18 Havent done that in over 20 years!

    Also I need a bit of advice. I have worked out of my home for years . I will be starting a new job soon where I will be going back to work in an office. Any advice as to how to stay on track and pack all that you need for the day?
    Congrats JK! Good luck in your new job.
  • Quote: Ya- I lost another inch and a half from my chest this week, but also another inch from my hips- results from lossing another FOUR pounds this week.

    I now officially have less than 100 pounds to lose. I have GOT this and I had given up hope last summer. It is great having hope back. I WILL be athletic again- volleyball, softball and horseback riding- all things I LOVE, but had given up to be FAT. Oh yeah, and dating too. That is a lot of sacrifice just so I could be heavy. Hmmmm life is interesting, but IP is GREAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTT!
    100% is the way to go.
    Good job, Trip! You have a lot of sports. That's great! You'll be back in the saddle again!
  • Quote: Well | did it! 4 lbs on week 1 of Phase 2 at WI today and made my goal weight! Hopefully I have another good week on Phase 2 to get a bit of a buffer zone but I couldn't be happier with the results so far!!!
    Congratualtaions! Go buy yourself something to celebrate!
  • Quote: Hi 100% Ipers!

    Been 100% op phase 1 for 4 days. Have lost 5 lbs. I’m so relieved. Couldn’t have done it without your help. I am in ketosis. I always like when that happens because I feel like I’m getting that freebie fat burning thing.
    I did well at the restaurant last night. My friend has been on Weight Watchers, the lower carb version, has lost 12 lbs and is really dedicated. So we were really good for each other.
    And our Dhs were very supportive and didn’t tempt us by ordering anything inappropriate. I have otherwise been staying close to home. I really don’t like the temptations of being out in the real world at this point.

    New Englander -YOU are doing great! I totally know how you feel about not going out. Even though I won’t cheat the stress of the deprivation is not worth it. I knew I would be okay at this restaurant because they have delicious op options. And I would be okay with this couple because my friend was dieting too. I wouldn’t want to sit with anything evil at my table. The worst for me is at our Canasta group. When I first started IP in January of 2011, we just didn’t go for several months because we’re there for hours, there are tons of crack cocaine, I mean my favorite evil stuff. And there are a couple of drug dealers, I mean food pushers, who notice what I do and do not eat and ask me why I’m not having any of the crack! And there are 10 or 12 people there! I always bring a vegetable tray, and some kind of meat that I can eat. Why do they notice what I am eating? Because I’ve honestly told them I’m trying to lose weight. On one of these threads we’ve decided that saying I’m allergic is much easier. In fact the biggest food pusher has a couple of allergies of her own. By 9 or 10 p.m. my resistance wears thin. So I come home feeling like I’ve been tortured. Last month, March, I caved, big time. That was ugly. I gained 3 lbs in one night. I was already up from all the cough syrup from a couple of weeks before. So then I came here. J
    deelee10 Thanks! I'm trying. So glad this is my last diet!

    So hard to be around any pushers! My DH is also very supportive and only brought "bad" food in the house when I told him it was okay...because the first week on IP, okay the first month on IP I didn't want to see any nonIP foods!!!

    Have fun, stay strong and enjoy getting healthy!!!
  • WOW....WAY too many new threads started today we were all the way on the SECOND page!!!.....I so don't like being there .....lol...Hope everyone has a great OP day!
  • Thanks New Englander. You too!
  • Wow....busy forum today!!!

    I'm just enjoying a day...went to a ceremony today so had to dress up...wore 5 inch platforms outside of my house and walked without a wobble...bought them quite a while ago so the weight loss has really helped with my confidence and ability with them lol.

    Pretty happy to be doing a lot of things I couldn't do before...looking forward to running soon...it's been a while since I've felt the lungs burn!

    Hope everyone is having a great wkend!
  • Quote: TGIF everyone!

    Wow everyone's so lucky to have D+ cups, lol. I'm stuck with little B cups and will probably soon be wearing my 10-year old training bra (if i get to get the skin removed from my tummy, i will get breasts too, lol).

    I too have a small(ish) waist but big legs...doesn't help with all the saggy skin.

    Boy Am i a ray of sunshine or what this morning, lol.

    Congrats on all the WI! Have a great day!
    BusyMomX4--Hahaha! I'm laughing with you not at you! Your body description and the X4 fits me too! Padded bras will be needed just to give off the illusion of a bust line!LOL
  • Enjoying my chocolate shake...I'm in P2 so I'm missing my lunchtime chocolate...but I can handle being without it and need to stop "missing" it because each part of this journey is a minor sacrifice for the better!!! Keep up the great work everyone. Stay focused and keep reminding yourself this is not forever! Okay...so I really need to keep reminding myself that!!!
  • LOL. MY DH is having ice cream right now...and I don't mind you know why? Because I bought it for him and made sure it's a flavor I don't want!!!