Maintainers Vol. 18

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  • Happy Friday Maintainers!

    DD: Thanks for the exercise wishes. I go back to the doc for my first post-op visit on the 11th. I went for a long walk at a pretty brisk pace last night. I hit 13K+ on my pedometer yesterday. It felt really good to move and break a sweat. It was almost 90 degrees here yesterday but I didn't mind the heat. I'm going to try to do it again today.

    Liana: Hope you find your "cocktail". Too bad it can't be a more fun one, like a Mai Tai or a Cosmopolitan(my fav).

    Bootros: I don't recall being hungry in P2. Quite the opposite actually. I had to reduce the 8 oz. of natural protein at lunch because I did it the first couple of days and felt sick from being overfull.

    Shasta: Yay for reaching goal! Isn't that exciting? You got this! But you're right. Constant vigilance or it could get out of hand and the next thing I know I'll be way over my scream weight. It hasn't happened yet, and I don't want to go there ever again.

    Ishbel: I hear you on the full fun day and feeling sick. I experienced that as well. Now it's an occasional treat and a small one at that or I still feel gross and puffy and my stomach hurts.

    Amber: So sorry to hear you are having trouble. I hope you and your doc can sort that out. 10 lbs! That's a lot in a short period of time. It sure does sound like your body is saying NO in a big way to something. Hope you feel better soon.

    I discovered something interesting today. I forgot my lunch and was very busy so decided to make a sandwich with some of the items that my company keeps in our kitchen instead of going out. I used a couple of pieces of Orowheat bread and some turkey lunchmeat. There aren't any vegetables around so that was it. I felt guilty the whole time I was eating it because I knew it wasn't a proper lunch. No veggies. Ugh. An hour later I feel gross and I have a stomach ache. This is odd because I eat the Dave's Killer breads and don't have this reaction. Those breads are so good and nothing but good stuff in them. But I went back and looked at the label, WOW, so many things I can't pronounce and don't know what they are. I would have done better going out to get a salad or something. So I won't be doing that again.

    Have a busy weekend planned with two concerts, a hike, and the usual weekend chores. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • Andrea I hope your tummy feels better soon. I'm a little surprised how quickly my body reacts these days to thing it doesn't like. A month ago I had a about 1/4 cup cole slaw at a potluck that I'm guessing had sugar in it and the next day 3 lbs up and tummy ache. Went away but still, blech. Like you, I learned my lesson. Which was if I'm going to eat something that causes that reaction it better frigging be more delicious than cole slaw. Giggle.

    And yes, constant vigilance.... and for me seems to be a continuing learning curve, but I'm up for the battle. I know my health is worth it, and the challenges now are much better than the challenges of being overweight.

    Bootros - I was hungry in P2 but as I shared with you I was at the extreme end of diet fatigue and had also been starving in P1 before that. Once I got into P3 I was fine again, but it still took a month of gradually increasing calories and carbs before my hunger steadied out all the way.

    yes, Liana - I wish that peri-meno cocktail was a ... hmmm... for me I think Pina Colada, which I never have any more - way too many no nos in that one, my pancreas and liver would probably explode lol.

    Great to read up about all of you, it's keeping my spirits up today.
  • New IP Member and New to this Website

    Hi, I'm Kathryn and my IP advisor recommended I come to this website for support. Her role is merely to weigh me, record it, and that's about it. I know I need more than that or I'm really on my own and will get discouraged without others to help. I need more suggestions and recommendations and atta-girls! I'm in my 5th week of IP and have dropped 11+ lbs and 14.5 lbs of body fat. (I forgot to weigh in, so I'm one week off.)

    I find this website and it's many links to be overwhelming, so I do not know exactly where is the best place for me to start.

    My biggest dilemma is I am doing IP while mostly eating out. I've been bringing my salads to work, and managing to get in 3-4 IP products per day. I have been so busy after work and on the weekends that it's gotten hard to stop and prepare vegetable dishes for the week, or even for the next few days. But.....I am managing even then, to drop weight. I want to continue. I started at 229 and now I'm at 218. My goal will be 145. I can adjust this if need be, but that's the goal at the moment.

    Okay, that's all for the moment. I look forward to learning more from you all.

    Kathryn 6/5/2015
  • Quote: Bootros - I am bigger then you and probably much older and I see your height/weight and I want to tell you that you ARE catching your weight early as you are in a very healthy range. Yes, you've done P1 3x but I think that if you've stayed in a range of 15 pounds even then you are doing very well. This time maybe reduce the "scream weight" to say 5 pounds. I think for me I realize that this is a life style. I joke with my friends that I am on a diet for the rest of my life. And really that is true. I must eat sensibly from now on. I think the change for me is to realize that I can have whatever I want to eat but I have to balance it out for the day or week. I really think about what I am putting in my mouth and try to figure out if it's worth it. (Not that I am a poster child for maintenance either. I am fluctuating too much which I would like to figure out. I did Atkins before my wedding and maintained it for 2 years. So I know that I am never out of the woods. It's a slog but I wish I didn't wait so long to start IP. I had kids and lamely tried weight watchers and south beach but let 10 years go by. My only regret is I didn't do IP sooner)
    Shasta- Thanks for your reply. You are right - it is all about BALANCE. I hope this is my last diet. I know I will phase in and out of the steps, but with my height and age (43)- the weight does not come off that fast. "I must eat sensibly from now on." If I had a tattoo, this is close to what I want it to say and I would have it on the back of my hand. Thanks again. I love this forum.
  • strength and will power needed!!!
    I should not complain...Can I start by saying that? But.... I am on vacation with my mother in her home town at a beach condo. I just got here and the condo is FILLED with every carb you can imagine. Oh, and ALL of my favorites - homemade chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, gummy candy sitting out on a bowl in the main room, croissants, etc. She knows this diet (she has done it before) and knows I am on it. She is just trying to be a fun grandmother to my boys (very active boys who can eat whatever they want). So send me all of your will power through your keyboard. I am going to need it!!!!

    Phase 2 ends on Sunday. Looking forward to Phase 3 breakfast on Monday!

  • Quote: I should not complain...Can I start by saying that? But.... I am on vacation with my mother in her home town at a beach condo. I just got here and the condo is FILLED with every carb you can imagine. Oh, and ALL of my favorites - homemade chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, gummy candy sitting out on a bowl in the main room, croissants, etc. She knows this diet (she has done it before) and knows I am on it. She is just trying to be a fun grandmother to my boys (very active boys who can eat whatever they want). So send me all of your will power through your keyboard. I am going to need it!!!!

    Phase 2 ends on Sunday. Looking forward to Phase 3 breakfast on Monday!

    I am sure you will get lots of good thoughts from everyone either written or non-written here.
    I can offer two quick things:

    1. If there is anything there that is or will truly cause you a problem, I think it is completely fine for you up to ask for it to be removed – either from the house, or certainly from plain sight. I am sure your boys will be able to find it no matter where it is :-)

    2. Allow yourself to have anything that is comforting for you, be it coffee, tea, water or fizzy water with lemon and a dash of salt in a wine glass, whatever treats on P2 And p3 you enjoy – like your restricted bars, proteins and veggies that you love, etc.

    The last time I was on a family beach trip I was on P1- and I had the most incredible coffee every morning, two shots of espresso with my milk, and I had it with my restricted bar out on the porch, and I loved it every morning.
    And Beach walks – lots of beach walks! And swims!
    And I felt so great at the end of it – everyone else gained weight, but I lost.
    You can do this!!!
  • Quote: Bootros-
    I am sure you will get lots of good thoughts from everyone either written or non-written here.
    I can offer two quick things:

    1. If there is anything there that is or will truly cause you a problem, I think it is completely fine for you up to ask for it to be removed – either from the house, or certainly from plain sight. I am sure your boys will be able to find it no matter where it is :-)

    2. Allow yourself to have anything that is comforting for you, be it coffee, tea, water or fizzy water with lemon and a dash of salt in a wine glass, whatever treats on P2 And p3 you enjoy – like your restricted bars, proteins and veggies that you love, etc.

    The last time I was on a family beach trip I was on P1- and I had the most incredible coffee every morning, two shots of espresso with my milk, and I had it with my restricted bar out on the porch, and I loved it every morning.
    And Beach walks – lots of beach walks! And swims!
    And I felt so great at the end of it – everyone else gained weight, but I lost.
    You can do this!!!
    Amber- Your second to the last line is my motivator- "I felt so great at the end of it.."
    Funny- I am enjoying my coffee on the porch overlooking the ocean right now with my laptop.
    Lots of beach walks and I am MOVING that candy (I love candy!!!)

    My coach said no restricted food on phase 2 unless you have to (it's all you've got in a pinch). Is that different than what you all have done?
  • Quote: Greetings,

    Hi, I'm Kathryn and my IP advisor recommended I come to this website for support. Her role is merely to weigh me, record it, and that's about it. I know I need more than that or I'm really on my own and will get discouraged without others to help. I need more suggestions and recommendations and atta-girls! I'm in my 5th week of IP and have dropped 11+ lbs and 14.5 lbs of body fat. (I forgot to weigh in, so I'm one week off.)

    I find this website and it's many links to be overwhelming, so I do not know exactly where is the best place for me to start.

    My biggest dilemma is I am doing IP while mostly eating out. I've been bringing my salads to work, and managing to get in 3-4 IP products per day. I have been so busy after work and on the weekends that it's gotten hard to stop and prepare vegetable dishes for the week, or even for the next few days. But.....I am managing even then, to drop weight. I want to continue. I started at 229 and now I'm at 218. My goal will be 145. I can adjust this if need be, but that's the goal at the moment.

    Okay, that's all for the moment. I look forward to learning more from you all.

    Kathryn 6/5/2015
    Your IP advisor was right to direct you here. There are a lot of extremely knowledgeable folks here to guide you. Most of us know more about the diet having experienced all the phases than the coaches at the centers. I suggest reading through the Daily Chats. There are sticky threads noted in the first post of the Daily Chats that are very informative. Read those too. The Maintainers thread is for those of us who have lost the weight and are in P4. You can certainly hang out here and learn about what goes on in Maintenance, but you will read about and have more in common in the Daily thread as most of the comments there pertain to P1. Read whatever threads interest you. IP requires dedication and planning. If you are eating out a lot, try to make the best P1 choices possible. Personally, I stayed away from eating out for the majority of the time I was on P1. Hidden fats, sugars, and carbs in restaurant foods will hinder your losses. Congrats on your losses so far!

    Bootros: Stay calm and P2! Ah the beach! Love the sand between my toes. Enjoy the time with family and make the vacation about the memories you make, not the food you eat. You will feel so much better when you get back home and you didn't cave. I went on several vacations while in P1/P2 and stayed 100% and was so proud of myself for not giving in. I knew if I could do it while on vacation, there was no reason I couldn't do it at home every day. You can do it too!
  • Quote: My coach said no restricted food on phase 2 unless you have to (it's all you've got in a pinch). Is that different than what you all have done?
    I still did one restricted a day on P2 - I was still exercising though, but my coach didn’t mention it either way. You start P3 though soon, so likely a moot point so to speak…. Have a great trip!
  • I grabbed my book “Refuse to Regain” last night and flipped through it and boy did that help me. Highly recommend if you haven’t read it yet. It just comforts me the amount of real-world research the doctor has done, and the fact that she is a doctor.
    Key points I grabbed this time: Be a warrior, don’t succumb to guilt, you’re doing something hard. The first year or two will be a lot of trial and error - you will gain or lose weight, just keep adjusting. Find a social support group - online or in person (3FC is that for me). Also if you go above your scream weight, do whatever reducing plan you did to lose the weight until you are 2 lbs above your goal, and then go back to your usual eating.
    That made me feel better about being on P1/P2 for a few days. I did P2 yesterday because didn’t want to use a packet at dinner, did 6oz protein instead. Back down overnight 4 lbs. I still was at about 1400 calories (I did an extra packet at night), so I didn’t cause a starvation issue. That was my main concern about P1/P2, because I want to keep my body steady and not “up and down” so I added enough low glycemic calories that I wasn’t hungry/starving the way I’ve felt on other P1 days, and that was good.

    I think my body just doesn’t like something I was eating, I don’t know that it was a calorie issue, because also overnight a ton of the bloating went way. I think in addition to whatever medical and medication/hormone stuff that might be going on, my body had gotten very inflammed, and doing the P2 helped it go down. I feel much better today. I think I might have pushed my body past what it could handle stress wise also in this last month, and possibly I need to reduce fruits a little - I’d been having them up to 3 times a day (breakfast and snack, sometimes 2 snacks) and it might be more than my body wants, esp. when it’s struggling with inflammation. Anyway, trial and error… just keeping figuring it out.
    Looking forward to talking this all through with my doctor and my coach on Monday.

    Hope everyone’s weekend is going great!
  • Welcome Texas Kat, I agree with everything Andrea wrote above.

    This website has been a great resource for me, how incredible that your coach suggested it.

    The Daily chat is really helpful, and if you find it useful you might read through some of the “Starter” chats, like the Winter/Spring 2015 Starters - you are welcome anywhere, even if you didn’t technically start in Spring for example. Whatever threads support you are fine, the titles are just a guideline, but everyone here is very welcoming, there is no exclusivity that I have ever felt.
  • Macro nutrients calculator
    Hello all-

    What do you use to calculate how many macros are in your food?
  • Quote: Hello all-

    What do you use to calculate how many macros are in your food?
    Hi Bootros: A few of us on here use MFP ( but you do have to watch which food description you pick (kinda like Wikipedia, it's added to by users some of whom aren't concerned with macros - only calories - or don't put in the vitamin info from If it seems too good to be true, it probably is, so check on the list for something that seems more accurate. After a little while of tracking it will keep your favorites in a list so you can add them without going to the main food database. You can also track your exercise on it either syncing with your device or manually.

    Hi to everyone!! It's the very end of a HUGELY busy week, so I'll chat more later. Hoping for beach time with a friend sometime in the next couple days. Hahah, ya work in a resort type town on a lake and yet you only go swimming or to the beach a couple times in the year... Story of my life!

  • Quote: Hi Bootros: A few of us on here use MFP ( but you do have to watch which food description you pick (kinda like Wikipedia, it's added to by users some of whom aren't concerned with macros - only calories - or don't put in the vitamin info from If it seems too good to be true, it probably is, so check on the list for something that seems more accurate. After a little while of tracking it will keep your favorites in a list so you can add them without going to the main food database. You can also track your exercise on it either syncing with your device or manually.

    Hi to everyone!! It's the very end of a HUGELY busy week, so I'll chat more later. Hoping for beach time with a friend sometime in the next couple days. Hahah, ya work in a resort type town on a lake and yet you only go swimming or to the beach a couple times in the year... Story of my life!

    Thank you.
  • Hi ladies,

    Sounds like everyone is working hard.

    Amber, hope things are settling down in your body

    Texas kat - good luck with your journey. You'll find lots of info here and the daily thread is a great place to ask questions.

    Bootros - sending you lots of willpower. Just think that no of those things are worth it.

    Hi to everyone.

    It's been a busy week. Kids turned 7 so bday with family and then 15 of their friends to laser tag. Also dance recital weekend - can't wait to go back to work and rest. Got my run in yesterday and a bike ride and the gym today. Planning for P1 on Monday or Tuesday and hope that things settle down. Was at goal weight on Friday